20-03-2010, 10:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 20-03-2010, 10:19 PM by James H. Fetzer.)
NOTE: My psy ops expert has sent me a note apologizing for referrring to Eustice Mullens. He explained that he had done so because Mullins had suggested the hypothesis of "a conspiracy between medicine, big pharma and the cancer society to keep cancer a profitable business. I never argued that his statement was correct or that he was a good person or anything else about him." I would post it but I do not want to distract attention from more important issues.
“The Three Musketeers”
I respect the hard work of John Armstrong, who spent years collecting information and files that might otherwise have been obscured forever. In particular, Armstrong has contributed immensely to our understanding that Lee Oswald was impersonated without his knowledge. (LHO was also aware of a number of [temporary or transient] impersonations.)
Two other warriors, who have helped bring down the Warren Commission’s house of cards, made similar extraordinary and sincere efforts to open our eyes and obtain information that otherwise might have been lost or misinterpreted: I mean John Newman and Jim Garrison. This trio saved some of the crown jewels of the case from obscurity and misinterpretation.
I’ve come a long way since first being shown Robert Groden’s The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald. I had no knowledge of any of the books out here, for the most part, because I avoided ever looking. I had seen Lee shot on TV, and the shock of that made it impossible for me to even speak of it.
When I first spoke out, the first years—1999-2003—I would cry when talking about certain events. I had not confronted those memories for decades, except in the silent reaches of my mind, when about once a year, in the 1980s, I began going over everything I could remember, afraid I would forget. I also wrote a series of long letters to my son for him to publish after my death.
Upon finally getting the courage to see the film JFK—which I viewed alone at the end of 1998—the day after my daughter married and left home for her honeymoon—I was engulfed with shame and fury that (1) I had not spoken out and (2) that so much I thought would be known about Lee—had historians been honest—had been twisted almost beyond recognition. The truth about Lee was still buried, along with his body. How could I dare keep silent any longer?
For in that film, Oliver Stone had noted that silence was cowardice. Tha’s when I hung my head in shame. I got together the various pieces of evidence—some hidden behind pictures, others in a Bible, etc.—and laid it all out on the bed. These items needed reams of explanation to make sense. Would I be given a chance to explain it all? Would my good name be ruined? I had already moved to Louisiana, in hopes of running into some witnesses—I hoped they were not all dead. I later found a few who remembered me and Lee together.
I did not know about warriors such as “The Three Musketeers” who had already brought so much before the people—only to have the media ignore it or, in Garrison’s case—to pillory him. What I did know was that I was angry. My country was being ruined by the same people who had killed JFK.
I got on my knees and prayed. I was afraid. With shaking hands, I sent a FAX to a TV investigative program. The woman replied that she was simply overwhelmed and told me she was sending the story on to "60 Minutes".
After they interviewed me several times by telephone, they flew me to New York. It would be the first of many trips there and elsewhere, as "60 Minutes" valiantly tried to get a program filmed, against opposition that finally “slammed the door” in their faces.
A literary agent had a friend who was a producer at "60 Minutes", and we soon connected, but the agent edited the book I gave him severely. It wasn’t the ‘real’ book, anyway, so after flagging a lot of the changes with bold type, I let it go. Besides, I never even put a timeline in that book. The book was just to see who would bite. Then they’d get the letters written to my son. I just wanted to talk to editors face-to-face.
Only if I met with sincerity would I reveal the precious information I had. By no means was I going to simply release it all at once. I knew very well that evidence being released in batches at that time by the ARRB might be combed through and obscure mention of bioweapons, etc. could result in evidence destruction.
So when I was shown photos of Lee in Groden’s book, I knew by then that Lee had been demonized. I felt obliged to point out how many photos showed a smiling, sociable Lee. I also pointed out that there were many photos of Lee—this was no ‘loner’ who was friendless, whose life was at a dead end. He was a daddy of two brilliant little babies, had a pretty wife, had entered the USSR while still a teenager, had lived in such disparate places as Japan, California, and Moscow, was fluent in Russian, and yes, he had his romantic conquests. I was assuredly in that category. Lee Oswald had every reason to want to live. He was barely 24.
Yes, I’ve come a long way since seeing all those photos. I didn’t realize that the title of that volume might have implied that more than one Lee Oswald had been around as one or more distinct entities for some time.
I have no problem with multiple impersonation attempts or multiple files, since Lee told me about how ‘secretaries’ had changed his middle name to ‘Henry,’ etc. He could have observed these things without realizing what the name changes in those files were really about. Or maybe he did? Dr. Fetzer has kindly made me aware of an important discussion thread I hope to be able to read when I get new glasses(!). What I did see was that a CIA man could have a name change for work on a clandestine project, keeping his ‘original’ file clean of such escapades.
Lee said he had been ‘borrowed’ from another agency to work with the CIA.
Since I knew Lee had been impersonated—he told me of a number of instances—I have had no worry over photos. Speaking from my present short-term memory, still, as I recall, most photos in Groden’s book of “Lee” were of the same Lee I knew. With my training in anthropology, I had no problem ‘wondering’ about certain photos that might have concerned others. I could see the facial structure as it matured, and much more.
I had no problem about height differences, either, and intend to relay what I know about a comment Lee made about boot camp. Our discussion about heights came about because Lee, Dave Ferrie, and Jack Ruby all happened to be the same height. At least, that was our visual impression.
Lee said in boot camp they were lined up according to height. Lee was not the shortest in the line, but he was far from the tallest. One incident involved rope climbing, where, because he was ‘shorter,’ he said so many had already gone across the ropes that the ropes were wet with sweat, and he slipped back down the ropes and fell. The sergeant ran over and kicked him in the kidney for falling, and he urinated blood that night.
His boot camp photographs offer no indication of what he was going through:
Lee said if he’d not been measured “about an inch taller” than he really was, he’d have been even further back in the line. Lee said they “let him stretch a little” because he was a barely17-year-old kid—surely “still growing.” But Lee said he went through so much stress and worked so hard to succeed as a Marine, given that he had a slighter build than almost all of the others—that he never grew much taller. He was 5’ 9” + a bit, barefoot, and 5’ 10” in shoes. He was average height, he same height as my dad, not a shrimp, but he wasn’t built for heavyweight wrestling. He got through by sheer guts and determination.
Yes, Lee made it. He was tough enough. When he was arrested, he was wearing a Marine ring—I had also seen it. Semper fi!—“Always faithful!”—was the Marine Corps’ motto. He believed he would die on Nov. 22—as he told me himself. But on his finger was his outcry: Lee Oswald was a patriot.
Slowly, people are learning the truth about Lee. People are daring to speak out. Here is one blog I wish to share, demonstrating the turn of the tide: “Fly Caught In Fed Gov Web From Which Escape Was Impossible”, with more at http://hubpages.com/hub/Patriot-Lee-Harvey-Oswald.
Lee Did Not Shoot Anybody
So Much For Loyalty Among Marines
Former United States Marine Lee Harvey Oswald was framed for the murder of a president and an on-duty Dallas policeman. His name and that of his entire family carries a stigma almost half a century later. In my estimation Lee never fired a gun at either the president or that policeman. No honor among thieves? How about honor among Marines? There was none for Lee!
Trained Him Well Enough To Kill Him
The intelligence training Lee received from the United States enabled him to keep his mouth shut following his set-up arrest in Dallas, Texas. The former Marine alerted superiors to the plot which he believed would be cut off. Unfortunately, his alerts reached Lucifer via a Hell portal. He realized this fact too late.
Silent Interrogation No Oversight
Do not believe for a second that no notes or recordings were made while Lee was interrogated by members of the Dallas Police Departnment and others. I fully believe Lee explained the situation in detail which is why those who heard remained silent. Conspiracies require silence. Plenty of it!
Lee Deserving Of Sympathy
I cannot help but feel an overwhelming sense of pity and sympathy whenever I see images of Lee being paraded around the Dallas Police Department like a prize turkey. Even child-molesting scumbags are granted legal advice. Lee was denied a legal representative despite numerous requests for one. Patsies about to be framed cannot have bothersome legal eagles representing them. That is a conspiracy requirement. It was met!
The Patsy Murdered No One
Lee never fired a rifle at the president nor did he gun down a Dallas policeman later. He proclaimed that during his confinement. It was easy to tell from his behavior that he was in serious trouble. Not from any alleged murders he did not commit but that his intelligence buddies had set him up, left him out to dry and rammed a Marine bayonet into his back. He was right!
Final Plea For Justice
Lee made one final attempt to reveal all during his interrogation. That is why the transparent lie of nothing being taken down was forced into place. Then it became a matter of thr memory of those present. The conspirators were firmly in charge.
The Aborted Transfer
Why was Lee held up by lawmen during his transfer until his assassin was in place? Well, but that is a whole new topic for another hub.
John M. Newman spent 20 years with the U.S. Army Intelligence. This included serving in in Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, and China. He eventually became executive assistant to the director of the National Security Agency (NSA).
After leaving the NSA Newman joined the University of Maryland where he taught courses in Soviet, Chinese Communist, East Asian, and Vietnam War history, as well as Sino-Soviet and U.S.-Soviet relations. (There's more at Spartacus).
We need the John Armstrongs, the John Newmans, the Jim Garrisons, to bring forth all the records that still exist. Especially all the military records. These three men have done their country a service. No doubt, Lee would be proud of them. I am.
“The Three Musketeers”
I respect the hard work of John Armstrong, who spent years collecting information and files that might otherwise have been obscured forever. In particular, Armstrong has contributed immensely to our understanding that Lee Oswald was impersonated without his knowledge. (LHO was also aware of a number of [temporary or transient] impersonations.)
![[Image: 53wa4x.jpg]](http://i41.tinypic.com/53wa4x.jpg)
Two other warriors, who have helped bring down the Warren Commission’s house of cards, made similar extraordinary and sincere efforts to open our eyes and obtain information that otherwise might have been lost or misinterpreted: I mean John Newman and Jim Garrison. This trio saved some of the crown jewels of the case from obscurity and misinterpretation.
![[Image: m7xt39.jpg]](http://i43.tinypic.com/m7xt39.jpg)
I’ve come a long way since first being shown Robert Groden’s The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald. I had no knowledge of any of the books out here, for the most part, because I avoided ever looking. I had seen Lee shot on TV, and the shock of that made it impossible for me to even speak of it.
When I first spoke out, the first years—1999-2003—I would cry when talking about certain events. I had not confronted those memories for decades, except in the silent reaches of my mind, when about once a year, in the 1980s, I began going over everything I could remember, afraid I would forget. I also wrote a series of long letters to my son for him to publish after my death.
Upon finally getting the courage to see the film JFK—which I viewed alone at the end of 1998—the day after my daughter married and left home for her honeymoon—I was engulfed with shame and fury that (1) I had not spoken out and (2) that so much I thought would be known about Lee—had historians been honest—had been twisted almost beyond recognition. The truth about Lee was still buried, along with his body. How could I dare keep silent any longer?
![[Image: k1837o.jpg]](http://i39.tinypic.com/k1837o.jpg)
For in that film, Oliver Stone had noted that silence was cowardice. Tha’s when I hung my head in shame. I got together the various pieces of evidence—some hidden behind pictures, others in a Bible, etc.—and laid it all out on the bed. These items needed reams of explanation to make sense. Would I be given a chance to explain it all? Would my good name be ruined? I had already moved to Louisiana, in hopes of running into some witnesses—I hoped they were not all dead. I later found a few who remembered me and Lee together.
I did not know about warriors such as “The Three Musketeers” who had already brought so much before the people—only to have the media ignore it or, in Garrison’s case—to pillory him. What I did know was that I was angry. My country was being ruined by the same people who had killed JFK.
I got on my knees and prayed. I was afraid. With shaking hands, I sent a FAX to a TV investigative program. The woman replied that she was simply overwhelmed and told me she was sending the story on to "60 Minutes".
After they interviewed me several times by telephone, they flew me to New York. It would be the first of many trips there and elsewhere, as "60 Minutes" valiantly tried to get a program filmed, against opposition that finally “slammed the door” in their faces.
A literary agent had a friend who was a producer at "60 Minutes", and we soon connected, but the agent edited the book I gave him severely. It wasn’t the ‘real’ book, anyway, so after flagging a lot of the changes with bold type, I let it go. Besides, I never even put a timeline in that book. The book was just to see who would bite. Then they’d get the letters written to my son. I just wanted to talk to editors face-to-face.
Only if I met with sincerity would I reveal the precious information I had. By no means was I going to simply release it all at once. I knew very well that evidence being released in batches at that time by the ARRB might be combed through and obscure mention of bioweapons, etc. could result in evidence destruction.
So when I was shown photos of Lee in Groden’s book, I knew by then that Lee had been demonized. I felt obliged to point out how many photos showed a smiling, sociable Lee. I also pointed out that there were many photos of Lee—this was no ‘loner’ who was friendless, whose life was at a dead end. He was a daddy of two brilliant little babies, had a pretty wife, had entered the USSR while still a teenager, had lived in such disparate places as Japan, California, and Moscow, was fluent in Russian, and yes, he had his romantic conquests. I was assuredly in that category. Lee Oswald had every reason to want to live. He was barely 24.
Yes, I’ve come a long way since seeing all those photos. I didn’t realize that the title of that volume might have implied that more than one Lee Oswald had been around as one or more distinct entities for some time.
I have no problem with multiple impersonation attempts or multiple files, since Lee told me about how ‘secretaries’ had changed his middle name to ‘Henry,’ etc. He could have observed these things without realizing what the name changes in those files were really about. Or maybe he did? Dr. Fetzer has kindly made me aware of an important discussion thread I hope to be able to read when I get new glasses(!). What I did see was that a CIA man could have a name change for work on a clandestine project, keeping his ‘original’ file clean of such escapades.
Lee said he had been ‘borrowed’ from another agency to work with the CIA.
Since I knew Lee had been impersonated—he told me of a number of instances—I have had no worry over photos. Speaking from my present short-term memory, still, as I recall, most photos in Groden’s book of “Lee” were of the same Lee I knew. With my training in anthropology, I had no problem ‘wondering’ about certain photos that might have concerned others. I could see the facial structure as it matured, and much more.
I had no problem about height differences, either, and intend to relay what I know about a comment Lee made about boot camp. Our discussion about heights came about because Lee, Dave Ferrie, and Jack Ruby all happened to be the same height. At least, that was our visual impression.
Lee said in boot camp they were lined up according to height. Lee was not the shortest in the line, but he was far from the tallest. One incident involved rope climbing, where, because he was ‘shorter,’ he said so many had already gone across the ropes that the ropes were wet with sweat, and he slipped back down the ropes and fell. The sergeant ran over and kicked him in the kidney for falling, and he urinated blood that night.
His boot camp photographs offer no indication of what he was going through:
![[Image: jfcivc.jpg]](http://i44.tinypic.com/jfcivc.jpg)
Lee said if he’d not been measured “about an inch taller” than he really was, he’d have been even further back in the line. Lee said they “let him stretch a little” because he was a barely17-year-old kid—surely “still growing.” But Lee said he went through so much stress and worked so hard to succeed as a Marine, given that he had a slighter build than almost all of the others—that he never grew much taller. He was 5’ 9” + a bit, barefoot, and 5’ 10” in shoes. He was average height, he same height as my dad, not a shrimp, but he wasn’t built for heavyweight wrestling. He got through by sheer guts and determination.
Yes, Lee made it. He was tough enough. When he was arrested, he was wearing a Marine ring—I had also seen it. Semper fi!—“Always faithful!”—was the Marine Corps’ motto. He believed he would die on Nov. 22—as he told me himself. But on his finger was his outcry: Lee Oswald was a patriot.
Slowly, people are learning the truth about Lee. People are daring to speak out. Here is one blog I wish to share, demonstrating the turn of the tide: “Fly Caught In Fed Gov Web From Which Escape Was Impossible”, with more at http://hubpages.com/hub/Patriot-Lee-Harvey-Oswald.
Lee Did Not Shoot Anybody
So Much For Loyalty Among Marines
Former United States Marine Lee Harvey Oswald was framed for the murder of a president and an on-duty Dallas policeman. His name and that of his entire family carries a stigma almost half a century later. In my estimation Lee never fired a gun at either the president or that policeman. No honor among thieves? How about honor among Marines? There was none for Lee!
Trained Him Well Enough To Kill Him
The intelligence training Lee received from the United States enabled him to keep his mouth shut following his set-up arrest in Dallas, Texas. The former Marine alerted superiors to the plot which he believed would be cut off. Unfortunately, his alerts reached Lucifer via a Hell portal. He realized this fact too late.
Silent Interrogation No Oversight
Do not believe for a second that no notes or recordings were made while Lee was interrogated by members of the Dallas Police Departnment and others. I fully believe Lee explained the situation in detail which is why those who heard remained silent. Conspiracies require silence. Plenty of it!
Lee Deserving Of Sympathy
I cannot help but feel an overwhelming sense of pity and sympathy whenever I see images of Lee being paraded around the Dallas Police Department like a prize turkey. Even child-molesting scumbags are granted legal advice. Lee was denied a legal representative despite numerous requests for one. Patsies about to be framed cannot have bothersome legal eagles representing them. That is a conspiracy requirement. It was met!
The Patsy Murdered No One
Lee never fired a rifle at the president nor did he gun down a Dallas policeman later. He proclaimed that during his confinement. It was easy to tell from his behavior that he was in serious trouble. Not from any alleged murders he did not commit but that his intelligence buddies had set him up, left him out to dry and rammed a Marine bayonet into his back. He was right!
Final Plea For Justice
Lee made one final attempt to reveal all during his interrogation. That is why the transparent lie of nothing being taken down was forced into place. Then it became a matter of thr memory of those present. The conspirators were firmly in charge.
The Aborted Transfer
Why was Lee held up by lawmen during his transfer until his assassin was in place? Well, but that is a whole new topic for another hub.
John M. Newman spent 20 years with the U.S. Army Intelligence. This included serving in in Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, and China. He eventually became executive assistant to the director of the National Security Agency (NSA).
![[Image: 8w9pcp.jpg]](http://i40.tinypic.com/8w9pcp.jpg)
After leaving the NSA Newman joined the University of Maryland where he taught courses in Soviet, Chinese Communist, East Asian, and Vietnam War history, as well as Sino-Soviet and U.S.-Soviet relations. (There's more at Spartacus).
We need the John Armstrongs, the John Newmans, the Jim Garrisons, to bring forth all the records that still exist. Especially all the military records. These three men have done their country a service. No doubt, Lee would be proud of them. I am.