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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile

Here Judyth reflects on the treatment she has received by certain participants on
these fora, where the objective often appears to be other than a search for truth.

Over a decade, these people brought up one subject after another to discredit me.
It began with asserting that I did not even work at Reily and had probably faked
the check stubs, as they had no name.

They tried to say the W-2 form was faked, but that very same year, I think, the
U.S. Goverment came up with company numbers for tax purposes. Those ID
numbers were brand-new and not available on the internet or in the archives.

In sort, it was discovered that the ID number of the company was correct.

So what did they do?

Anytime something proves to be correct, they drop it and go on to a new attack.

The next attack was that I was not Monaghan's secretary due to classified ads.

Long arguments later, they had to concede that I was his secretary, since I
produced Monaghan's private Reily stationery, which no clerk had access to,
since all they did was write bills and process labels, etc.

They dropped that and fixed on Cancun.

And so it went.

Meanwhile, they sent out their statements that I had flunked all their tests as an
ethical person.

The latest test is trying to discredit the very obvious fact that when I applied for
political asylum, an action I took to escape death threats in Hungary, I was not
immediately deported after they heard my case. No matter how many experts
they drag out, the fact is that I was accepted for consideration, and even got a
writ of inhibition, which is unusual.

That was to allow me time to find safe haven.

These things are spoken of face to face but do not get on paper or into official

The thrust of this is to try to induce people to believe that I, at nearly age 67, have
decided (what, for attention? when I attempt to keep my locations unknown?) to be
dramatic by living overseas instead of in my own beloved country, with my children,
aging stepfather whom I love, and my grandchildren, so that I can persuade people
that I am a witness who knew Lee Harvey Oswald.

Does that make sense to anyone except somebody with some kind of perverted

Why would my family make huge sacrifices to buy me a house in one country and
help pay for apartments and flights to other countries?

They know things that my internet detractors do not. They have witnessed what my
internet detractors have not.

My publishers know many details that they do not.

They do not want me to go to book signings, talk to reporters, or in any way risk my
life to publicize the book. Now, that's not the way publishers act when they want their
book to sell.

I ask you to look how Madeleine Brown was treated by these same people. How they
treat Jean Hill. How they treat Roger Craig, a person they also say has no credibility.

The dishonesty began openly when John McAdams claimed that Dr. Mary Sherman was
not a cancer researcher, just an orthopedic surgeon.

Then I realized that this man was not interested in the truth.

He was only interested in destruction of witnesses.

He and his crew have attacked me for ten years.

I ask the honest researchers to consider that:

1) I have lost almost all my worldly possessions.

2) I have lost the ability to lead a normal life without pain due to 'accidents' that hospitalized
me five times until I got the good sense to leave the country. (I returned twice, was employed,
and again received threats, harassments, and much more.)

3) Two of my children have disowned me. Another barely speaks to me and says she is ashamed
of me for having had an affair with JFK's 'killer.' She does not think that my husband's neglect and
abandoning me in New Orleans was sufficient cause to eventually have an affair with Oswald. She
wasn’t there, of course.

4) The only son who has helped me has suffered incredible losses, ever since doing so, beginning
with losing tenure at his university.

5) Though I worked as a social worker for twenty years and was known as a good person of good
repute, my character has been systematically assassinated. Employers would hire me, then receive
a phone call or email telling them to look me up on the internet -- and then I would be told they had
changed their mind...I cannot get employment.

6) I could not get a committee together to handle my dissertation. Only one person, plus a known
enemy who had blocked my being able to go to conferences and who had removed me from being
editor of a journal, who had looked into my past and disapproved, agreed to sit on the committee,
to defeat my dissertation, in my opinion. Nobody else would go on the committee.

I was told confidentially that I was 'too notorious' to be allowed to get my doctorate. I even changed
my dissertation to try to find 'new blood' but the new department chair would not even give me a time
extension, though I had handicapped status and was supposed to be allow time extensions. Thus, with
a 3.9 GPA and all orals, comps, classes finished, my second language (French) passed, I was told that
I was even forbidden to call myself 'an ABD' Ph.D.

This has been what I have gained from attempting to bring the truth about Lee to the American people.

Messages In This Thread
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 01-03-2010, 01:30 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 12:18 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 06:19 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by James H. Fetzer - 16-03-2010, 05:08 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 22-03-2010, 08:53 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Dixie Dea - 24-03-2010, 11:09 PM

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