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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile

[NOTE: This will be presented in three parts and may require some work for me to get it right.]

A study of Marguerite Claverie Oswald as [proposed] surrogate mother of “Harvey” Oswald


Marguerite Claverie Oswald was Lee Harvey Oswald’s mother. Or was she?

The question has been raised by John Armstrong. We cannot, in one fell swoop, resolve the entire matter of “Harvey” and “Lee” behind this question by examining only the person of Marguerite. There are school records of “Lee” and “Harvey” for example, that must be examined in yet another study. Mr. Armstrong has assembled many records. His book is huge, I’m told. I have been sent excerpts and have the CD photo collection he published. Mr. Armstrong traveled far and wide to get his information. He even flew to Argentina to interview some witnesses.

But he did not travel to Louisiana to interview me. He did interview me for a few minutes in one telephone call. He dismissed me, I am told by persons who spoke to him at COPA in 2009, because I stated I was not pregnant in 1963 and therefore, in his mind, I could not have posed as Marina Oswald.

Well, neither of us has read the other’s book. Living in exile made it impossible to order his book without disclosing my locations. However, I had a close relationship with Lee H. Oswald for months in New Orleans, and later by telephone, we planned an escape to Mexico. I learned way too much for my own good and am paying the price now.

Without digressing about how much Lee confided in me (anyone who reads my book understands that I went to extraordinary lengths to get his trust) I do feel obligated, knowing what I know, to set the record straight. “Harvey and Lee” structured researchers try to force me to divide everything of probative value between two identities—a “Harvey” and a “Lee.” I was actually asked several times by Armstrong theory supporters to show them, through photos, which man I knew—was it “Harvey” or was it “Lee”?

I refused to answer the question – it is all too close to “When did you stop beating your wife?” By pointing to one set, I was thus acknowledging that the other set belonged to “Lee” (or the other way around). I was then accused of refusing to answer their questions. I was even accused of responding discourteously, which was not the case. Recently, the same scenario was repeated at The Education Forum.

Let’s get a level playing field.

To attain that, I present here information of my own, along with observations from my knowledge of linguistics, as well as medical information. The information I offer may serve to change the outlook about collections of photographs of “This is Harvey Oswald” and “This is Lee Oswald” as actually belonging in the more logical categories of verified “Lee Harvey Oswald” photographs and “imposters.”


John Armstrong has collected many new pieces of information about Lee H. Oswald. Here is a telling passage from his online (and at first, compelling) article about “Two Oswalds”

“…According to McBride's information and Marine Corps records it appeared that from October, 1957 thru August, 1958 there was a "Lee Harvey Oswald" living with his "mother" in either New Orleans or Fort Worth while a second "Lee Harvey Oswald" was stationed in Japan and his "mother" was working at Paul's Shoe store in Fort Worth. At first this sounded ridiculous, even though I had documents, photographs, and statements from people who were with Oswald in different locations at the same time. Later, I also realized that if there were two "Lee Harvey Oswalds" at age 17 (and younger), then each of these boys had to have a parent or guardian ("Marguerite Oswald") to care for them. “

Ref: JFK 101 An excerpt from
"Harvey & Lee: How the CIA Framed Oswald by John Armstrong

I was surprised that Armstrong takes Marine records at face value, photographs about LHO in the newspapers when he defected at face value, and then can propose that two Marguerite Oswalds may have existed to take care of two different lads getting prepared at an age even younger than 17, “to care for them.” To support his thesis, Armstrong juxtaposes interviews that show conflict in time and dates. This is an entirely different issue, but the fact that so many documents about Kennedy have been altered, such as his x-rays, medical reports, etc. we must be very carefully what we accept as ‘fact’ from sources out there.

Especially without checking with all the witnesses who have claimed to have known Oswald during one of the most critical times in Oswald’s life. It has not been pleasant, standing out there to take dives from seagulls when I’m holding out a digestible chunk of information for the research community. But I do have information showing that the Marguerite Oswald we can trace all the way back to Ekdahl, at least, is the same Marguerite Oswald who spoke to reporters mourning the death of her son and insisting that he had been framed “by the State Department.”

Marguerite was right about that. Why would she bring this matter up to the whole world if she were part of some operation where she became a substitute mother?

I believe we have good reason to continue in our investigation of evidence that there was just one Marguerite. Besides hypothyroidism, what else could put Oswald’s mother back into one category instead of two? Was she the same woman who was born in the New Orleans area?

Let’s listen to her voice, remembering that Mr. Armstrong and those who have worked very hard with him, have come to believe the woman who married Edwin A. Ekdahl in 1945, about six years after the sudden death of her second husband (Lee’s [“Harvey”’s] father) is not the same woman as the one seen in the photograph here, whose voice can be heard on

[Image: wtu8v5.jpg]

1965 TV interview 5 min, 24 sec.

With a large portion including an on-camera interview of Marguerite Oswald.


We don’t get much help from newspapers: this is from The New York Times:

FORT WORTH, Jan. 17, 1981

Marguerite Oswald, mother of Lee Harvey Oswald, died today of cancer. She was 73 years old. Mrs. Oswald waged a campaign against the findings of the Warren Commission, which concluded that her son murdered President Kennedy in 1963.

There are photos of Marguerite that show her relatively slim and trim. They are all photos taken before Lee Oswald went into the Marines, at barely age 17.

[Image: 25i9kiw.jpg]


“According to conventional medicine, low sex drive is not necessarily a disease. Neither is a little dry skin or constipation or being tired most of the day. But for you, those problems are significant. So what causes them? Often, they're caused by a condition that goes undiagnosed in half of the 45 million people who have it. It's called hypothyroidism.’ [Mark Hyman, M.D.]

‘”….thyroid deficiency [Is] a cause of common age-associated maladies such as depression, fatigue, and unwanted weight gain….’ [Dr. Ana Hernandez, Youthful Aging Center ]

Dry skin • Hoarse voice/voice changes • Thinning hair • Coarse hair

A YouTube comment: “Marguerite's speaking voice can be irritating at times, but these are rare recordings ...” [NOTE: Removed for "terms of use violation.]

Notice her voice in this recording: ( late 1964 or in 1965…?):

“…he was wide open…” as to Lee’s protection, she says, when he was shot [this is true].

She says he’s framed. “Our trouble is in our State Department….” She says, basically, a coup occurred, too complicated to go into in a short interview. She is then treated almost with contempt...It is obviously such a shocking statement that she is considered totally out of touch with reality (we know better now). From then on, her reputation declined and she was always being noted for her emotional outbursts and ‘weird’ statements. Character assassination was in full swing. Notice she is wearing makeup and looks nicer than when she was stressed out, at the funeral of her son.

Messages In This Thread
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 01-03-2010, 01:30 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 12:18 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 06:19 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 22-03-2010, 08:53 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by James H. Fetzer - 24-03-2010, 04:50 PM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Dixie Dea - 24-03-2010, 11:09 PM

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