28-03-2010, 04:53 PM
30) Forrest V. Sorrels (SAIC of Dallas) 1/28/92;9/27/92
[Sorrels passed away 11/6/93]
During interviews conducted on 1/28/92 and 9/27/92 respectively, the
author contacted the 90 year-old former agent, who refused to discuss
the matter - Sorrels would only say "The Warren Report stands".
- Sorrels had led President Roosevelt over almost the same route as
Kennedy took on 11/22/63, the crucial difference being the hazardous
Elm Street turn.(13 H 55-83)
- Although Sorrels told the FBI that he "remained at (Parkland) hospital
until the President's body was taken to Love Field," this was not true -
still photos reveal that the agent made his way back to Dealey Plaza!(CD
735 page 12; William Allen photos; see also 7 H 347) Once back at the
murder scene, Sorrels went to work7 H 332 - 360)
a. finding two star government witnesses who claimed to have seen
gunfire from the "Oswald" window;(7 H 349)
b. making Texas Book Depository supervisor Roy Truly draw up an employee
manifest, only to "discover" that Oswald was supposedly the only
employee missing (not true - several were absent);
c. finding the elusive Abraham Zapruder and taking the man on a
convoluted journey to get his important film developed.(7 H 352)
- All this from an agent who claimed that the shots came from the grassy
knoll, while stating that he "never heard anything" about the Book
Depository on the police broadcasts!("Conspiracy" by Anthony Summers,
page 23; 7 H 347) (Interestingly, when Sorrels told the Warren
Commission about finding a witness who saw both a stalled truck on Elm
Street and a man who appeared to have a guncase shortly before the
shooting, the Commission apparently did not give this testimony much
merit - it is mentioned nowhere in their report);(7 H 351 - 352)
30) Forrest V. Sorrels (SAIC of Dallas) 1/28/92;9/27/92
[Sorrels passed away 11/6/93]
During interviews conducted on 1/28/92 and 9/27/92 respectively, the
author contacted the 90 year-old former agent, who refused to discuss
the matter - Sorrels would only say "The Warren Report stands".
- Sorrels had led President Roosevelt over almost the same route as
Kennedy took on 11/22/63, the crucial difference being the hazardous
Elm Street turn.(13 H 55-83)
- Although Sorrels told the FBI that he "remained at (Parkland) hospital
until the President's body was taken to Love Field," this was not true -
still photos reveal that the agent made his way back to Dealey Plaza!(CD
735 page 12; William Allen photos; see also 7 H 347) Once back at the
murder scene, Sorrels went to work7 H 332 - 360)
a. finding two star government witnesses who claimed to have seen
gunfire from the "Oswald" window;(7 H 349)
b. making Texas Book Depository supervisor Roy Truly draw up an employee
manifest, only to "discover" that Oswald was supposedly the only
employee missing (not true - several were absent);
c. finding the elusive Abraham Zapruder and taking the man on a
convoluted journey to get his important film developed.(7 H 352)
- All this from an agent who claimed that the shots came from the grassy
knoll, while stating that he "never heard anything" about the Book
Depository on the police broadcasts!("Conspiracy" by Anthony Summers,
page 23; 7 H 347) (Interestingly, when Sorrels told the Warren
Commission about finding a witness who saw both a stalled truck on Elm
Street and a man who appeared to have a guncase shortly before the
shooting, the Commission apparently did not give this testimony much
merit - it is mentioned nowhere in their report);(7 H 351 - 352)