29-03-2010, 06:21 PM
This photo shows the alleged defector (Harvey) in Minsk standing next to Marina, TOE TO TOE.
Marina is about 5'2". The LHO defector was either 5'9" or 5'!!" according to Marine records.
Clearly the man in this photo is barely 4" taller than Marina...not nearly tall enough to be the
defector. He also does not look like either Lee or Harvey. I (and others) have done accurate
studies demonstrating the height discrepancies.
Marina is about 5'2". The LHO defector was either 5'9" or 5'!!" according to Marine records.
Clearly the man in this photo is barely 4" taller than Marina...not nearly tall enough to be the
defector. He also does not look like either Lee or Harvey. I (and others) have done accurate
studies demonstrating the height discrepancies.