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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile

NOTE: Judyth has provided further details related to Lee's arrival in New Orleans on April 25 by
her account at April 24 by Armstrong's. They agree that he showed up for an unemployment
office interview on April 29 with John Rachal, who, as David Lifton has explained, reported that
he was nicely dressed, a matter that has been previously addressed. As Armstrong notes, his
whereabouts and activities from the 24th to the 29th are "unknown". Judyth fills in some blanks.

[I will check with Judyth to make sure that everything I am posting here is just as it should be.]


Late in 2001 Mary Ferrell gave me her private copy of her well-known and praised LHO chronologies
after I provided information to her regarding the whereabouts and activities of Lee Oswald between
April 26th and May 8th, which were largely a blank in her chronology. I had been unable to afford
to buy a copy. I had no chronology of any kind before that.

Here are some highlights from Researcher Mary Ferrell’s Chronology:

April 23, 1963 (Tuesday) - Marina says that Oswald checks some baggage to New Orleans on his
bus ticket on the day before he leaves. (WC Vol 22, p. 778; WC Vol 23, p. 526)

April 24-29, 1963 (Wednesday - Monday) - Oswald's whereabouts from Wednesday afternoon until
Monday are unknown except for Friday's appearance at the New Orleans office of the Louisiana
Employment Commission. (WC Vol 8, p. 135)

April 28, 1963 (Sunday) - Oswald visits his father's grave in New Orleans. (WC Vol 8, pp. 135-136, 165)

On 11/23/63, the Murrets say that Oswald spent three to five nights at their residence. (WC Vol 23,
p. 718) Mrs. Murret says that Oswald would eat no breakfast; Oswald would take the want-ads; and
Oswald would be gone all day until 5:30 p.m. til 6:00 p.m. looking for a job. (WC Vol 8, p. 137)

April 29, 1963 (Monday) - Oswald writes to Marina at Mrs. Paine's home in Irving. (WC Vol 16, p. 228)

April/May 1963 - Oswald drives his uncle Murret's car. (WC Vol 2, pp. 503-504) Oswald's cousin,
John Murret, let him drive his car sometime between May and July. (WC Vol 8, p. 151)

May 3, 1963 (Friday) - Oswald writes to Marina, who is staying with Mrs. Michael Paine in Irving,
that the employment office will pay him $15.00 or $20.00. He says that his uncle has offered him
a $200.00 loan. (WC Vol 16, p. 230)

There are conflicts to this report, since Mrs. Murret also said Lee stayed with them as early as April
22nd, with another report given as April 29th from Ferrell. However, Mrs. Murret’s statement that
Lee spent only three to five nights at their residence is the most accurate. Obviously Lee would not
check out of the YMCA, stay with his aunt and uncle a few days, then check back into the YMCA, then
go back to his aunt and uncle’s home. He ate a Sunday dinner with them on May 5th. On May 6th or
7th he moved in with them for a few days, primarily to "prove" to his relatives that he was job hunting,
thereby making the acquisition of a pre-arranged job at Wm. B. Reily Coffee Company appear to have
been the result of a job-hunt.

Notes for each date below:

April 23, 1963 (Tuesday) - Marina says that Oswald checks some baggage to New Orleans on his
bus ticket on the day before he leaves. (WC Vol 22, p. 778; WC Vol 23, p. 526)

==This is typical: Lee liked to use lockers to store things ahead of time. He had boxes, a couple of
seabags and a duffle bag, etc. Thererfore, a neighbor such as Eric Rogers saw Lee leave his 4905
Magazine St. address -- reporting two bags -- but was unaware that Lee had already moved other
bags from the apartment and had them eventually stored in a locker at Nuevio Laredo.==

[I hope that someone can check out this lead to see if there are any records about this anywhere.]

April 24-29, 1963 (Wednesday - Monday) - Oswald's whereabouts from Wednesday afternoon until
Monday are unknown except for Friday's appearance at the New Orleans office of the Louisiana
Employment Commission. (WC Vol 8, p. 135)



This is the area I can fill in. Lee told me he arrived in town "the day before" -- April 25 -- early enough
to visit his relatives afer checking in at the YMCA. He mentioned eating supper with somebody who
would become important later -- David Ferrie. He wasted no time contacting him.

APRIL 26, 1963: Met Lee H. Oswald approx. 8:30 AM at Post Office. He accompanied me to the YWCA.
We spoke for approximately an hour. I did not think I would see him again. It has been suggested
that he was sent to meet me. I have no problem accepting that. I was alone due to misunderstanding
about the timing in coming to New Orleans and had contacted Ochsner's Clinic about my dilemma.
They told me to return to FL, I told them I could not do that. Lee Oswald may have been sent to
watch over me in the tough town.

The fact that he went into Charity Hospital with me and interviewed with Ochsner before I did also
suggests prior association with Ochsner (details in book). Where Lee Oswald was from 10:00 AM
for the rest of the day includes a trip to his aunt's house (Murrets, 757 French St.) to "borrow a white
shirt" (reported by me in 1999). It seems he obtained a suit, also, as per description at employment
office. Lee's aunt tesified that she was concerned about his attire and closely describes Lee's activities,
the most important being that Lee did not eat breakfast there after moving in with them.

APRIL 27: Lee Oswald appears at Royal Castle where I am working the breakfast rush two-hour shift
as a extra (to get YBWCA rent $$$ as Ochsner was not in town -- he was in South America -- and had
not yet signed my application papers to work with Dr. Sherman, who may have accompanied Ochsner,
as she ofen did to Latin America, due to her fluency in Spanish, the only person on Ochsner's main
staff who could speak it. Lee Oswald rides back with me to town. Other events occur: we eat lunch
with Dave Ferrie and he believes I am the person he requested to help him -- He accepts that they
must have sent a female because he was a homosexual; oher events occur. Fascinated by Ferrie,
we spend the most of the night listening to him teach and preach.

APRIL 28: The Ferrell chronology reports, for people who don't think Lee Oswald could drive, that he's
borrowing cars. Indeed he was, as I have also reported. (Lee would be probably the only New Orleans
boy in the fifies who 'didn't know how to drive'. They rarely took learner's permits -- just hopped in
and drove each other around in whoever had a jalopy. Lee said he drove that early, but had very
little experience until he learned to drive a jeep in the Marines, which he learned in a few hours.

April/May 1963 - "Oswald drives his uncle Murret's car. (WC Vol 2, pp. 503-504) Oswald's cousin,
John Murret, let him drive his car sometime between May and July. (WC Vol 8, p. 151)"

APRIL 28: Disgusted at learning Lee beat his wife, which he admits with shame, I am stuck having to
stay with him because we are already far from the "Y" finding out how to find his father's grave, and
I get lost very easily. He went to see his aunt, but I stayed outside because he was married. We had
borrowed his cousin's car (See the note above in the Ferrell Chronology about borrowed cars.). I was
just wanting to go home when he found out the location of his father's grave. He persuaded me to
get up off the bench and go with him down the row, which was between lots of cluttered tombs, etc.,
to view it. I have described the grave site to researchers: even they had a hard time finding it, and it
was as I described.

I never saw the photo of his father that a cousin said the old aunt gave him, but we were hardly
talking at the time. Things got better that night and we attended a party at Dave Ferrie's, but with
disastrous results. I heard horrible things about JFK from Kenendy-hating Cubans who wanted him

APRIL 29: Lee took me to meet Guy Banister, who assured me Ferrie was legitimate, the cancer
project was legitimate, etc. We spent the whole day together. By now, Lee has moved me from
the "Y" into the mansion and (Guy) helped out by paying $10 of the rent after Lee (I was with him)
ran money for his uncle (Dutz) from "Town and Country" (Marcello's headquarters). Dutz gave him
$200 and told him to keep it. It was not a loan, as it has been described in the WC.

APRIL 30-MAY 1: Among events: I extracted a promise from Lee that he would not lay a hand on his
wife or I would never see him again. We had no affair but were deeply attracted to each other. My
husband-to-be was failing to write very much and I was not even sure he would show up. Because I
would soon have employment at Dr. Sherman's lab, with housing and stipend, I did not feel pressure
to marry. I actually had had some fears about getting married because my fiance was keeping our
elopement a secret. I did not get along with my parents because I had become an atheist. And my
fiance was a day late arriving without telling me he would be late. He arrived May 1, the day we were
supposed to get married. Lee said he was falling in love with me and begged me not to marry my
fiance. But I was still upset about his treatment of his wife. I stayed on good terms with Lee because
he had promised that, if I would stay his friend, he would never, ever strike Marina again. I felt it was
my duty to be his friend, just to help her. That's how it started. I did not, as one researcher has said,
have an affair with Oswald just prior to marrying my husband. The situation was rather more complex.

Messages In This Thread
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 01-03-2010, 01:30 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 12:18 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 06:19 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 22-03-2010, 08:53 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Dixie Dea - 24-03-2010, 11:09 PM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by James H. Fetzer - 06-04-2010, 09:03 PM

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