08-11-2018, 05:34 PM
The radio logs often provide an antidote to the lies & distortions countenanced by WC, no more striking an example than Hill's baldfaced lying to Belin about his statement, "The shells at the scene indicate that the suspect is armed with an automatic 38, rather than a pistol."
Mr. BELIN. Now, also turning to Sawyer Deposition Exhibit A, I notice that there is another call on car No. 550-2. Was that you at that time, or not, at 1:40 p.m.?
Would that have been someone else?
Mr. HILL. That probably is R. D. Stringer.
Mr. BELIN. That is not you, then, even though it has a number 550-2?
Mr. HILL. Yes; because Stringer quite probably would have been using the same call number, because it is more his than it was mine, really, but I didn't have an assigned call number, so I was using a number I didn't think anybody would be using, which is call 550-2, instead of the Westbrook to Batchelor as it indicates here.
Hill's radio log statement occurred after Summers reported a lengthy description of the "get-away man," culminating with "and was apparently armed with a .32, dark-finish, automatic pistol which he had in his right hand." Hill was aware of the caliber error and, after waiting out a series of messages about the fizzled library lead, weighed in with the correction. The second part of the correction concerning the "pistol" makes no sense, but this was not the reason he refused to acknowledge his statement. No amount of equivocation could undo the harm inflicted by the lethal "automatic 38," anathema to the WR script.
Hill avoided the trap by attributing the statement to someone else, duping the willingly gullible Belin who succumbed immediately to the deception, consigning the "automatic 38" to lethe and collective amnesia.
Mr. BELIN. Now, also turning to Sawyer Deposition Exhibit A, I notice that there is another call on car No. 550-2. Was that you at that time, or not, at 1:40 p.m.?
Would that have been someone else?
Mr. HILL. That probably is R. D. Stringer.
Mr. BELIN. That is not you, then, even though it has a number 550-2?
Mr. HILL. Yes; because Stringer quite probably would have been using the same call number, because it is more his than it was mine, really, but I didn't have an assigned call number, so I was using a number I didn't think anybody would be using, which is call 550-2, instead of the Westbrook to Batchelor as it indicates here.
Hill's radio log statement occurred after Summers reported a lengthy description of the "get-away man," culminating with "and was apparently armed with a .32, dark-finish, automatic pistol which he had in his right hand." Hill was aware of the caliber error and, after waiting out a series of messages about the fizzled library lead, weighed in with the correction. The second part of the correction concerning the "pistol" makes no sense, but this was not the reason he refused to acknowledge his statement. No amount of equivocation could undo the harm inflicted by the lethal "automatic 38," anathema to the WR script.
Hill avoided the trap by attributing the statement to someone else, duping the willingly gullible Belin who succumbed immediately to the deception, consigning the "automatic 38" to lethe and collective amnesia.