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The Lunch Room Encounter
In the past decade Greg Parker-associated researchers have succeeded in advancing the idea that the Lunch Room Encounter never happened and was designed to lead the public away from Oswald being on the front steps during the shooting...I was surprised to see well-known conspiracy authors and sources promote this claim and do so on the basis of the Parker/Kamp evidence...

In 2018 I interviewed Sarah Stanton's grand daughter Wanda in order to get information on Sarah that would help prove the Prayer Man evidence...It was during the preliminary phone call to that interview that Wanda told me the unexpected bonus that Sarah heard Oswald say he wasn't going out to watch the motorcade but intended to go back in to the "Break Room" instead...Sarah had encountered Oswald hiding out on the 2nd Floor staircase landing on her way out to watch the motorcade...Wanda told me Sarah thought Oswald was a loner who was going to miss the president so she asked him if he wanted to go downstairs with her to go watch the motorcade...In that preliminary phone call Wanda said "The way I remember it was Oswald said he was not going out to watch the motorcade but intended to go back in to the 'Break Room' instead"...That "Break Room" was obviously the 2nd Floor Lunch Room adjacent to the staircase landing where Carolyn Arnold would see Oswald alone eating his lunch moments later...This evidence is huge and finally corroborates Carolyn Arnold...What was the research community's reaction to it?...They ignored it...Only Richard Gilbride gave it mention in his book 'JFK Inside Job' and Vince Palamara also gave it a full page in his latest 'JFK Honest Answers'...But that was it and it is like I never even made the discovery with the main Greg Parker-befriending researchers who dominate the JFK internet...The most important evidence discovery in 45 years went ignored...

The conclusions from here are easy...For those who have researched the assassination deeply it is quite apparent that Oswald was assigned the 2nd Floor Lunch Room to keep him from being seen on the 1st Floor where he would have been arrested, or would have been exonerated from being on the 6th Floor shooting Kennedy...Oswald was also being kept from the 6th Floor where he might realize what was going on and try to stop it...It is quite clear by now, and especially with this important new discovery, that Oswald was ordered to be in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room where he would be out of the way in order to be framed...There were 3 wild cards, however, that the plotters didn't plan on...The first was Sarah Stanton who heard Oswald say he intended to go back in to the 2nd Floor Lunch Room...The second was Carolyn Arnold, whose pregnancy caused her to unexpectedly poke in to the 2nd Floor Lunch Room at 12:25, and the third was Marrion Baker whose seeing pigeons fly off the roof of the Depository caused him to get in there fast...As far as the Lunch Room Encounter Baker is the one who counts the most...

The reason why Roy Truly tracked and followed Baker in to the Depository is because he knew he had to control any authorities who might intrude on the set-up...Truly wasn't guiding Baker as much as controlling him so his taking Baker to the NW elevators was more of a run around than anything else...The fates had conspired to foil the plan of concealing Oswald in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room and done so poetically and by pure chance...

As it turns out, the carnage witnessed by Victoria Adams and Sandra Styles caused the girls to get an adrenaline rush that made them bolt from the windows and down the stairs...Mrs Garner said the girls were already gone by the time she turned to talk to them...The commotion the girls made as they bolted down the stairs caused Oswald to get up from the seat Carolyn Arnold saw him in and walk over to the Lunch Room vestibule window and look out at the staircase to see who else might be running down the stairs...Oswald was assigned to the 2nd Floor Lunch Room so he went as far as the vestibule window where he would not break his orders...And it was in that same vestibule door window that Oswald was standing when he unexpectedly saw a cop arrive on the staircase landing...Not expecting the worst witness he could have feared in the form of a cop, Oswald flinched back from the vestibule window and retreated in to the Lunch Room...Baker saw that guilty flinching and his cop instincts immediately pursued Oswald in to the Lunch Room...

If you are a skilled researcher you'll notice that Baker was very fuzzy in his Commission testimony when he described exactly how he detected Oswald in that door window:

    Mr. BAKER. As I came out to the second floor (there, Mr. Truly was ahead of me, and as I come out I was kind of scanning, you know, the rooms, and I caught a glimpse of this man walking away from this-1 happened to see him through this window in this door. I don’t know how come I saw him, but I had a glimpse of him coming down there. Mr. DULLES. Where was he coming from, do you know? Mr. BAKEB. No, sir. All I seen of him was a glimpse of him go away from me. Mr. BELIN. What did you do then? Mr. BAKER. I ran on over there...

Baker is lying here...That's why he's having trouble forming the words...He knows damned-well that he saw Oswald slack-jawed, flat-footed, and stationary in that vestibule window staring back at him and when Oswald saw a cop he flinched back and went in to the Lunch Room...Baker knows he can't say it directly because if Oswald was standing there looking out at the staircase that means he didn't just run down from the 6th Floor...Baker was a wild card they didn't expect and he witnessed something that was damning to the conspiracy...Truly's attempt to lead Baker past Oswald and up the stairs didn't work...Truly would never be able to admit he saw Oswald in that window when he ran by just ahead of Baker...Baker and Truly also saw Oswald's lunch on the table - which evidenced the fact he had been in there the whole time eating lunch just like he told Stanton...In his recent book Buell Frazier admitted that a fellow employee told him a partly-eaten cheese sandwich and apple were seen on that table after the assassination...The un-named employee who told him that was probably Truly...There's no way Baker & Truly missed that lunch on the table...All this confirms the scenario above and reinforces it with a causal dimension...Carolyn Arnold said Oswald was eating his lunch...Oswald heard Adams & Styles clatter by and got up to go watch the staircase...It's the only way it can be according to the evidence...It also explains why Mrs Garner never saw or heard Oswald running past her on the 4th Floor staircase landing...Oswald was in the Lunch Room from when Carolyn Arnold saw him to when Truly & Baker saw him in that same place 6 minutes later...

Further reinforcing this is the fact FBI lied, like they did with Carolyn Arnold, and had Stanton saying she never saw Oswald that day...Wanda told me that Sarah kept repeating the story of seeing Oswald outside the 2nd Floor Lunch Room to relatives at family gatherings...No doubt Sarah was perplexed that her story never appeared anywhere...If you are an advanced researcher you'll understand that this now puts new light on Mrs Reid who was most-likely an Intel operative whose assignment was to clear the 2nd Floor Lunch Room for Oswald by ginning-up the ladies with progress reports of the motorcade...Oswald was aware of this which is why he was hiding-out on the staircase landing where Stanton unexpectedly encountered him...A true coordinated CIA black operation comes in to focus and starts to gel...    

In any case it is time the conspiracy research community tighten up its act and stop making itself receptive to Greg Parker's disinformation...A decade of wild goose-chasing fanciful theories for clicks has done enough damage for one lifetime...These puzzle pieces are seriously valid and advance the best evidence to a plausible putting of the final puzzle together...Like Gilbride said, it is time to stop basing research on social media friendships and recognize the best and brightest...Anything less is demeaning to the cause...

Messages In This Thread
The Lunch Room Encounter - by Brian Doyle - 25-03-2023, 09:47 PM
The Lunch Room Encounter - by Brian Doyle - 26-03-2023, 06:34 PM
The Lunch Room Encounter - by Brian Doyle - 01-04-2023, 09:40 PM

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