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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile
In another earlier thread,, Judyth has replied to McAdams.

Judyth Baker
Sep 27 2004, 06:43 AM
Post #1

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Part 1: John McAdams and Judyth Vary Baker

This posting is a correction of the John McAdams’ web page on Judyth Vary Baker (September, 2004).

If Judyth Vary Baker is telling the truth, it will change the way we think about the Kennedy assassination. (John McAdams)

He immediately places doubt in the mind of the reader. Nice start.

Judyth offers an account that integrates much that has been written about the assassination into a more or less coherent whole and puts myriad facts about the assassination in an entirely new light. She has recently been in the Netherlands, getting some attention in the Dutch media, and has opened a museum dedicated to telling her story. (John McAdams)

The subtle little word twists begin. Here, McAdams calls my account "a more or less coherent whole..." which again places the account into a state of doubt.

The Museum was called the Lee Harvey Oswald Museum and was dedicated to telling Lee Harvey Oswald´s story, as every visitor quickly realized. Yes, there was a section on me, and a museum case full of materials that Lee and I had used and owned together. But 75% of the museum space was dedicated to Lee Harvey Oswald.

She was the subject of "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" which aired in November, 2003 on the History Channel. (John McAdams)

Nigel Turner produced a nine-segment series over a period of years called "The Men Who Killed Kennedy." TMWKK segments have been aired on The History Channel for over a decade. Segment Eight, newly released on the 40th anniversary of the assassination in November, 2003, focused on the love affair between me and Lee Harvey Oswald, with much new information released about Lee Oswald´s activities between April, 1963 and his murder on November 24, 1963. The documentary was suppressed soon after outcries from friends of the Lyndon B. Johnson family protested the contents of Segment Nine, "The Guilty Men." All three new TMWKK segments were pulled from the expected nine/year airing schedule. The History Channel announced that it sold the rights to unknown parties. A panel said Segment Nine was a disgrace to the memory of LBJ. Many believed the panel´s many errors reflected its hasty kangaroo court mentality. The censorship was unprecedented in US documentary film history. Thousand of copies of these films were destroyed and many thousands who tried to purchase the three segments got their money back. Since the History Channel even shows documentaries about Bigfoot, Nessie, and UFO´s, one wonders why "The Love Affair" was also included, since it was never mentioned by the panel. The History Channel made a public apology to the LBJ family for the contents of "The Guilty Men." In fact, there is a great deal of circumstantial evidence as well as witnesses who testified that LBJ knew Kennedy was going to die in Dallas. Many people have decided that the film actually hit too close to home.

Her supporters have promised a book. (John McAdams)

Another subtle twist. I, myself, have written two books. The first attempt to publish was a failure due to the mishandling of the literary agent and possibly due to threats of lawsuits which Mr. David Lifton promised to deliver to all the big publishers at that time. There was also a small, original series of writings which were originally going to be willed to my son upon my death. Originally, I was not going to speak out at all. Many times, I have regretted doing so, because of the harassment that followed. That is why I am currently living overseas, where, in fact, I have experienced no real harassment from anybody, and where my testimony has been well received. There WILL be a book published, if a fearless publisher can be found.

She may turn into someone important on the JFK assassination scene. But is she to be believed?

Key sources on the “Judyth” story include:

– an essay sarcastically titled “My Boring Life,” a response to David Lifton’s claim that Judyth has fabricated her story to add some interest to a her boring life.

– a biographical blurb written to her high school classmates and posted on the web page of Manatee High School. There were two versions of the blurb posted, one a bit “sanitized” after it apparently occurred to Judyth that her original version contained some things that are hard to swallow. Space constraints have forced her blurb off the current version of the high school alumni page.

– an outline, titled “Deadly Alliance,” sent to publishers and researchers. Carefully formatted and polished, this is the “official” version of her story – at least it was when it was written. In this essay, “the Judyth account” or “Judyth’s account” refers to “Deadly Alliance.”

– a draft of the final chapter of her book, titled “Before the Silence Came: Lee’s Last Telephone Calls.”

– a rambling version of her story and a response to critics written in November 2003.

– Yet another web page from Judyth, including several photos, and samples of Judyth’s artwork. (John McAdams)

McAdams would have the reader believe these are key sources of my story. They are not. I will address the problems in the selection McAdams decided to use. ACTUAL Key sources include:

(1) information on The Education Forum that is presented by those who actually know me and defend me (or, the information is straight from my mouth personally).

(2) The documentary "The Love Affair" which was recorded by thousands of American viewers (The Dallas Public Library also has a copy) The documentary, minus commercials, is 44 minutes long (3) An interview made May 13, 2004 by Black Op Radio, which is archived and available to all (it is an hour and a half long)

(4) Original emails (not stolen ones) and materials sent to trusted researchers which are being overseen by two long time investigators into my history (and sometimes they are still pretty rough with me, but I appreciate that!), namely, Martin Shackelford and Dr. Howard Platzman. There are other individuals who at this date have obtained significant portions of my testimony and have not, to my knowledge, altered it or misquoted it. Others pretended friendship, obtained materials, and have quoted out of context or even changed certain words. For example, I never wrote the phrase `fine hotel in Cancun. ´Never! But it is constantly quoted by the man who fabricated that phrase (Dave Reitzes). I sent Reitzes confidential material. he published all of it, even though some of it exposed information about my witnesses which I had promised to keep out of the public eye.

But to the key sources, so-called, cited by McAdams.

- an essay sarcastically titled "My Boring Life," a response to David Lifton's claim that Judyth has fabricated her story to add some interest to a her boring life.

Mr. Lifton spoke to me in a single telephone conversation lasting about an hour and a half. He illegally taped that conversation. He soon broke his promise to keep our conversation confidential, perhaps because the biography of Lee Oswald he had been working on for over ten years was hopelessly inaccurate, since he missed our love affair altogether, even though I have witnesses and considerable supporting evidence (much is circumstantial evidence, but it´s good, nevertheless, because I have so much of it). Lifton seems to have decided to discredit me rather than go to the trouble of rewriting his book. Debra Conway helped him write a portion of this book and admits to the friendship and influence of David Lifton. Conway shared materials with Lifton that she promised to keep confidential "to the grave." Lifton, knowing nothing about my actually interesting and exciting life, proposed that I made up everything because I was simply a bored housewife with nothing else to do who decided to insert herself into history. As if I saved all the evidence I have all these years all by accident! I put out a list of the many interesting experiences I’ve had in life, from raising five brilliant children who all got their degrees on full scholarships (I raised four of them as a single parent), to my backpacking in just a week across Israel (with help of donkey, camel, and soldiers). I sell my paintings internationally, was a newspaper reporter, have explored Indian mounds and Viking graves (I have a degree in anthropology), and was a counsellor for battered women and the homeless. My original intention was to become a doctor, and I was also doing cancer research while still in my teens that gained national attention. A psychiatrist who heard the story of my life did not believe me! I had the evidence at hand, but he declined to look at any of it and thought I made a lot of it up. I did not. From my work helping to invent new uses for limolene (orange oil) products, to having studied Egyptian hieroglyphs, to having my name on a monument for civic service, to having known and loved Lee Harvey Oswald, it’s all true. Boring life? No way. A KEY source of information about me? I suppose, though it was just a post in response to the silly idea that my life was boring so I made up the love affair Lee and I had.

- a biographical blurb written to her high school classmates and posted on the web page of Manatee High School.

McAdams doesn´t call this "Key Source" anything but ´blurb’, so why does he list it at all? It was originally sent to my classmates because nobody but they ever looked at the high school site. I changed the information several times to update it, and because space there was limited, some things were also taken out to make room for updates. McAdams called this "changing the story." It was only meant for my friends. I have a newspaper article from 1961 showing that 50 high school friends planned and hosted a welcome home party for me just before I left for college. I had avoided reunions and wanted my friends to learn why ( I did not want my name to become public because of my love affair with Lee, and I knew if I went to a reunion, I might tell somebody about Lee, so I stayed away... I contacted my high school friends when I knew that Sixty Minutes might film me. Later, Nigel Turner filmed me instead, so I updated the entry. Etc.

There were two versions of the blurb posted, one a bit "sanitized" after it apparently occurred to Judyth that her original version contained some things that are hard to swallow. Space constraints have forced her blurb off the current version of the high school alumni page.

McAdams uses the word ´blurb’ to downgrade to the reader what I wrote. As I already said, because of space constraints, when I added new material, I deleted some of the old. McAdams, even as he mentions space constraints, accuses me of sanitizing what I wrote. A person without prejudice will see that nothing of major importance was removed from the ´blurb’. McAdams also errs in believing that two versions only were posted. There were actually four updates. He only shows the last update. By then, some original material was excluded to make room for new material.

- an outline, titled "Deadly Alliance," sent to publishers and researchers.

Only a few publishers ever saw the outline. And they NEVER saw the outline at this stage (half finished, mostly written by Dr. Platzman). McAdams somehow got a copy of this material intended for only a few, and at a stage where a few researchers were asked to look at it for ideas on how to better handle the information. In fact, although the format looked nice, coming from a Microsoft Word program, the outline was a work in progress. It had some glaring errors, but there were large parts that were very nice, indeed. This preliminary outline version is a shrimp compared to the final 34 page version when the outline was finished. This does not stop McAdams from calling this ´polished...´ Hmmmm! It seems that the high school stuff was mere ´blurb’ but this.... which was itself undergoing development, is called ´polished.´ WHO told McAdams this was a finished product? Nobody!

Carefully formatted and polished, this is the "official" version of her story - at least it was when it was written. In this essay, "the Judyth account" or "Judyth's account" refers to "Deadly Alliance."

But folks, "Deadly Alliance" was an attempt to put my original book as edited and fluffed out by an unscrupulous agent who did so much editing he tried to call himself a co-author, with additions and organization by Dr. Howard Platzman, based on extensive emails he had received. Needless to say, Deadly Alliance was a work in progress. In fact, there were a number of errors and attempts to integrate the story, coming from too many different points of view. All of this was because I wished to avoid writing about certain things and had sought the help of Dr. Platzman as a ´with author’, and of my agent, to add any footnotes or comments. Platzman did a good job, but he described me and Lee in ways that were just not ‘us’. As for the literary agent, he put in actual nonsense and in some cases, some inaccurate phrases and ideas, mostly because he knew almost nothing about the JFK assassination.

The manuscript excerpts from which McAdams quotes, then, are from an unfinished work that was eventually discarded because there were too many errors and difficulties in reconciling what I knew with what got written. It was very painful and difficult to read the manuscript. I put it off for a long time. Finally, upon reading the version that went around, I realized that it would never be the book I had hoped for. I therefore went back to the original book and the written materials I’d compiled for my son in 1998, and from these, with some additions from the Deadly Alliance book, I did finish a book which was more accurate as to how Lee spoke and what we did. Many years had passed, and I had not any idea of what was important and what was not to write about. I do have a much better idea now. I saved a great deal of evidence, however, to back up everything I’ve written. Also, I would like to add that only minor details have sometimes been changed. For example, I NEVER said I would meet Lee at Cancun and we would stay in a fine hotel. Part of a dialogue I wrote got ´enhanced’ to identify ´Cancun’. For that error and many others, and for just plain greediness, I fired my literary agent. Later, I had to ask Dr. Platzman’s forgiveness, but after removing what the literary agent put on, the book was in shreds and a lot of Dr. Platzman’s materials had incorporated some of the fluff added by the agent. Another problem was trying to get the chronology correct. After all, many years had passed.

For all these reasons, it should be clear that Deadly Alliance was not a finished product at any time. I might work down a page and not even get to the end, but send it off to Howard to see if he liked what I had fixed so far... what McAdams got his hands on he calls a finished product. It never was!

- a draft of the final chapter of her book, titled "Before the Silence Came: Lee's Last Telephone Calls."

It certainly was a draft, but elsewhere, McAdams quotes portions of it as if the final chapter had been set in carved stone!

- a rambling version of her story and a response to critics written in November 2003.

How nice of McAdams to once again inject into his discourse another negative connotation so that the reader will have a low opinion of whatever I write!

- Yet another web page from Judyth, including several photos, and samples of Judyth's artwork.

And McAdams took one of those photos without permission, a copyrighted photo, and published it on this attack website! It belongs to me, it is going to be in the book, but he appropriated it anyway. I have asked him twice to remove it from his website. He refuses to do so. What an ethical guy.


Messages In This Thread
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 01-03-2010, 01:30 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 12:18 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 06:19 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by James H. Fetzer - 08-03-2010, 08:37 PM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 22-03-2010, 08:53 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Dixie Dea - 24-03-2010, 11:09 PM

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