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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile

NOTE: David Lifton and I have had some rather heated exchanges about Judyth and the recording
he made of his conversation with her. I have asked him to send me a cassette copy, which would
enable me to listen to it to determine for myself whether it has been edited and whether or not it is
reasonable to suppose that he could have discerned some difference in the pronunciation of "Kan
Kun" as opposed to "Cancun", which I submit is virtually impossible. At that point in time, I doubt
that David was aware that there was a Kankun as opposed to a Cancun, which, for me, undermines
his credibility in this exchange. In fact, I no longer regard any of his views about Judyth as credible.
Judyth, it becomes clear, has been there before and detects patterns to the attacks occurring here.
Lifton referred to me as Judyth's "manager", but that is not my role. I am facilitating her posting.


Dear Jim--I regret more than you will ever know any ruptures of friendships...In my own family, I
have precious children who no longer speak to me over this. It is a burden that is almost unbearable.
History and what happens to a country that is almost overwhelmed by an oligarchy running things after
a violent Coup upon a sitting President, and active in front of and behind the scenes--these facts are
more important than our feelings.

We must ever keep before us that if Oswald had been a 'lone nut'--this man surrounded by people in
almost every photograph of him ever taken outside of official photos--we must keep before us that
this 'lone nut'--had he alone killed the president--would not have generated any "national security"
excuses for why so many files have been hidden, lost, destroyed, altered and redacted. The power
of the cabal is evident when one inspects the overwhelming evidence tha Oswald is innocent, versus
the money, power and low standards (they lie all the time) of the media and the supporters of the
Warren Commission.

We have killed so many people and wrecked our country and its dreams, led by these vicious people
and their fawning, well-paid servants.

As I think you can see, neither person who posted on this page seems to have read the thread carefully.
They congratulate Barb about her showing that some enclosures with a letter from Kennedy's personal
assistant (not a secretary)--the same man who was in charge, along with Shriver, of arranging Kennedy's
funeral--from the White House--were not described accurately. What Barb does not understand is that
items were enclosed that were not on the list. It was quite a lengthy list, by the way. I received a large
package from the White House--not just a regular envelope. Barb assumes that the list of enclosures
was complete. I assure you it was not.

For example, I have a photograph of President Kennedy that was enclosed, and it is not on the list.
Ralph Dungan was a special assistant. Despite what Barb has written, he did not crank out boilerplate
letters to JFK fans, as she implies, though I have been told tha Dungan himself did write letters to
ordinary individuals when the President read certain letters and asked him to respond for him. I thus
believe the President may have personally read my letter, though of course I cannot prove it. So I
was very pleased to hear from Ralph Dungan.

Below is a list showing that receiving a Dungan letter was not receiving a boilerplate mass-produced
response, as Barb J tried to say:


RALPH A. DUNGAN THE WHITE HOUSE Subject: Reply to Prime Minister Nehru's letter of February 20 to the President.

2. Dungan, as Kennedy's special advisor on Latin American affairs, write JFK memos about cover operations. Note this:

"Memo, Ralph A. Dungan to President Kennedy, “Covert Operations in Cuba... "

3. Dungan arranged positions in Kennedy's government:

"...After the election, Ralph Dungan asked [Peterson] what position she wanted. Because of her interest in working
women...Peterson chose the Women's Bureau. Peterson's appointment had the support of virtually every member of
the Women's Bureau coalition."[Esther Peterson]

4. Judith Stein: wrote two letters to Kennedy and then got a reply from Dungan, at about the same time I wrote my
letter to Kennedy:

"Another political event occurred early in February, 1963. I received at that time from Special White House Aide Ralph
Dungan a letter of appreciation of my earlier two letters to the President, indicating that my comments had been
incorporated into his State of the Union address for that year. Dungan's letter to me is reproduced herein..." Stein
says she was injected with drugs to give her cancer (Mae Brussell Archives).

5. Ralph Dungan, of course, had his own secretaries; he was not a drudge writing letters for JFK to fans: "Gerri
Whittington, a secretary to aide Ralph Dungan..."

6. An example of Dungan's advisory position with Kennedy:

"The President's Special Assistant Ralph A. Dungan feared that the Alliance was returning to the Eisenhower emphasis
on monetary stabilization, which provided the proper climate for private investment and economic growth and included
tolerating military dictatorships. Dungan suggested that a reversion to Eisenhower's policy meant the United States
"might as well kiss the Alliance(and the hemisphere(good-bye." (47)

Below is an interesing compilation of letters a friend of Kennedy received. Once the President wrote to him personally,
and twice, Ralph Dungan wrote:

Archive is that of Mr. Henry Borntraeger of Latrobe Pennsylvania.

1) Mr. Borntraeger received a White House letter dated August 14, 1961 from Ralph Dungan, special assistant to
the President, that reads: “Thank you, in the President’s behalf, for your message…in support of bills to create a
U. S. Disarmament Agency.”

2) On August 19, Borntraeger responded in a letter to the President....

3) A White House letter dated September 5, 1961, was the response: : "Dear Mr. Borntraeger: I was pleased to receive
your letter and to learn of the support you are giving my Disarmament Agency proposal. It is gratifying to know that my
old friends are supporting me and your kind words are very much appreciated. With every good wish, Sincerely, (signed)
John Kennedy

On September 20th, Borntraeger sent another telegram: “Delighted to learn that the House has passed your proposal to
create…Disarmament Agency…in search of a just and lasting peace…for realistic solutions to the arms race and international

4) On September 29th, he received a White House letter from Ralph Dungan, that reads: “The President asked me to
thank you for the message you sent to him prior to his address to the United Nations..." ...included is a copy of the
President’s speech given to the United Nations on September 25, 1961.

Borntraeger responds in a seven-page typed letter to the President, outlining some peace initiatives that might be put
into place while constructing a “Peace Race.” In fine condition. COA John Reznikoff/PSA/DNA and R&R COA.

(This collection of 2 Dungan letters and one JFK letter sold at auction for $4,145.00)

7. Later, Dungan tesified before the Church Committee on US intelligence activities in Chile:

8. In order to reach the President, Dungan might be approached:

(Lee White, former civil rights adviser to JFK and LBJ) stated: "...And I had a contact in the White House and I just
thought that the president was - President Kennedy was going too slow and I'd always tell him, Ralph - his name was
Ralph Dungan - Ralph, tell the president this, tell the president. Finally, he said, you know this stuff, I don't know this
stuff, write him a memo, I'll give it to him.

Barb reported that Ralph Dungan wrote a boilerplate letter in response to my letter to JFK, as he must have done for
oodles of others, which is not true. In addition, Barb did not analyze or address the aspects of the letter from Walter
Reed. She concentrated on my interpretation of MEDE-ZOE as a "special file" (which my mentor, Col. Doyle, said it
was) when she says she learned it was an "address" on the letter, over which she makes great hoopla, while ignoring
the contents of the letter itself, which addresses advanced research considerations, free chemicals, offers of mentoring,

Barb says she is "checking facts". But is Barb neutral--"Just the facts, ma'am"? (She far from neutral.)

Barb recently wrote the remark below, that my friend Allan just sent to me from New York:

Wrote Barb:

Oh, Judyth has been chattering like crazy thru Fetzer on the Ed Forum.
He's her new lackey. And yes, it all is convenient timing for her new
book ... which has once again been postponed ... this time, no new
date given, and refunds available ...

Barb :-)

[NOTE: No one who knows me would ever make such an insinuation. I have always been my own man, and if I
did not believe in Judyth, I would not be expending the time and effort involved here. I think Barb is projecting.]

(P.S. from JVB: The book has been delayed as the Trine Day book, A TERRIBLE MISTAKE, about US biowarfare in
France, has been selling so well that printing schedules had to change. DR. MARY'S MONKEY and A TERRIBLE MISTAKE
will prepare readers for Me & Lee. The book is in line for printing.)

Someone named "Karin" wrote to Barb and John McAdams, frustrated because they twisted her questions around:

"What "research assistant" job are you talking about? John, If you'll
simply review the thread, my original question related to her getting a
job as a research assistant in chemistry after she returned to Florida.

("Karin" says she sent me an email which did not get answered. She can send emails to Dr. Fetzer, or to Pamela,
and I will reply to them! But whoever "Karin" is, she tried to actually reason with McAdams and Barb at McAdams'
newsgroup, where Dave Reitzes chimed in that I was a mental case. Here's what Karin wrote:

McA: "Your not assuming that she got such a job in New Orleans, are you?"
Again John, if you'll review the original thread, I was quite clearly
referencing the job that she got working as a research assistant AFTER she
returned to Florida. Sheesh.

McA: "I'm not aware that Barb was wrong."
Again John, the reason for that is that you didn't even bother to REVIEW THE DARN THREAD.
Barb had asked: "How do you know she got a job as a research assistant? Oooo, oooo, call
on me .... I know the answer to that question! 'cuz Judyth tells us so."

That was a wrong assumption on Barb's part, John. I was relying on pay stubs from her work, as I clearly stated in
the thread.

McA: "Please provide some proof that Judyth was ever a "research assistant" in New Orleans."

YET AGAIN, John, it would help if you even glanced at the original thread. I said nothing about her being a research
assistant in New Orleans. I referred to her working in Florida.

McA: "I'm afraid things you think are "well established" are "well established only in the minds of people who take
Judyth's word."

For the last time, it would help if you had actually read the thread. To recap: I had asked a simple question about
how this "college dropout" with no prospects in life would have managed to acquire employment working as a research
assistant upon her return to Florida.

Rather than straightforwardly addressing the question, Barb chose to state that I ONLY knew that Judyth had acquired
such a job because Judyth herself told me so.

Again, that was a WRONG assumption. Then, after I proceeded to inform Barb that her assumption was wrong because
the evidence of it came in the form of PAY STUBS (physical evidence, NOT Judyth's word), Barb chose to suddenly
concede that there is "no doubt that Judyth worked at PenChem."

Hence my question about why she wasted my time asking about things that are well established--not to mention avoiding
the actual original question!

I am still very eager to learn about all of those "devilish details" which show that she did NOT actually acquire a job working
as a research assistant in Florida! And I still can't wait!


Thank you, Karin, whoever you are. (No, I am not karin, as these people suggested--I keep people between myself and
them for good reason--they always sent viruses to my computer!)

I (JVB) now add these remarks:

That newsgroup, Karin and Allan and all, also faulted me by telling supportive researchers I never wrote President
Kennedy---that I made it up. You know, the you believe that because "Judyth says so" argument. Then Tony Marsh
went to the Archives and found my letter.

But they won't give any credit for long....Recently, a McAdams-clone asked Barb if it was 'she' who found the letter,
though he well knew it was Marsh.

I haven't read anything over there for some time, as I rely on others to send me information to keep my computer
safe, but the above poss from McAdams show that they have no interest in telling people such as Karin the truth.

Barb picked on my making an error about when I said I was told to write President Kennedy, when I was told to
write to the President, and yes, I finally did write the letter...Eisenhower being a lame duck, I didn't get around
to it until later. Yes, I forgot 'the right name' when I said I was asked to write to President Kennedy.

But in fact, I'd been asked to write "the president" and Col, Doyle, my high school physics and science seminar teacher,
asked if I had done so. He reminded me that I had been asked to write, differing my services to my country and said
this would help me get more help in obtaining materials and support for my work. The Peace Corps was forming at that
time, and youth were being encouraged to get involved with their country. I was once such young person. I was told such
a letter would place me on a list of those who would get more favors regarding scholarships and research opportunities.

That's what he said, and I reported what he said. Make of it what you will.

I received numerous letters and materials in 1960-61 with tons of enclosures. Surely the letter proves I was patriotic.
I wrote to my President. Barb was alive back then, I presume. Did she write to JFK? How about David Lifton? Did he
ever write JFK? How many of my critics wrote to Kennedy? One? None? I cared deeply about my country--more than
they did, possibly.

It seems that the people who truly care about what I have to say, who are intelligent enough to have read what has
been posted here--intelligent enough to see that I am trying to place information of importance before their eyes--
I will not be distracted by propaganda.

I urge them to follow us to the blogs being set up, where we can post information for all who have a genuine interest in
the life of Lee Harvey Oswald between April 26, 1963 and November 21, 1963, where I have information concerning him
due to our relationship during that time period.

The blogs won't get buried or trivialized as the thread does here--and people such as Karin will not have to put up with
half-baked facts and ridicule form the likes of Barb and McAdams. She will be treated with respect (that goes both ways--
abusive comments will be erased).

I have tried to present information about Lee H. Oswald here, but keep getting attacked on such matters as mouse
urine! I had to take time to defend why I was inspecting mouse urine under a microscope for a pseudo-scientist. She
now understands that mouse urine can be used to detect cancer, which she did not understand before, and mocked,
until I showed her the research in the field going back into the 1930's.

But this simply buries what we are trying to present to those who care about the identity of Lee H. Oswald and
his activities, and why he was murdered along with Kennedy.

I have explained how David Lifton misconstrued my statements--and that tape had better be intact, when sent to Dr.
Fetzer--because I took full notes on what I said and sent them to Shackelford and Platzman at once.

Of interest to me was how much time Mr. Lifton spent trying to get information about my book and about "60 Minutes",
rather than asking more than a couple of specific questions, in his one and only interview, which he variously described
as two hours long and as short as a half-hour long. I have documented how long the interview was.

Lifton promised to keep everything I said to him confidential--a promise he broke in six months. He promised to help
Rachel Oswald and sold her story out from under her and gave her nothing. Thus, this is a man I do not trust. In addition,
he just praised Barb J, whose efforts on this thread revealed bias and prejudice. Further, I had just exposed her inability
to "fact check"--yet he praised her work. That was unconscionable, as Dr. Fetzer pointed out.

I invite everyone who cares about the truth to visit which has finally been unblocked on google
(yes, it was blocked, for weeks). The rest of you can keep on going around in circles, as has been done for decades. You
will not find the answer at The Education Forum. You are being distracted and derailed, whenever you move close to the
truth, a pattern I have seen now for a decade.


[quote name='David Lifton' post='189313' date='Apr 9 2010, 06:05 PM']Barb,

You get a small gold star for doing all this work.
Same goes for Anthony Marsh, for actually digging up this obscure letter at the JFK Library.
When are people going to catch on and stop wasting time on this lady?

Life is finite.
Should even a minute be wasted on this lady, and her fictions?


Messages In This Thread
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 01-03-2010, 01:30 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 12:18 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 06:19 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 22-03-2010, 08:53 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Dixie Dea - 24-03-2010, 11:09 PM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by James H. Fetzer - 10-04-2010, 05:14 AM

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