05-03-2010, 06:06 PM
Quote:So you are telling me (by indirection) that you do not believe that Lyndon, J. Edgar, Nixon, and the others, including the Joint Chiefs, were involved?Not at all. I’m asking how your source can be so certain when he states that “We also KNOW that the JCS ordered the termination of JFK with extreme prejudice and a "signed finding" (by the will of Hoover, LBJ, Nixon, Bush1, Dulles, etc.) and this was likely detailed to the CIA…”
I think we can very reasonably speculate that the JCS might have ordered the termination, but that’s it. And while I’m sure that Lyndon, J. Edgar, Nixon and others were delighted to see their President executed in public, and that the first two played important roles in the cover-up, your source – if I’m reading it correctly – places them in the planning committee, no? Which makes for quite a star-studded conspiracy, I guess. It seems to contradict what I understand about compartmentalization, plausible denial, and “need to know”, but I’m open to seeing more evidence.
That said, I’ll admit to being only vaguely aware of the Murchison meeting you mention. Again, sounds awfully convenient to me, a bit like Hunt’s death bed confession, which I take to be the final act of a pathological liar and lifetime Company man, and therefore basically worthless.
Since you mention the Douglass book, a quick scan brings up nothing on this meeting. Not that JFK and the Unspeakable should be the final word on anything, but I thought one of its great strengths was its discernment. You know how vulnerable the research community is. Sloppy assertions of certainty are feasted upon by your critics.
Quote:I never ceases to amaze me how many students of JFK don't have a clue about some of its most basic elements. Do you know the X-rays were altered, another brain was substituted, and the Zapruder film was recreated? Have you ever studied any of my books about his death? Have you picked up Doug Horne's five books? I'm just the least bit curious about where you are coming from.Yes, I’m persuaded that X-rays were altered and the brain was substituted. The Z-film recreation? Not so much, but I don’t dismiss the possibility and I look forward to reading the Horne books. One day, that is. I’m barely a “student of JFK”, Dr. Fetzer – just an interested reader!
By the way, and with respect, I strongly disagree with you and your source's opinion on 'chemtrails'. I would expect an expert on psy-ops to make a better call on that one, since the whole sorry business of 'chemtrails' is either that - a psy-op - or a particularly successful internet troll-hole.