11-07-2018, 09:05 PM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Skorzeny's last or second from last major covert operation in Nazi Germany was with Gen. Hans Kammler - moving top secret Nazi weapons systems and documentation for them south to some underground facilities. After the War Skorzeny kept in contact with Mrs. Kammler. Gen. Hans Kammler was in USA custody [secretly] - the official story was he committed suicide on the last day of the War - but I have US military and other documents that prove otherwise. Interestingly, Kammler's interrogator was FOI/CIA and had [at least] a minor role in the JFK assassination..... and interestingly had some relationship with [among other JFK suspects] Lemnitzer.
Rainer Karlsch ran an interesting piece in 2014 in a German historical journal which was partly used for the 2014 ZDF documentary by Andreas Sulzer. All of that matches in parts with what you said. However ZDF is near History Channel level popcorn fair for German TV but the journal article was not. Sulzer sans Karlsch is apparently in the midst of some type of High Jump high strangeness documentary as a corollary. There was a thread here on the documentary once that brought me out of lurking once. I have tracked down all of Karlsch's documentation and exhibits excluding his items about Donald Richardson which have not checked out at all. Other than a tenuous connection to OSS Society membership. In fact several of them apparently just do not exist in the format and medium Karlsch cited them. I am further more dubious that this specific Richardson is involved with Sulzer in a Highjump film.
Nevermind how this correlates with some of Knaack's interviews and items with the family.
Peter is the FOI-CIA gentleman you mention, Donald W. Richardson, from Karlsch's recent work? If he is do you have any confirmation from documents of his claims? His son has stated he had close connections to Pash through ALSOS, Lemay, Lemnitzer, Eisenhower, Dulles, and more peculiarly a story about Winston Scott. Most of the archival work I have done on him makes it seem rather pedestrian and not what his son John purports him to be. Of course that is exactly what it would look like if those items were red-lined. The items Karlsch cites in the public archives and papers do not appear to be what was shown to him or possibly actually related to another relative inside of Army CIC.