29-12-2009, 04:38 PM
I am so pleased to learn of your early acknowledgment of the dangers of self-misidentification by those of us who know the truth of how JFK was murdered.
Independently and without previous awareness of your efforts, I published an essay, "In the Blossom of Our Sins," in The Fourth Decade, Volume 4, Number 4, May 1997, pp. 3–8.
A pertinent excerpt:
"I am pleading for our reconsideration of the collective self, and for our unanimous adoption of a more contextually valid and at the same time emotion-driven self-image.
"Who are we?
"We are the Lakota—of AIM. We are the Jews—of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. We are the Viet Cong—of Tet."
Earlier, in a lengthy letter published by Jerry Rose in The Third Decade (in response to a piece by Howard Platzman; I'll try to find a copy), I made the same point by directly rejecting the "critic" label insofar as it simultaneously diminished our roles and implied that the WCR is an honest if flawed work deserving of respectful criticism.
I am so pleased to learn of your early acknowledgment of the dangers of self-misidentification by those of us who know the truth of how JFK was murdered.
Independently and without previous awareness of your efforts, I published an essay, "In the Blossom of Our Sins," in The Fourth Decade, Volume 4, Number 4, May 1997, pp. 3–8.
A pertinent excerpt:
"I am pleading for our reconsideration of the collective self, and for our unanimous adoption of a more contextually valid and at the same time emotion-driven self-image.
"Who are we?
"We are the Lakota—of AIM. We are the Jews—of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. We are the Viet Cong—of Tet."
Earlier, in a lengthy letter published by Jerry Rose in The Third Decade (in response to a piece by Howard Platzman; I'll try to find a copy), I made the same point by directly rejecting the "critic" label insofar as it simultaneously diminished our roles and implied that the WCR is an honest if flawed work deserving of respectful criticism.