03-05-2019, 07:28 PM
So far no luck in finding FBI reports relative to statements made by either Vaganov or Benavides on 11/22/63, although both were interrogated. T.F. White is another matter. SA Brown filed several reports regarding his investigation in which he contrived to interview everyone except Carl Amos Mather, who owned the car with license plate PP4537 and worked at a firm linked to the CIA. Documents relative to the conversion from blue Plymouth to red Falcon can be found in Armstrong's repository at Baylor:
William Kelly sums up matters well:
Benavides was also a mechanic and certainly would have known the difference between Vaganov's Thunderbird and Tatum's Galaxie. At this point I'm holding in abeyance the speculative question of what he was up to with the connivance (or at the behest) of the FBI, pausing to finish off his eyewitness credentials.
DPD's arraignment papers of Oswald for Tippit's murder omit Benavides although Markham, Callaway, Scoggins, Guinyard & Bowley made the cut (pp.118-119):
The papers may not have been the most carefully prepared documents (misspelling Callaway as Calloway on p.118 and placing Tippit's murder scene at "400 Blk. W. 10th" under "LOCATION OF EVENTS RELATED TO PRESIDENT'S ASSASSINATION" on p.158) but what would have occasioned the absence of the witness often proclaimed the nearest to the murder when it occurred?
Another document at Hood, sent by the FBI to Rankin dated 3/26/64, also furnishes a list of witnesses to Tippit's murder (Scoggins, Markham, Callaway, Davis & Davis), likewise omitting Benavides whom it had interviewed the day of the murder.
http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/FBI%20Rec...%2055B.pdf p.12
One week later (4/2/64) Benavides presented himself to WC as an eyewitness, and a star was born.
William Kelly sums up matters well:
Instead of going out to Collins Radio to interview Mather however, the FBI went first to Mr. White, who Wes Wise had promised wouldn't be involved. They took additional statements from him, changing his story for the official reports and changed the two-tone Plymouth to a red Ford Falcon. Certainly a mechanic would know the difference between a Plymouth and a Ford.
Benavides was also a mechanic and certainly would have known the difference between Vaganov's Thunderbird and Tatum's Galaxie. At this point I'm holding in abeyance the speculative question of what he was up to with the connivance (or at the behest) of the FBI, pausing to finish off his eyewitness credentials.
DPD's arraignment papers of Oswald for Tippit's murder omit Benavides although Markham, Callaway, Scoggins, Guinyard & Bowley made the cut (pp.118-119):
The papers may not have been the most carefully prepared documents (misspelling Callaway as Calloway on p.118 and placing Tippit's murder scene at "400 Blk. W. 10th" under "LOCATION OF EVENTS RELATED TO PRESIDENT'S ASSASSINATION" on p.158) but what would have occasioned the absence of the witness often proclaimed the nearest to the murder when it occurred?
Another document at Hood, sent by the FBI to Rankin dated 3/26/64, also furnishes a list of witnesses to Tippit's murder (Scoggins, Markham, Callaway, Davis & Davis), likewise omitting Benavides whom it had interviewed the day of the murder.
http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/FBI%20Rec...%2055B.pdf p.12
One week later (4/2/64) Benavides presented himself to WC as an eyewitness, and a star was born.