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It is kind of important to cite me...Here is why:

Greg Doudna has pulled a creepy move and stolen my work and posted it on the Education Forum...And to add insult to injury he has done so under the cowardly logic that it is "fair use" while giving copyright rights for my interview and discovery to Gilbride because he published it in his book...So not only has Doudna robbed me but he has also assigned the rights for my discovery to someone else...To further the insult he then misquotes my research out of context and tries to make the case that my discovery proves Prayer Man was Oswald...

Sandy Larsen was the leader of an Education Forum action against David Von Pein when David was taking quotes from Education Forum posts and posting them on his website...Larsen spoke in haughty righteous moral terms that Von Pein had violated what Larsen thought were high moral principles and therefore deserved sequestration...Larsen led the charge against Von Pein on the Education Forum and the servile James Gordon followed-through by banning Von Pein...However when Doudna turns around and does the same thing - and therefore violates the exact same principles the crooks on the Education Forum pretended to take moral exception to - against me it is OK and I can be similarly raped and pillaged no problem with no protest...It is OK to strip the coins and jewels from my pockets before sending me to the gas chamber and say you are doing it under "fair use"...Never mind that I cannot defend the bastardization and deliberate misinterpretation of my own work that Doudna now assigns credit to someone else for...You have to remember - those Education Forum people  operate by high principles...

In a mish mash of evidence revision, misquotes, and evidence wishing Doudna contorts the real meaning of my interview in to support of the Prayer Man theory...This is beyond the pale and an insult to the intelligence of any self-respecting intelligent researcher...James Gordon has made sure this insanity is protected under his estimation of how the site should conduct itself and the site members make no protest to this assault on the forum's integrity...After using false rules violation accusations to remove me from the site the site then gives me no opportunity to contest this outright public molesting of my work...Even though the forum banned Von Pein for doing much less, and did so under sanctimonious protest, I am not given the "fair use" opportunity to defend my own very important discovery as it is raped in front of me with Gordon's full approval...You see under Gordon the definition of "fair use" means that people are allowed to steal my work, misattribute its rights to someone else, and then twist its meaning to the exact opposite of what it really discovered, all while the moderation and management stands by silent...And those idiots are saying I failed THEIR standards...

Doudna achieves this by several outright strategic lies - which is typical of the Prayer Man gang...Carolyn Arnold did not say the things Doudna dishonestly inserts...Arnold said one thing and one thing only...She said that she told FBI 12:25 in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room and FBI changed it to 12:15 in the Lobby...The second strategic lie Doudna asserts is having Stanton encounter Oswald by the front stairs...Stanton did not encounter Oswald by the front stairs...Stanton saw Oswald through the same Vestibule window Baker did when she was leaving the 2nd Floor Lunch Room...Doudna forgets to include the part of my research where Reid giving progress reports for the motorcade's progress to the ladies in the Lunch Room was part of a CIA operation to hide Oswald in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room...Doudna dishonestly ignores that Oswald was obviously hiding on the NW 2nd Floor staircase landing waiting for Mrs Reid to clear the ladies out...Doudna also dishonestly ignores Stanton hearing Oswald say he intended to go back in to the "Break Room"...That important witnessing wasn't in the interview Doudna quoted and Gilbride didn't quite fully translate...I am the source of that interview and I am being criminally denied access to my own work...Wanda told me that Sarah heard Oswald say he was not going down to watch the motorcade but was going back in to the "Break Room" instead...Doudna is aware of that but he deliberately omits it by quoting Gilbride in order to take advantage of Gilbride falling short of everything I discovered...Doudna also fails to convey that FBI lied and erased Stanton's witnessing like it did with many other dangerous witnesses...So, the Education Forum is allowing Doudna to violate everything it cited when it punished Von Pein...The forum is intentionally allowing the worst of the moral violations it protested against with Von Pein when it allows my very important discovery to be intentionally misconstrued by Doudna...That "Break Room" was very obviously the 2nd Floor Lunch Room and it solves the Conspiracy in the Depository...The Education Forum has allowed Doudna to disfigure and pervert my research by changing it in to that abominable Prayer Man crap...It is literally enforcing a Cinque standard over the solving of the case all so it can serve that fool Gordon...That son of a bitch DiEugenio could bail me out and correct this with some simple support but Jim is a dark bastard who operates by destroying all competition...It is the same compulsion that has resulted in his obese body...He just can't turn it off...The research community is a gang of dirty crooks...

The research community will damn its soul with this and never recover its credibility...

Messages In This Thread
A CLEVER SOPHIST LIE - by Richard Gilbride - 27-09-2023, 09:49 PM
A CLEVER SOPHIST LIE - by Brian Doyle - 28-09-2023, 06:40 PM
RE: A CLEVER SOPHIST LIE - by Richard Gilbride - 29-09-2023, 12:05 AM
A CLEVER SOPHIST LIE - by Brian Doyle - 29-09-2023, 03:17 PM

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