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Best JFK books of the last 2 years?
Nathaniel Richerson Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Skorzeny's last or second from last major covert operation in Nazi Germany was with Gen. Hans Kammler - moving top secret Nazi weapons systems and documentation for them south to some underground facilities. After the War Skorzeny kept in contact with Mrs. Kammler. Gen. Hans Kammler was in USA custody [secretly] - the official story was he committed suicide on the last day of the War - but I have US military and other documents that prove otherwise. Interestingly, Kammler's interrogator was FOI/CIA and had [at least] a minor role in the JFK assassination..... and interestingly had some relationship with [among other JFK suspects] Lemnitzer.

Rainer Karlsch ran an interesting piece in 2014 in a German historical journal which was partly used for the 2014 ZDF documentary by Andreas Sulzer. All of that matches in parts with what you said. However ZDF is near History Channel level popcorn fair for German TV but the journal article was not. Sulzer sans Karlsch is apparently in the midst of some type of High Jump high strangeness documentary as a corollary. There was a thread here on the documentary once that brought me out of lurking once. I have tracked down all of Karlsch's documentation and exhibits excluding his items about Donald Richardson which have not checked out at all. Other than a tenuous connection to OSS Society membership. In fact several of them apparently just do not exist in the format and medium Karlsch cited them. I am further more dubious that this specific Richardson is involved with Sulzer in a Highjump film.

Nevermind how this correlates with some of Knaack's interviews and items with the family.

Peter is the FOI-CIA gentleman you mention, Donald W. Richardson, from Karlsch's recent work? If he is do you have any confirmation from documents of his claims? His son has stated he had close connections to Pash through ALSOS, Lemay, Lemnitzer, Eisenhower, Dulles, and more peculiarly a story about Winston Scott. Most of the archival work I have done on him makes it seem rather pedestrian and not what his son John purports him to be. Of course that is exactly what it would look like if those items were red-lined. The items Karlsch cites in the public archives and papers do not appear to be what was shown to him or possibly actually related to another relative inside of Army CIC.

I'm rather impressed by your knowledge on the subject and some of the people you know about. I invite you to PM me about this subject. I am writing a book on something closely related to 'all this', so am more than somewhat hesitant to post too much of what I know and how I know it. In fact, I know every person you mentioned and probably some you'd like to know about. Let's just say the Deep State has long been very good at hiding identities and details of persons it doesn't want the public to know about or know about truthfully. As I type this I have in another window a real document with false information intentionally input on one of the names you mention [DWR]. To me, that is a red flag that rather than not being important as a casual reading of the document I hint about would lead the average person to believe, this person was VERY important indeed. Of course, one needs to know the background of the person and why such a cover-up might be instigated to come to such a conclusion....but I've been on the trail of things related to what you are talking about for many decades. Let me just say there is a there there, and more there there than not there. Sorry for being so cryptic - I have my reasons. Let me add one other point. I have worked with many covert operatives and seen the official documents one can obtain on them. In all cases I was personally involved with, there were provably false items on the official paperwork that could NOT be chance clerical errors. It is SOP to create some false documentation on covert operatives of a certain type in case nosy researchers of the truth should ever seek them. It is like a crooked accountant keeping two sets of books. The more truthful documents are kept much more securely in 'do not file files' often (or not kept at all). This makes the work discerning the truth much more difficult - but far from impossible.......
......I could say much more on 'all this', but decline to do so here, at this time. This is one of the more deep and sensitive subjects I have come across in my research career. As with other important covert operatives/operations there is both information and disinformation [as well as just bad research] that is floating around [or buried]. I won't have Ganis' book until tomorrow - but whatever he says or fails to say, I know from my independent sources that many Nazis were involved in many US covert operations [including JFK assassination] after the War. This, however, should not come as any great surprise, as we know that much of the Nazi spy apparatus was imported into the CIA and other intelligence entities. Some high-level or special importance person were 'imported' more individually. The Soviets and other nations all tried on their own to get such persons and groupings. The way the Second World War really ended [not the way history books have it] with all the secret deals and technology/personnel transfers really set the stage for the Cold War to come. The Cold War was IMO a continuation of WWII in many ways - as is the current War of Terror and move to neo-fascism in the USA today.
Sometimes I have to ponder who really won and who really lost the War......but I digress.
Anyway, your knowledge of this subject area is far and away more advanced than 99.9999% of persons - and I'm curious how you got to this interest and knowledge. While I find some of your scepticism on target, some of it, according to my research is not warranted. Sadly, not the best researchers have been on the forefront of that parts of this has so far come out publicly. There is much more to tell and it will soon be told. This all involves very closely held secrets and things that have been suppressed for a long long time....and are still being actively suppressed. This gets into the cargo of the U-234, the true secrets of the Manhattan Project, the Nazi nuclear and rocket programs [only parts of which have come out - and some of what has come out has been officially debunked even though it is really true]...etc. et al. I stop here or I'll tell more than I feel comfortable. Has anyone here heard about the secret US Military raid on friendly Czechoslovakia six months after the end of WWII? They said they were looking for the remains of a downed pilot, but they really were looking for buried Nazi documents of a VERY important nature...and they found parts of them and moved them to W. Berlin unbeknownst to their Czechoslovak friends. Most of history has been done in secret and only the chaff is told to the Public. I also know about the largest underground Nazi facility - which I have been to, and has NOT YET been made public - let alone what was done inside there, nor what the USA and Soviets knew about it after the War. OK...time to stop. All of these seemingly unrelated things are intimately related, and sadly related in strange ways to the JFK assassination and much of history post WWII too. We, generally, have been lied to - on purpose - to control us and to allow those in real power to continue their agendas in secret.
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Messages In This Thread
Best JFK books of the last 2 years? - by Peter Lemkin - 12-07-2018, 05:27 AM

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