21-03-2010, 06:07 AM
You have done some very good work bringing out the key issues surrounding Judyth Vary and her story. I believe that she is the real deal, but probably was so stressed out at times that she confabulated and mixed up facts which really helps folks discredit her even though her basic story seems to be valid and very important even in today's world. Why else would she be harassed, why else would you have received a death threat, and why have some folks like that junk lady gotten so vitriolic in their attacks on Judyth and worked so hard to discredit her and her story? Where there is smoke there is fire.
Jack White is a very distinguished researcher of government-based elite-deviance. His photo work over over the last 30 years has stood the test of time and he has contributed a great deal. He has stated in so many words that it is difficult to accept that intel would bring in a young girl like Judyth to do cancer research and he believes that there have been details of Judyth's story that didn't hold water. Yes, anyone could see that the way Judyth's story has been presented in segments over the years does breed an air of unbelievability which itself is useful to creating a "plausible deniability".
It has been well established that Ferrie was a pilot who ran the Civil Air Patrol for youth and recruited young men to later be inducted as intel operatives. That was the origin of the notorius NSA drug trafficker Barry Seal (of Mena, Ark fame--the company flew the cocaine into Mena Ark according to Bill Duncan IRS Investigator), and also the origin of a number of other intel assets and operators. See Daniel Hopsicker's work for good evidence of this.
Selecting young kids and even very young children to be inducted as intel assets and operatives has a very long history in US intel. It really dates back to operation paperclip and the importation of Gehlen, Mengele, Mueller and other Nazi intel and "mind control" scientists who ran these recruitment/induction programs and appeared to be outright psychopaths, torturers and murderers. (Does this make it easier to understand why intel wanted to use torture against captured muslims in the wars in the middle east? Our intel still carries the traits of those who set it up after WW2 and it was these nazis, unfortunately.) Now due to the many recent government records releases and foia releases, undeniable proof exists about MKUltra, Monarch, Bluebird and many others which used torture and mind kontrol behavioral conditioning methods so severe that they cannot be mentioned here. And of course we have the hearing records of Senator Church from 1973.
There were many different types and ages of children selected. Some were to be used as MKUltra operatives, some as intel operatives or assets later, and some as very special children to be placed and groomed in academic paths to high positions later on where they could function as assets which had been specially groomed and trained. At least two of our very, very, very top politicians the last 20 years was selected from this plan. These very special children were selected from all over the country based on their intelligence and mental capabilities which had to be very exceptional. Then they were educated and plugged in where needed.
Knowing that the company used secret programs like this (and still does) makes Judith's story of being selected as a young lady for use use in secret cancer research much more plausible. A young puppy rarely turns on its mama who provides the milk. Young kids stories are easily deniable should they ever go off of the reservation. I know of some cases that fit the same profile for Judyth, cases where very gifted children were selected, groomed, trained, placed in special positions and academic programs, to become top officials later.
The cancer research Judyth was working on would have to have been covert, thus it would have been done using folks who could easily be deniable. Who would ever believe Ferrie would be used to run weapons to Cuba either? But why was he doing cancer research in his home? Creating cover stories and later institution cover up ops by the use of psyops is sophisticated "tradecraft" and only those who have worked with these matters or victims of them are able to understand these apparent contradictions, contradictions which are built in and planned into any operation beforehand.
And even if many details provided by Judyth in the past are shown to be incorrect, that in and of itself does not necessarily impact certain more basic parts of her story, many of which have already been well documented.
Now anyone that doubts the existence of MKUltra, Monarch or Bluebird, or the Presidential Model operations can research this now thanks to the power of the internet. Look up "Franklin Scandal", Spence page-boy scandal, Finders, MKUltra, Monarch, Bluebird, MKSlammer, etc.
Once a researcher becomes informed of these programs it is much easier to fathom the special kids programs which are much less abusive--these are the programs where the brightest, most talented children are selected out for grooming and use (the age selected depends on the project that needs to be filled). Intel has means to scan newspapers and media to find good candidates.
Judyth's story at its basic facts seems very similar to some special kids selections from the past that I know the details of, so it is plausible to me. Her association with Oswald is not even necessary to explain the harassment that could be targeted at her for her knowledge of the research to weaponize cancer. I think there is even more there that she is probably not directly aware of, some key facts that lie just below the surface and intel doesn't want someone digging into this too far.
If I was going to investigate this matter I would be more concerned with why Judyth was selected (what special gifts or capabilities did she have, and more concerned with Judyth's knowledge about the weaponizing of the cancer work and all the names involved than with Oswald, but that is just the way I see it).
Bottom line is Judyth has been harassed, and major psyops efforts have been brought against her to discredit her and create an environment where others are motivated to discredit her anytime she discloses some alleged important information. Some of the folks who have worked hard to discredit her are known to be dirty, some may just be mistaken, and some who have been unaccepting of many details of her story are themselves clean and are respected researchers but just feel they have found too many discrepancies and improbabilities.
I have worked with victims of intel harassment and psyops which did at times make misstatements and self-serving biased comments, largely due to the stress of the harassment and their own humanness and human limitations. Some had periods of outright anxiety and depressive disorders and their mental functioning deteriorated temporarily from the stress of the harassment.
So basically it is important for anyone investigating their story not to "throw the baby out with the bathwater", just because the water gets a little dirty.
Since WW2, why would intel spend so much money obtaining the best psyops money can buy? Why would they import and adopt the nazi mindkontrol techniques and use them 100%? Why would they hire Mueller, Gehlen and Mengele to set up these intel operations after WW2???
Intel has been long committed to using very sophisticated mind control and psyops technology that has been field tested and developed over many years dating back to the early 1950's and it is typically very effective. Unfortunately it is criminally misused against innocent citizens and whistleblowers far too much of the time, as in the case of Judyth.
You have done some very good work bringing out the key issues surrounding Judyth Vary and her story. I believe that she is the real deal, but probably was so stressed out at times that she confabulated and mixed up facts which really helps folks discredit her even though her basic story seems to be valid and very important even in today's world. Why else would she be harassed, why else would you have received a death threat, and why have some folks like that junk lady gotten so vitriolic in their attacks on Judyth and worked so hard to discredit her and her story? Where there is smoke there is fire.
Jack White is a very distinguished researcher of government-based elite-deviance. His photo work over over the last 30 years has stood the test of time and he has contributed a great deal. He has stated in so many words that it is difficult to accept that intel would bring in a young girl like Judyth to do cancer research and he believes that there have been details of Judyth's story that didn't hold water. Yes, anyone could see that the way Judyth's story has been presented in segments over the years does breed an air of unbelievability which itself is useful to creating a "plausible deniability".
It has been well established that Ferrie was a pilot who ran the Civil Air Patrol for youth and recruited young men to later be inducted as intel operatives. That was the origin of the notorius NSA drug trafficker Barry Seal (of Mena, Ark fame--the company flew the cocaine into Mena Ark according to Bill Duncan IRS Investigator), and also the origin of a number of other intel assets and operators. See Daniel Hopsicker's work for good evidence of this.
Selecting young kids and even very young children to be inducted as intel assets and operatives has a very long history in US intel. It really dates back to operation paperclip and the importation of Gehlen, Mengele, Mueller and other Nazi intel and "mind control" scientists who ran these recruitment/induction programs and appeared to be outright psychopaths, torturers and murderers. (Does this make it easier to understand why intel wanted to use torture against captured muslims in the wars in the middle east? Our intel still carries the traits of those who set it up after WW2 and it was these nazis, unfortunately.) Now due to the many recent government records releases and foia releases, undeniable proof exists about MKUltra, Monarch, Bluebird and many others which used torture and mind kontrol behavioral conditioning methods so severe that they cannot be mentioned here. And of course we have the hearing records of Senator Church from 1973.
There were many different types and ages of children selected. Some were to be used as MKUltra operatives, some as intel operatives or assets later, and some as very special children to be placed and groomed in academic paths to high positions later on where they could function as assets which had been specially groomed and trained. At least two of our very, very, very top politicians the last 20 years was selected from this plan. These very special children were selected from all over the country based on their intelligence and mental capabilities which had to be very exceptional. Then they were educated and plugged in where needed.
Knowing that the company used secret programs like this (and still does) makes Judith's story of being selected as a young lady for use use in secret cancer research much more plausible. A young puppy rarely turns on its mama who provides the milk. Young kids stories are easily deniable should they ever go off of the reservation. I know of some cases that fit the same profile for Judyth, cases where very gifted children were selected, groomed, trained, placed in special positions and academic programs, to become top officials later.
The cancer research Judyth was working on would have to have been covert, thus it would have been done using folks who could easily be deniable. Who would ever believe Ferrie would be used to run weapons to Cuba either? But why was he doing cancer research in his home? Creating cover stories and later institution cover up ops by the use of psyops is sophisticated "tradecraft" and only those who have worked with these matters or victims of them are able to understand these apparent contradictions, contradictions which are built in and planned into any operation beforehand.
And even if many details provided by Judyth in the past are shown to be incorrect, that in and of itself does not necessarily impact certain more basic parts of her story, many of which have already been well documented.
Now anyone that doubts the existence of MKUltra, Monarch or Bluebird, or the Presidential Model operations can research this now thanks to the power of the internet. Look up "Franklin Scandal", Spence page-boy scandal, Finders, MKUltra, Monarch, Bluebird, MKSlammer, etc.
Once a researcher becomes informed of these programs it is much easier to fathom the special kids programs which are much less abusive--these are the programs where the brightest, most talented children are selected out for grooming and use (the age selected depends on the project that needs to be filled). Intel has means to scan newspapers and media to find good candidates.
Judyth's story at its basic facts seems very similar to some special kids selections from the past that I know the details of, so it is plausible to me. Her association with Oswald is not even necessary to explain the harassment that could be targeted at her for her knowledge of the research to weaponize cancer. I think there is even more there that she is probably not directly aware of, some key facts that lie just below the surface and intel doesn't want someone digging into this too far.
If I was going to investigate this matter I would be more concerned with why Judyth was selected (what special gifts or capabilities did she have, and more concerned with Judyth's knowledge about the weaponizing of the cancer work and all the names involved than with Oswald, but that is just the way I see it).
Bottom line is Judyth has been harassed, and major psyops efforts have been brought against her to discredit her and create an environment where others are motivated to discredit her anytime she discloses some alleged important information. Some of the folks who have worked hard to discredit her are known to be dirty, some may just be mistaken, and some who have been unaccepting of many details of her story are themselves clean and are respected researchers but just feel they have found too many discrepancies and improbabilities.
I have worked with victims of intel harassment and psyops which did at times make misstatements and self-serving biased comments, largely due to the stress of the harassment and their own humanness and human limitations. Some had periods of outright anxiety and depressive disorders and their mental functioning deteriorated temporarily from the stress of the harassment.
So basically it is important for anyone investigating their story not to "throw the baby out with the bathwater", just because the water gets a little dirty.
Since WW2, why would intel spend so much money obtaining the best psyops money can buy? Why would they import and adopt the nazi mindkontrol techniques and use them 100%? Why would they hire Mueller, Gehlen and Mengele to set up these intel operations after WW2???
Intel has been long committed to using very sophisticated mind control and psyops technology that has been field tested and developed over many years dating back to the early 1950's and it is typically very effective. Unfortunately it is criminally misused against innocent citizens and whistleblowers far too much of the time, as in the case of Judyth.