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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile

NOTE: There is no reason to suppose that Judyth has to demonstrate the untenability of
HARVEY & LEE, especially since, in terms of John Armstrong's work, she knew only the
one he calls "Harvey". On the other hand, she has offered observations about some of
the "evidence" that has been advanced in support of the existence of "two Oswalds" and
found it lacking. That includes several of the alleged photographic proofs, the alleged
difference in the color of their eyes, and the "missing tooth" scenario. In addition, she
has observed that the man she knew differed from "Harvey" with respect to several of
the attributes ascribed to him by Armstrong, including, for example, having been born
in Hungary and being unable to drive. What she has to contribute about the man that
she knew in New Orleans thus poses some unavoidable conflicts with HARVEY & LEE.


The questions posed by Lee Farley are repeated here in italics, Judyth's replies in bold:

If Jim struggles with the concept of two Lee Harvey Oswald's can he (or JVB) tell us

a. who the hell J. Edgar Hoover was chasing around in 1960 using LHO's birth certificate?

REPLY: Lee was in deep cover. He told me he would be able to resume a normal life
when he returned due to records generated that made it seem he had never gone to
the USSR. His meddling mom messed that up. How could Hoover ignore the mother?
He had to respond. Lee said she was a 'meddler' in his business. I wish I knew more.

b. who did Palmer McBride work with in Pfisterer in New Orleans?

Because I am very familiar with Lee's past in New Orleans: he talked of it. Lee did like
astronomy and I believe that part. He is alive and is aware of his vulnerabilities as to his
testimony. More on this later.

c. who was impersonating LHO in Mexico City?

==There is no doubt Lee was impersonated there. [NOTE: Even J. Edgar acknowledge that
the photos and audio recording from Mexico City were not those of Lee Harvey Oswald.]==

d. who was at the rifle ranges in the lead up to the assassination?

==There is no doubt Lee was impersonated there. The problem is, there was more than one
impersonator, and these impersonators are being neglected or ignored in favor of just one
man who cannot be found and who, in fact, does not exist, per se, except in files that had
created deep cover for the only and real LHO ==

e. who was at Sylvia Odio's house?

==Lee was there==

f. who was at Red Bird Air Field attempting to charter a plane from Wayne January while
LHO was at work in the TSBD?

==He did that, too. You simply assume Lee was 'at work' at TSBD. Remember that the day
Lee was arrested, his time card for the day was ALREADY FILLED OUT FOR A FULL 8 HOURS.
Yes, it showed him working there for a full day -- 8 hours -- when he was missing from that
building not long after the mid-day assassination. You assume he was at the job, but it was
a cover job, just as at Reily's. He told me it was even better than at Reily's because there
was no time clock to worry about -- everything got filled out by hand.==

g. who was buying beer and brittle from Fred Moore in the Jiffy store on Industrial Blvd?

==Do not assume he was always at the TSBD -- it is a fatal assumption==

h. who was arrested in the balcony of the Texas Theater and taken out the rear after LHO
was arrested and taken out the front?

==There were impersonators at the end, from Mexico City on. One impersonator who ran in
the the Texas Theater AFTER LHO was already inside==whom the FBI informant at the shoe
store then conveniently made sure was reported to the police by the frightened ticket-seller,
who burst into tears when she was asked if it was REALLY the same guy that they brought out
-- the guy who sold the popcorn shows us that Lee was already inside when Tippit was killed.==

i. who owned all the wallets that were found over the course of 22nd-23rd November?

==Lee owned one and the other was planted, just like the rifle was planted, etc., etc.==

e. who was in the red Ford Falcon seen, and identified as LHO, by T.F. White?

==Lee H. Oswald could drive. His uncle, cousin, and I have all reported that. The people who
say he could not drive are largely Marina "Sequestered Widow" Oswald and Ruth "Convenient
Traitor" Paine.==

f. who owned the driving license in the files of the TDPS in Austin?

==Lee owned it. He told me about it early on, along with why he did not get a car in New Orleans...
While in Texas, he had laid it aside somewhere because the Texas highway patrol, he told me, had
"flagged' it saying he was a 'known communist.' He therefore avoided driving as much as possible...
and also did not have the license on him, in case he ever got arrested so he wouldn't ever get beat
up by the police. Most of these questions have simple answers when you know what happened... I
assume the license was found and returned to the Texas Drivers' License Bureau. Maybe he left it
behind at the "YMCA"? Who knows? He old me he left it behind in Texas. I once lost my driver's
license and it was returned to the state bureau. (I lived in Texas myself for over 18 years.)==

I'm sorry but the evidence of two Oswald's is overwhelming.

==Only if you swallow a theory and ignore a witness who can provide reasonable and sensible answers
for you. I have stated, and will again, that there is plenty of 'evidence' that the sun circles the earth,
when actually, it is the earth that is turning, and the earth itself is actually circling the sun. But medieval
thinkers had "the evidence" and it was "overwhelming." But it wasn't true, either.==

John Armstrong's hypothesis might not be perfect but it's as good as it can be with the info he had.

==I wish he had interviewed me. He decided that, because I wasn't pregnant, I could not have posed as
Marina. He jumped to conclusions.

He missed a witness, based on his assumption that I had to be pregnant if I posed as Marina.

He forgot that Marina was all but sequestered.

She never went to the French Quarter, for example.

And I posed as Marina BEFORE she arrived in New Orleans.

Note that when Marina and Ruth Paine visited the French Quarter in late September, before Marina was
taken to Irving Texas--at which time she and Lee wept because he told her they probably would never
meet again--for Lee and I had planned to marry in Mexico -- (see the 'official version' book MARINA
AND LEE). He was soon ordered back to Dallas after the mission he had in Mexico City was called off --
though they'd promised him he could stay.

That night just before leaving New Orleans, when Marina and Ruth went to the French Quarter, Lee did
not go with them.

Lee and I had spent a lot of time in the French Quarter. He did not want to be seen with Marina and Ruth
in case somebody might have called out, "Oswald! Where's Marina?" So he did not go with them.They took
the kids with them...he stayed behind, by himself...==


I believe JA to be the "real deal" in this matter...

[quote name='Lee Farley' post='189465' date='Apr 11 2010, 09:09 PM']This thread has so much information, garbage, hearsay, facts, lies and insults included in it that I've kinda lost track of what the hell is going on.

Do we all have to make a decision here to believe Judyth and take the "side" of Jim Fetzer or alternatively disbelieve her and take the "side" of David Lifton? Then what? Start a giant pie fight that would put Laurel and Hardy to shame? And would the icing on the proverbial cake (or pie) be the shouting of the F-Word at those who are not on our "side" anymore?

Absolutely pathetic.

The key message in all of this for me is this: has John Armstrong's thesis any legs in light of what JVB has to say?

If Jim struggles with the concept of two Lee Harvey Oswald's can he (or JVB) tell us

a. who the hell J. Edgar Hoover was chasing around in 1960 using LHO's birth certificate?
b. who did Palmer McBride work with in Pfisterer in New Orleans?
c. who was impersonating LHO in Mexico City?
d. who was at the rifle ranges in the lead up to the assassination?
e. who was at Sylvia Odio's house?
f. who was at Red Bird Air Field attempting to charter a plane from Wayne January while LHO was at work in the TSBD?
g. who was buying beer and brittle from Fred Moore in the Jiffy store on Industrial Blvd?
h. who was arrested in the balcony of the Texas Theater and taken out the rear after LHO was arrested and taken out the front?
i. who owned all the wallets that were found over the course of 22nd-23rd November?
e. who was in the red Ford Falcon seen, and identified as LHO, by T.F. White?
f. who owned the driving license in the files of the TDPS in Austin?

I'm sorry but the evidence of two Oswald's is overwhelming. John Armstrong's hypothesis might not be perfect but it's as good as it can be with the info he had. I believe JA to be the "real deal" in this matter...

...oh and by the way, this is how the whole "alterationist" versus "anti-alterationsist" pissing contest started - the lowering of conscious thought into a tribalistic meme of "thinking" that consists of "you don't think the same thing as me? Well, F*** you!"[/quote]

Messages In This Thread
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 01-03-2010, 01:30 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 12:18 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 06:19 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 22-03-2010, 08:53 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Dixie Dea - 24-03-2010, 11:09 PM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by James H. Fetzer - 13-04-2010, 02:23 PM

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