13-04-2010, 02:39 AM
James H. Fetzer Wrote:David,
My understanding is that "60 Minutes" spent more time and money vetting this program than any other in its history, but that the decision was made not to broadcast it by upper-echelon administrators for political reasons. I will ask Howard Platzman, who navigated her through all of this, if he can elaborate. I will also ask Judyth about the dates for those income records and why she wanted "a clear record" for them.
David Healy Wrote:James H. Fetzer Wrote:JUDYTH REPLIES TO JACK WHITE
I have the W-2 form to go with the attached checks, and the income tax records, too, for 1963. I filled my income tax return separately from Robert Baker, because I wanted a clear record of my income to prove it.
I'm picking up bits and pieces of this saga as the thread moves on, quick questions re a very minor point, "... I wanted a clear record of my income to prove it." [b]WHY? (my emphasis): does anyone believe the IRS or and other institution (including a US court of law) would accept, as proof of work (amongst other things), payroll check stubs without a date?
And can someone tell me why 60Minutes shit-canned this story?
David Healy
What is PENINSULAR CHEMRESEARCH? What happened to Reily Coffee Co.?