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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile
And another nice post from Judyth herself on the same thread correcting the claims made by David Reitzes

Judyth Baker
Oct 9 2004, 06:39 PM
Post #12

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Dave Reitzes has made statements which he believes points out inconsistencies in my testimony and narrative. I have made replies to these statements. Some are repeated over and over again because of the repetitive nature of Reitzes presentation of inconsistencies? -most of which will be seen to be nonsense.

If anyone thinks, after reading my replies, that Mr. Reitzes might have done well to have done a bit of research before posing these fugues of questions, I wholeheartedly agree, since most of his inconsistencies are based on a lack of research and insight rather than on any truly meaningful deviations from consistency, as will be shown, in ample detail, below.

Hopefully, this will be the final word concerning taking anything Mr. Reitzes writes seriously.

Judyth Vary Baker, written from Europe, October, 2004



Judyth Vary Baker worked for the CIA on an anti-Castro assassination
project, and she can prove it. (1)

Judyth was never an employee or agent of the CIA, and never said she was.(2)

STATEMENT: I was used by Dr. Alton Ochsner in his get-Castro project. Was I, thereby, working for the CIA? As an asset, I suppose, but unwittingly. I was aware of CIA interest in all the anti-Castro activities going on in New Orleans. The city was a hotbed of CIA activity, too, and to contend that Ochsner had no connections whatsoever with the CIA at this time, when he was making almost weekly trips to Washington, D.C., was unthinkable to me. How much was personal effort and how much sponsored by the CIA, I do not know, but the relationships between Ochsner and anti-Castro government efforts was real.

Judyth was introduced to Lee Oswald one day in New Orleans. (3)

It was due to a series of events involving her relationship with Dr. Mary Sherman that Judyth came to meet Oswald. (4)

No one introduced Judyth and Oswald, and their meeting had nothing to do with Mary Sherman; Judyth and Oswald met purely by chance. (5)

Or maybe not. (6)

STATEMENT: I originally believed our meeting was accidental, but it might not have been, since Ochsner may have been concerned about my having arrived two weeks early, and the fact that I was a lone female in a rough town. Dr. Sherman was out of town, so I could not be helped by her. Since I resembled Marina, Lee might have been sent to meet me to help babysit me, for all I know. Or maybe not. Apparently Mr. Reitzes does not allow me to make any speculations. Why?

Oswald worked for the CIA on an anti-Castro assassination project (and others),and Judyth can prove it. (7)

Oswald may not have worked for the CIA after all. (8)

STATEMENT: Lee told me he had been borrowed by the CIA from another agency, which he refused to name. He had volunteered to come to New Orleans to work on several undercover projects, but they were not assassination-of-Castro projects. His concerns were anti-Castro projects, especially identifying pro-Castroites and to establish firm pro-Castro credentials for himself. He was also supposed to help make a training film, being very interested in photography and having some experience in that field. He became involved in my anti-Castro associated activities, which focused on a get-Castro assassination plot, in order to spend more time with me. There is no doubt in my mind that Dr. Ochsner, the force behind the get-Castro project in New Orleans, had CIA connections.

A photograph published in the Warren Commission Report shows Judyth
standing next to Oswald. (9)

CORRECTION: No, not standing next to Lee, but in the same general area as Lee - iF that person is me. The face is too blurry to be certain. The pavement sloped upward there, as I have proven with other photos, but I cannot prove this woman is me. Though have never been 100% certain the woman was me, I remember talking to the two girls shown in the footage under consideration. In any case, Lee simply happens to be nearby, and there is little, if any, interaction with the woman, beyond a smile in her direction as he approaches with flyers. I do not remember being filmed, but was warned that filming was taking place, and to leave at once, a warning which Lee gave to me. The fact is that Lee is coming closer to the woman in the footage under consideration, and it is possible that he was about to tell me to leave. The incident happened too many years ago for me to be more specific in these claims, as I have no proof that this woman is actually me, beyond my speculation that it may have been me, as I had two dresses similar or exactly the same as the dress worn by the lady in question, and have photos of one of those dresses showing its close similarity to the dress in the footage.

There are no photographs depicting both Judyth and Oswald, and Judyth has never claimed otherwise. (10)

STATEMENT: There are none now in existence.

Judyth was free to carry on an affair with Oswald and work on the anti-Castro plot because the conspirators had arranged to get her husband, Robert Baker, a job that required his prolonged absence from home. (11)

Robert Baker got a job that required his prolonged absence from home
because he himself had requested such a position. The conspirators had nothing to do with his job. (12)

Well, the conspirators MIGHT have had something to do with Robert Baker's job. (13)

The conspirators kept Robert Baker away from home for prolonged periods, but only so long as he let them, which greatly upset Judyth. (14)

STATEMENT: So far as I am aware, this was the best explanation for
Robert's being hired by an oil company and being kept offshore so many weeks, mostly incommunicado. BUT - I recently read the back of a letter showing that Robert himself requested an out-of-town field work job, even though he knew I would be left alone in New Orleans if he accepted such a position. It was hard for me, for a long time, to believe Robert would deliberately request a job out of town as a newlywed, and I did try to make an excuse or two, that perhaps somebody such as Ochsner, who had friends in the oil industry such as Clint Murchison, arranged to keep Robert and me separated from each other. Dr. Ochsner definitely was upset that I was suddenly and unexpectedly married, and hoped I would get a divorce ASAP. So I did wonder at various times, until my recent review of the back of one of Robert's letters, if there had been some kind of planned attempt to separate us. Obviously, not! Mr. Reitzes does not give me the opportunity to speculate about this, but tries to make my concerns look inconsistent. Why does he do this?

Judyth met Jack Ruby only once. (15)

Judyth met Jack Ruby twice. (16)

STATEMENT: I met Jack Ruby once, personally, for a significant period of time. I also saw Jack Ruby with Carlos Marcello and others, at a later date, at the 500 Club, and was in the same group as Jack Ruby while walking toward Clay Shaw's residence. However, there was no real interaction between Jack Ruby and me, so I do not count it as a true 'meeting.' Some people do count it as a 'meeting' because he did notice my presence, but I do not.

David Atlee Phillips was one of Oswald's CIA handlers. (17)

David Atlee Phillips may not have been one of Oswald's CIA handlers. (18)

Oswald knew Phillips by name. (19)

Oswald did not know Phillips by name. (20)

STATEMENT: Lee Oswald heard the name ' Phillips' mentioned in the context of 'Bishop' during a meeting held on Reily premises. Lee told me when he returned to the car. I had heard the names at some point, but not in context with each other.

ALL THE STATEMENTS (21-37) NUMBERED 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, AND 37 , are intended, I suppose, by Reitzes to show confusion, and indeed, they should show confusion, for Lee and I had no firm idea of the real name of Lee's handler. Is this some kind of crime?

Oswald knew his handler as "Bishop." (21)

Oswald did not know his handler as "Bishop." (22)

"Bishop" was Phillips. (23)

"Bishop" and Phillips may have been two different people. (24)

Oswald said that Phillips was "Bishop." (25)

Oswald never said that Phillips was "Bishop." (26)

Oswald knew his handler as "Mr. B." (27)

Oswald did not know his handler as "Mr. B." (28)

"Mr. B" was Phillips. (29)

"Mr. B" may not have been Phillips. (30)

"Mr. B" may have been two different people, one of whom may have been
Phillips. (31)

"Mr. B" was also "Bishop." (32)

"Mr. B" may not have been "Bishop." (33)

Phillips was known as "Mr. Benson" or "Mr. Benton." (34)

"Mr. Benson" or "Mr. Benton" may have been somebody else. (35)

"Mr. B," "Mr. Bishop," and "Mr. Benson" or "Mr. Benton" were all the same person. (36)

"Mr. B," "Mr. Bishop," and "Mr. Benson" or "Mr. Benton" may have been at least two different people. (37)

Judyth (or possibly Oswald and Judyth both) overheard someone at the Reily company say that Phillips was "Bishop." (38)

It was Oswald, not Judyth, who overheard someone at the Reily company say that Phillips was "Bishop"; Judyth was waiting in a car outside. (39)

Judyth met Guy Banister just once. (40)

Judyth met Guy Banister twice. (41)

STATEMENT: I met Guy Banister on only one occasion, when I posed as Lee's wife and was introduced to him. I saw him later at some little distance from me on a second occasion where I know he saw me as well, in his building.

Guy Banister was CIA. (42)

Guy Banister was not CIA, and Judyth never said he was. (43)

STATEMENT: Guy Banister had connections with the CIA. I have speculated, based on what I was told, that he was working in cooperation with the CIA and the FBI.

Judyth was introduced to Clay Shaw on one occasion, saw him from a
distance on another, and spoke with him once on the phone. Shaw paid for some of her hotel trysts with Oswald. (44)

Judyth simply saw Clay Shaw on two occasions. (45)
Judyth simply met Clay Shaw one time. (46)
Judyth did not know Clay Shaw. (47)

STATEMENT: I was introduced briefly to Clay Shaw once, and shook his hand. I later recognized him with others at The 500 Club, and Lee and I followed his group to his house, but did not enter there. Lee did know Clay Shaw. I do not consider this 'knowing' Clay Shaw. I was once introduced briefly to George W. Bush once, and shook his hand. I later recognized HIM at a Houston-area political meeting I covered as a reporter. That doesn't mean I know George W. Bush, even though we lived in the same city for almost two decades.

Judyth knew Carlos Marcello, who affectionately referred to her as "That Little Thing." She and Oswald met with him personally, he picked up the tab for many of their dinners out, and it was due to his influence that she was never murdered by the conspirators who killed John F. Kennedy. (48)

STATEMENT: I never 'knew' Carlos Marcello - in fact, I barely met him in a series of very brief encounters. Lee and I were confronted by Marcello and some of his friends and at least one lawyer while walking under the Colonnades at St. Louis Cathedral. Marcello was at first upset because I did not acknowledge his gesture of 'tipping' his face toward me as a polite gesture as we passed each other there. Then he laughed when he realized I hadn't recognized him at all. After he picked up our tab at The 500 Club once, every time we came in there after that, it was free. So were several other places we went to, after that. That's all I know.

Judyth did not know Carlos Marcello, and she has never claimed that she did.(49)

STATEMENT: Reitzes makes mountains out of thimblefuls. I met Marcello. Did I know him? Did you ever shake the hand of somebody famous? Did you know them personally?

Oswald discussed Richard Case Nagell with Judyth in some detail, informing her he knew that Nagell, whom he referred to as one of his
"doppelgangers," "had purposely gotten himself arrested for fear of being set up as a patsy." (50)

Oswald may have never discussed Nagell with Judyth, and anyone who thinks Judyth has referred to Richard Case Nagell in her writings is only making an assumption. (51)

STATEMENT: I only saw the name 'Nagell' and never heard the other part of the name. I assume Richard Case Nagell and 'Nagell' are the same person. Lee told me he shared information with this man and that both of them were in the same 'project' together. Other of my statements were made based on the name 'Hidell' which Lee mentioned in relation to Nagell as a name they shared in the project. I have made statements of speculation based on this basic knowledge. I also remember the word 'doppelganger' as used by Lee when describing his relationship with Nagell but that's about all I can remember. Lee knew that Nagell had been arrested. He probably told me this during one of our telephone conversations.

Judyth's mentor was famed surgeon and humanitarian Dr. Alton Ochsner. For a time she worked for Ochsner. (52)

Judyth never worked for Alton Ochsner and never claimed to. They had no formal relationship. (53)

STATEMENT: I never worked DIRECTLY for Dr. Alton Ochsner. I have never claimed to. Dr. Ochsner mentored me in my cancer research educational progress between 1961 and 1963, as he had done for thousands of other medical students, though for very few pre-meds, and even fewer females. I was promised a summer internship with Dr. Mary Sherman, Ochsner's only female lab director, where he said I would feel more comfortable, and Dr. Ochsner did initially arrange those plans for me. He also promised to obtain an early admittance into medical school at Tulane for me (I was only a college sophomore and would thus skip two years) in the fall of 1963.

Clay Shaw was closely involved in the anti-Castro plot with Ochsner and the others. (54)

Clay Shaw was not closely involved in the anti-Castro plot with Ochsner and the others. (55)

STATEMENT: I do not know the full extent of Clay Shaw's involvement in the Ochsner-directed plot, though he knew of it and condoned it and cooperated in some aspects, such as loaning the Cadillac, which he was himself required to drive in case of an accident, for the 'official car' look needed to enter the prisoner convoy coming from Angola. That he was involved to some degree is true.

The plan was to inject Castro with deadly cancer cells and let him die a "natural" death from cancer. (56)

The plan was to inject Castro with deadly cancer cells so it would APPEAR he died a natural death from cancer. (57)

STATEMENT: The plan was to inject Castro with deadly cancer cells so it would APPEAR he died a natural death from cancer. Of course it would be described as a 'natural' death, as even today, uninformed people do not believe that death from cancer can be caused by specialized cancer injections.

The plan was to kill Castro with a combination of cancer injections and X-ray radiation. (58)

STATEMENT: Over-simplified, but basically, this was the plan.

The plan was to kill Castro with a combination of cancer injections, X-ray radiation, and chemotherapy. (59)

STATEMENT: Chemotherapy might have been initiated at some point by
Castro's doctors. It would do little or no good, if the fast-acting cancer 'took' as expected.

The serum in which the cancer cells were placed included a virus that
could knock out the immune system, thus enhancing the strength of the already powerful cancer cells. This material - scraped from the kidneys of sick monkeys - was, in fact, the AIDS virus. (60)
The serum in which the cancer cells were placed included a virus that
could knock out the immune system, thus enhancing the strength of the already powerful cancer cells. This material - scraped from the kidneys of sick monkeys - was, in fact, Simian Monkey Virus 40 (SV-40), not the AIDS virus. (61)

STATEMENT: Read the book. The matter is too complex to be explained by Mr. Reitzes, who is relying on a portion of an incomplete summary of the process written by somebody else.

Judyth knows first-hand "what really happened" during Oswald's alleged trip to Clinton, Louisiana, because she was there. (62)

STATEMENT: Lee Oswald and I together made a trip to and from Jackson and its nearby mental hospital within 72 hours AFTER Lee's trip to Clinton and then to Jackson's mental hospital in the company of Dave Ferrie, Clay Shaw, and a hospital aide. These were two distinct trips. Indeed, people have tried to conflate these two distinct trips into one, thereby providing 'arguments' that the testimonies of witnesses who saw Lee Oswald with a woman in an old, battered car AND the testimonies of groups of witnesses who saw Lee Oswald with Shaw and Dave Ferrie in a black Cadillac could not BOTH be correct. In fact, two distinct and separate trips WERE involved, and there is No conflict when all facts are accounted for. The errors in people's heads came via trying to make a single, three-day trip, a situation in which the highly busy Clay Shaw could not, of course, have participated. However, Shaw was able to take off part of ONE day. Please read my book for more information.

Judyth knows only second-hand what happened in Clinton, because she wasn't there. (63)

STATEMENT: Lee told me what happened during the trip to Clinton and from there to Jackson's mental hospital.

Oswald, Dave Ferrie, and Clay Shaw were in Clinton, Louisiana, on
(probably) August 23, 1963. (64)

CORRECTION: This was my first estimated date, when asked to give a
reasonable date-- and at first I just guessed. But there were problems with it, mainly because I remembered leaving very soon after that date for Florida, and August 23rd was simply too early to be the correct date. We are talking about a date from thirty-five years earlier that I was trying to recall. When I finally looked at various records in my possession, which I reviewed with Dr. Platzman, Irealized the date had to be at least a week later. When I finally looked up the date of the march on Washington, I then knew I was about a week off in my original estimated date.

Oswald, Dave Ferrie, and Clay Shaw were in Clinton, Louisiana, on August 29, 1963. The date is easily determined because it was the same day Martin Luther King, Jr., led his famous march on Washington, D.C. (65)

CORRECTION: When first trying to remember the date, I was trying to rely on letters and checks in my possession. The date was right after Martin Luther King's famous march, but I had forgotten the date of the march. Once I got that date, I was able to correct the earlier estimated date.

Oswald, Dave Ferrie, and Clay Shaw were in Clinton, Louisiana, awaiting the arrival of a prisoner from Angola Penitentiary. The prisoner would be taken to the mental hospital in Jackson and serve as an unwitting "guinea pig" for deadly injections. (66)

CORRECTION: The wait in Clinton was for a telephone call, not for a
prisoner. The statement should read "Lee Oswald, Dave Ferrie, Clay Shaw, and a hospital employee were in Clinton, Louisiana, awaiting a telephone call. The call would inform them when and where to join a convoy bringing (supposedly) one prisoner with terminal cancer or other terminal illness from Angola Prison to the mental hospital in Jackson, there to serve as a witting, not unwitting, "guinea pig" for deadly injections."

There was actually a whole convoy of "guinea pigs" coming from Angola.(67)

STATEMENT: Ultimately, the number of prisoners actually used was unknown to us. We suspected more than one prisoner was involved because of the size of the convoy and the delay that occurred necessitating the long wait in Clinton.

Judyth and Oswald had no idea any prisoners would be used as unwitting "guinea pigs," and therefore bore no responsibility for any prisoners who were murdered in this fashion. (68)

STATEMENT: Originally, we were told that only one prisoner with a terminal cancer or other terminal illness would be used as a witting volunteer.

Judyth and Oswald knew full well that prisoners would be used as unwitting "guinea pigs," and were heartsick over the plan. (69)

CORRECTION: We learned, too late, that one or more prisoners being used for the testing were, in fact, not suffering from terminal cancer or another terminal disease, but, instead, had good health. This was sickening to us. I did write an objection, which caused Ochsner to cut me off from any further association with him for the rest of our lives. It also made it impossible for me to use him or any of his associates, who had been my supporters, as references. This meant the end of my plans for medical school.

When Oswald applied for his Mexican tourist visa in 1963, he listed his religion as "Catholic," because Judyth and Oswald intended to later get married in Mexico as Catholics, with the aid of a corrupt priest. (70)

STATEMENT: This was the true reason for Lee Oswald's decision to begin placing 'Catholic' on documents that would be viewed in Mexico, something he had never done before. In fact, Lee Oswald was an atheist or, more correctly, a strong agnostic.

When Oswald applied for his Mexican tourist visa in 1963, he listed his religion as "Catholic," because, while he was an atheist, listing his religion as "atheist" "would have looked commie-suspicious"; so, as his friends Judyth Baker and David Ferrie were Catholics, he listed his religion as "Catholic." Simple as that. (71)

CORRECTION: This was the reason Lee Oswald was prepared to give in case the question was raised by his handlers or others. Of course he wouldn't tell an outsider that he planned on marrying in Mexico.

Oswald knew in advance about the assassination and, in an attempt to
infiltrate and stop it, walked with eyes wide open into the "patsy" role. (72)

STATEMENT: Lee Oswald knew in advance about the assassination plans
because he had already successfully infiltrated the ring. He was aware of the danger, and knew that by continuing on his course, he might forfeit his life. He also believed he was already in too deep to back out, but he continued to make contingency plans for escape, if possible.

Oswald did not know he was slated to be the "patsy." (73)

CORRECTION: Lee did not think he would escape alive. He was uncertain if he was slated to be a patsy or was just one of several potential patsies. In fact, he was uncertain as to the actual location of the planned hit on Kennedy. He believed that several possible locations had been pre-selected. He personally believed the hit would probably be at the Trade Mart, but he also described several other possible locations. He did believe Kennedy would be killed either in Dallas or at LBJ's private airstrip.

If Oswald escaped Dallas alive, he and Judyth had planned to meet in a fine hotel in Cancun, Mexico, and get married. (It was subsequently pointed out by David Lifton and Robert Chapman that Cancun was an uninhabited jungle in 1963; the resort city was conceived years later.) (74)

Judyth NEVER said that she and Oswald planned to meet in a fine hotel in Cancun! This is a malicious fabrication by David Lifton.(75)

Judyth NEVER said that she and Oswald planned to meet in a fine hotel in Cancun! This is a malicious fabrication by David Lifton and John McAdams. (76)

Judyth NEVER said that she and Oswald planned to meet in a fine hotel in Cancun! This is a malicious fabrication by Dave Reitzes. (77)

STATEMENT: I NEVER said that Lee and I planned to meet in a fine hotel in Cancun, and then get married. I have repeatedly corrected such mis-statements for several years now. Anyone who continues to say I said such a thing is in error.

Judyth NEVER said that she and Oswald planned to meet in a fine hotel in Cancun! This was erroneously inserted into her manuscript by co-author Howard Platzman. (78)

CORRECTION: The Cancun matter was an insertion by my literary agent that was missed by Dr.Platzman. He took the blame for allowing it to remain in the manuscript. But it was my fault, too. A section of dialogue that I wrote, and take responsibility for, includes several phrases that I do not, however, remember writing as they are now shown on the internet. Lee indeed said we would meet in a fine hotel, but his tone of voice was so full of irony I didn't know if he was joking. He never said we would meet in Cancun. Typos and errors will happen. That we would meet in an area NEAR present-day Cancun is what was always meant, and if I typed Cancun instead, God forgive me, as Reitzes won't, even though that section was clearly described as still in the process of being edited when it was sent a very few for

Judyth NEVER said that she and Oswald planned to meet in a fine hotel in Cancun! This was erroneously inserted into her manuscript by her former agent, Peter Cox. (79)

COMMENT: This is correct.

Okay, Judyth said it after all. (80)

But she didn't MEAN it. She only meant Cancun as a rough geographical
indicator of where the planned meeting-place actually had been. (81)

CORRECTION: HOW does one describe a general area on a present-day map, near Cancun, without mentioning Cancun? I was asked to point out the approximate place where Lee and I planned to meet. I had described it originally merely as in Mexico. Asked for more detail, I described it as an extremely remote and wild area. My suitcase was packed with survival equipment! I described the area where I was going as a place I'd be afraid to go to, except I knew Lee would be there. Does that sound like a pleasure resort?

What she meant was that she and Oswald planned to meet in a fine hotel in the rustic village of Kankun, Mexico. (82)

CORRECTION: We planned to meet! The rest of this statement is a twisted version of my words, drawn out beyond reason or belief, for the sake of specious argument.

Except maybe "fine hotel" was a joke on Oswald's part. (83)

Yes, "fine hotel" was definitely a joke on Oswald's part. (84)

CORRECTION: Since Lee often made wry jokes, I had no way of knowing if he was serious or not about our staying in a 'fine hotel.' It made absolutely no difference to me. Was it 'definitely' a joke? I don't know and never did.

Nevertheless, she and Oswald might have ended up staying in a fine hotel just the same. (85)

Judyth and Oswald actually planned to meet in Chichen Itza, Mexico -- 125 miles from present-day Cancun. (86)

CORRECTION: We planned to meet NEAR Chichen Itza, not IN Chichen Itza.

Judyth and Oswald actually planned to meet in Merida, Mexico - 200 miles from present-day Cancun. (87)

CORRECTION: Lee never mentioned the name of this city as a meeting place. He spoke of Merida in other contexts. I decided this must have been the 'city' in the Yucatan where we hoped to marry - on my own, as he mentioned we would be flying from the city where we would marry on the Cayman islands. When, later, I learned that flights from Merida to the Cayman Islands were known to occur, I then assumed the city was Merida.

Judyth and Oswald actually planned to meet in Belize, Mexico - 350 miles from present-day Cancun. (Note: There was no Belize in 1963; it was called British Honduras until years later.) (88)

CORRECTION: At one point in our plans, we planned to meet near present-day Belize. I have no idea how to describe the location without using the word Belize. Do you? I have no what the location was called in 1963. It was the first place we were interested in while making our plans. We had guessed that this was the secret site where the film NIGHT OF THE IGUANA had been made, and thought there might be some vestige of civilization remaining behind after the film had been shot. The place had been described in the newspapers as spectacularly romantic. Later, we changed the meeting place nearer to where the ruins of Chichen Itza were located.

Judyth and Oswald actually planned to meet in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - well over a thousand miles from present-day Cancun. (89)

CORRECTION: Lee and I changed our proposed meeting place several times as the situation developed. For example, the murder of Alexander Rorke, a pilot Lee trusted, changed the proposed meeting place. Our plans were not set in stone.

Judyth and Oswald actually planned to marry in the Cayman Islands of the Caribbean; Cancun was just a stopover. (90)

CORRECTION: Judyth and Lee planned to both divorce and then marry - in Mexico. Exploration of ancient Mayan ruins and a visit to a large city in the Yucatan were additional possible plans. After marriage, final destination was probably going to be the Cayman Islands.

On November 22, 1963, Judyth and a number of her co-workers set up chairs and watched the assassination of John F. Kennedy on television. (91)

CORRECTION: On November 22, Judyth observed her boss and several others bring in stools to watch the TV at noon. They exhibited what in her mind was undue interest, keeping the TV on past lunchtime, which was an hour ahead of Dallas time. Several chairs already in the lab were also used. Judyth didn't help set up anything. This is yet another misrepresentation.

Judyth and her co-workers absolutely did not watch the assassination of John F. Kennedy on television. (92)

STATEMENT: The assassination itself was never televised. The events of the day of the assassination happened to have been observed on TV by Judyth and others at PenChem. Removal of a phrase can change the meaning of a sentence.

Oswald's friend George De Mohrenschildt knew about the assassination ahead of time, and had agreed to help take care of Oswald's wife and children afterwards. (93)

CORRECTION: George DeMohrenschildt was asked by Lee to help Marina and his children in case something happened to him.

George De Mohrenschildt had nothing to do with the assassination, and
Judyth never said he did. (94)

STATEMENT: I have only guessed at the extent of George's knowledge, since Lee said he had confided in him; I was asked my opinion and gave it.

Judyth has proof that Oswald was innocent of John F. Kennedy's assassination; she presented it to filmmaker Nigel Turner and he filmed it for his documentary, The Men Who Killed Kennedy: The Love Affair. (95)

CORRECTION: I, myself, provide witness that Lee Oswald was innocent of John F. Kennedy's assassination, since he expressed to me his potent grief and anger over the plot. I presented proof of having known Lee Oswald well enough that it was reasonable to assume that he might have confided these matters to me. In fact, he did so.

Beyond her word, Judyth has no evidence regarding anything related to John F. Kennedy's assassination. (96)

CORRECTION: read the book.

This post has been edited by Judyth Baker: Oct 9 2004, 06:41 PM


Messages In This Thread
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 01-03-2010, 01:30 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 12:18 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 06:19 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by James H. Fetzer - 08-03-2010, 08:44 PM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 22-03-2010, 08:53 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Dixie Dea - 24-03-2010, 11:09 PM

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