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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile

Not to paraphrase, but does Adrian Mack understand that he has precisely zero authority at this point? He has gone bananas trying to find some slender reed upon which he could attempt to undermine this thread and, by extension, the purpose of this forum. He has alleged that I have "managed to associate Judyth Baker with chemtrails, moon-landing hoaxes, exotic mega-double-top-secret-super-soldiers, and now a jew hating nutcase." But this appears to be his way of attempting to trash what Judyth has to say--since nothing he has focused upon has anything to do with her credibility.

He began by bashing some mention I had made of the moon-landing hoax and about 9/11, which were nice examples of THE BIG LIE. The source of his remarks about chemtrails eludes me, but anyone who has looked into them knows something very weird is going on there, too. But he found his ground in a remark about Eustice Mullins, which my expert has explained was only mentioned in passing because of his hypothesis that big medicine, big pharma, and the cancer society may share an interest in keeping cancer a profitable business--one that Judyth's research may have threatened.

His technique, of course, has been some form of character assassination or of guilt by association. When he tried to attack me about moon landings and Jack cited his research, he abandoned that line of attack. When he tried to make 9/11 into some kind of stretch, he backed down again, no doubt because, as the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, i know so much about it. He came into his own, however, with this Eustice Mullins remark and simply won't let it go, even when others have observed that it only matters if he can show how it undermines Judyth's story. But it appears to afford an explanation for why she was steered away from pursuing a promising career and therefore tends to confirm it.

I invited my psy ops expert because I know him very well and admire his perception in dealing with complex issues. Here is another example of his observations about the methodology of the attacks that Judyth and I have been receiving, primarily on The Education Forum, but which has become relevant and worth posting now because of the conspicuous involvement of a lone wolf who is attempting to sabotage this entire thread by tenaciously and repetitiously reiterating what most of us have long since concluded was a fallacious attack. Discrediting an hypothesis on the basis of its source, after all, is a classic example of an ad hominem of the kind I taught freshmen to avoid for 35 years of college teaching.


Jim, I read your recent posts on the educational forum. You believe that the heavy muscle used against Judyth to harass her was also turned in your direction last night with tampering on your site (obviously you are correct on both assertions). You also believe that Judyth's knowledge of LHO as an ordinary person poses a threat and is responsible for all her harassment over the years, which both you and I believe really happened no matter what all her claims are and whether they are all accurate or not.

The harassment of Judyth is a mystery and certainly one can't expect clarification from the government agency that is responsible, since we don't know for sure who it is, but we know that secrecy protocols would prevent any honest answer from those at that agency who are responsible or have knowledge. Right now most cyber harassment is being done at either your local fusion center by an fbi agent detailed there under authority of homeland insecurity, or straight out of the pentagon. The highest tech work is likely out of the pentagon right now.

The question is, could her knowledge of LHO to be an ordinary human being and "NOT A LONE-NUT" as specified right from the start by Allen Dulles (the co-mastermind of the JFK murder with Lansdale and Angleton)? We know that this label was essential to selling the govt story of LHO as the sole shooter and was critical. So you may be right on that, too.

Yes, it is possible you are correct, but the govt has already admitted that LHO was an intel operative if I remember correctly. Maybe Judyth's prior biotech work had no relation to the harassment ops against her. Or maybe she was being harassed for that prior work and also for her personal knowledge of LHO as an ordinary man who was not a loner, or a weirdo and the like.

You may be correct, but I still think that her work before she met LHO was more important than it would seem. Here's why. Intel tends to institute harassment and psyops against individuals for knowledge of very specific facts, facts which when investigated are traceable to other facts in a chain. This chain of actual facts can constitute a thread to be pulled, a thread leading to the compromise of a critical highly compartmentalized top secret (umbra level, Q level, SCI level, or higher) operation. Her knowledge of LHO is a personal hearsay type claim that would typically mean very little without very good corroboration and that does not appear to exist. Hearsay based uncorroborated claims usually do not bring heavy muscle against a citizen/witness by intel.

There is other evidence to support that LHO was an ordinary person, such as his participation in the civil air patrol with others who ended up in intel like Barry Seal, both under David Ferries's tutelage (if I remember correctly, but I may be incorrect in this assertion). Was Judyth closely involved with David Ferrie and others doing strange biotech research?

Based on what I have learned about psyops and mini-cointelpro actions against a single individual such as Judyth, I believe that this has been instituted against her because of her specific knowledge of concrete, verifiable facts she knows that are linked to other concrete, verifiable facts, which when researched will lead to a current intel operation hat is being highly protected and has been for many years.

If on the other hand you are correct in your assertion that Judyth is being harassed because of her personal knowledge of LHO as an ordinary guy in almost every way rather than a lone-nut, then this is ironic, because the life experiences of Judyth after the JFK murder and her harassment by intel has in a sense appeared to have made her look like a lone-nut.

The reason I believe that a very powerful intel org is responsible for tracking, stalking and harassing Judyth and you (the same organization) is that what other entity could have sufficient power and connections to have done what was done against her for many years and the skill, power and connections to alter your web site last night in direct response to your defense of Judyth?

Messages In This Thread
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 01-03-2010, 01:30 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 12:18 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 06:19 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by James H. Fetzer - 21-03-2010, 05:56 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 22-03-2010, 08:53 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Dixie Dea - 24-03-2010, 11:09 PM

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