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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile

Fascinating, Lee. May I infer this represents your own research, or is it largely derived
from that of John Armstrong? Jack, of course, is simply begging the question by taking
for granted that there were "two Oswalds". My inclination at this point in time, given the
problems I have encountered with HARVEY & LEE already, is to think that Robert was a
prime candidate to be impersonating his brother on various occasions but that probably
there were multiple impostors from time to time, where many documents and records
were fabricated and faked to create a false personal history so that the one and only
Lee Harvey Oswald could return to a normal life, where Armstrong does not appear to
have taken that prospect seriously and, I believe, has accepted some phony ones as
authentic. How many and how crucial they are to his thesis, I have yet to determine.

A perfect example, of course, is Jack's insistence that "Harvey" could not drive. I think,
if that were the case, he would be almost unique among millions and millions of young
Americans, virtually all of whom can drive. Moreover, Judyth's claim that he could drive
is based upon ACTUALLY DRIVING WITH HIM, which, I dare say, takes precedence over
a flurry of reports that he could not. Putting these considerations together, I am inclined
to believe that the man she knew in New Orleans could drive, even if, for reasons of his
own, he wanted others to believe that he could not. You appear to know quite a lot more
than I about the issues under consideration here, other than that Caroline Arnold saw him
in the lunchroom again at 12:25 PM, while the assassination took place five minutes later.

Unlike others who are posting here, you appear to have a somewhat open mind about at
least some of these issues. Jack created a "Judyth/Jim" thread to discuss (what we take
to be) "errors" in HARVEY & LEE, but when I reposted around 20 prior posts discussing a
number of them, he claimed I had "rudely hijacked" his thread, when I thought that I was
complying with his wishes. I assumed that he would send them to John Armstrong for an
evaluation, but that did not occur. I would be extremely interested in your take on some
of the issues that Judyth and I have raised in those posts, which include a blunder about
the "index" to the supporting volumes, a feeble witness for "Harvey" having attended the
same junior high school as "Lee", the report of "Lee" having lost a tooth but, remarkably,
but that Lillian Murret, who was "Harvey"s aunt, paid the dental bill, which dumbfounds me.

There are more concerning alleged differences in eye color, photographs that appear to
have been manipulated, and misleading calculations based upon other of them. I believe
that Judyth has scored some important points that remove some of the props alleged to
support the existence of "Harvey" and "Lee". Pat Speer, incidentally, in another thread,
when I quoted a passage from HARVEY & LEE about the FBI secretly taking the physical
evidence (Lee's belongings) back to Washington to launder it and then bringing it back to
Dallas (also in secret), only to pack it up in a car to transport it to Washington for what
was officially the "first and only" time, observed that John had misdated the creation of
the Warren Commission by a week. These kinds of mistakes do not inspire confidence in
HARVEY & LEE. I would like your opinions about the ones reported in "Judyth/Jim". I will
invite Judyth's comments on your post, but she is about to travel, so it may be delayed.

[quote name='Lee Farley' post='189606' date='Apr 13 2010, 04:39 PM']
[quote name='James H. Fetzer' post='189589' date='Apr 13 2010, 04:58 AM']

If Jim struggles with the concept of two Lee Harvey Oswald's can he (or JVB) tell us

a. who the hell J. Edgar Hoover was chasing around in 1960 using LHO's birth certificate?

REPLY: Lee was in deep cover. He told me he would be able to resume a normal life
when he returned due to records generated that made it seem he had never gone to
the USSR. His meddling mom messed that up. How could Hoover ignore the mother?
He had to respond. Lee said she was a 'meddler' in his business. I wish I knew more.

b. who did Palmer McBride work with in Pfisterer in New Orleans?

Because I am very familiar with Lee's past in New Orleans: he talked of it. Lee did like
astronomy and I believe that part. He is alive and is aware of his vulnerabilities as to his
testimony. More on this later.

c. who was impersonating LHO in Mexico City?

==There is no doubt Lee was impersonated there. [NOTE: Even J. Edgar acknowledge that
the photos and audio recording from Mexico City were not those of Lee Harvey Oswald.]==

d. who was at the rifle ranges in the lead up to the assassination?

==There is no doubt Lee was impersonated there. The problem is, there was more than one
impersonator, and these impersonators are being neglected or ignored in favor of just one
man who cannot be found and who, in fact, does not exist, per se, except in files that had
created deep cover for the only and real LHO ==

e. who was at Sylvia Odio's house?

==Lee was there==

f. who was at Red Bird Air Field attempting to charter a plane from Wayne January while
LHO was at work in the TSBD?

==He did that, too. You simply assume Lee was 'at work' at TSBD. Remember that the day
Lee was arrested, his time card for the day was ALREADY FILLED OUT FOR A FULL 8 HOURS.
Yes, it showed him working there for a full day -- 8 hours -- when he was missing from that
building not long after the mid-day assassination. You assume he was at the job, but it was
a cover job, just as at Reily's. He told me it was even better than at Reily's because there
was no time clock to worry about -- everything got filled out by hand.==

g. who was buying beer and brittle from Fred Moore in the Jiffy store on Industrial Blvd?

==Do not assume he was always at the TSBD -- it is a fatal assumption==

h. who was arrested in the balcony of the Texas Theater and taken out the rear after LHO
was arrested and taken out the front?

==There were impersonators at the end, from Mexico City on. One impersonator who ran in
the the Texas Theater AFTER LHO was already inside==whom the FBI informant at the shoe
store then conveniently made sure was reported to the police by the frightened ticket-seller,
who burst into tears when she was asked if it was REALLY the same guy that they brought out
-- the guy who sold the popcorn shows us that Lee was already inside when Tippit was killed.==

i. who owned all the wallets that were found over the course of 22nd-23rd November?

==Lee owned one and the other was planted, just like the rifle was planted, etc., etc.==

e. who was in the red Ford Falcon seen, and identified as LHO, by T.F. White?

==Lee H. Oswald could drive. His uncle, cousin, and I have all reported that. The people who
say he could not drive are largely Marina "Sequestered Widow" Oswald and Ruth "Convenient
Traitor" Paine.==

f. who owned the driving license in the files of the TDPS in Austin?

==Lee owned it. He told me about it early on, along with why he did not get a car in New Orleans...
While in Texas, he had laid it aside somewhere because the Texas highway patrol, he told me, had
"flagged' it saying he was a 'known communist.' He therefore avoided driving as much as possible...
and also did not have the license on him, in case he ever got arrested so he wouldn't ever get beat
up by the police. Most of these questions have simple answers when you know what happened... I
assume the license was found and returned to the Texas Drivers' License Bureau. Maybe he left it
behind at the "YMCA"? Who knows? He old me he left it behind in Texas. I once lost my driver's
license and it was returned to the state bureau. (I lived in Texas myself for over 18 years.)==

I'm sorry but the evidence of two Oswald's is overwhelming.

==Only if you swallow a theory and ignore a witness who can provide reasonable and sensible answers
for you. I have stated, and will again, that there is plenty of 'evidence' that the sun circles the earth,
when actually, it is the earth that is turning, and the earth itself is actually circling the sun. But medieval
thinkers had "the evidence" and it was "overwhelming." But it wasn't true, either.==

John Armstrong's hypothesis might not be perfect but it's as good as it can be with the info he had.

==I wish he had interviewed me. He decided that, because I wasn't pregnant, I could not have posed as
Marina. He jumped to conclusions.

He missed a witness, based on his assumption that I had to be pregnant if I posed as Marina.

He forgot that Marina was all but sequestered.

She never went to the French Quarter, for example.

And I posed as Marina BEFORE she arrived in New Orleans.

Note that when Marina and Ruth Paine visited the French Quarter in late September, before Marina was
taken to Irving Texas--at which time she and Lee wept because he told her they probably would never
meet again--for Lee and I had planned to marry in Mexico -- (see the 'official version' book MARINA
AND LEE). He was soon ordered back to Dallas after the mission he had in Mexico City was called off --
though they'd promised him he could stay.

That night just before leaving New Orleans, when Marina and Ruth went to the French Quarter, Lee did
not go with them.

Lee and I had spent a lot of time in the French Quarter. He did not want to be seen with Marina and Ruth
in case somebody might have called out, "Oswald! Where's Marina?" So he did not go with them.They took
the kids with them...he stayed behind, by himself...==


a) I find this difficult to believe. I would think that if LHO was being run as an agent out of Angleton’s office through the ONI then surely Robert Webster would have been run the same way. Webster defected two weeks before Oswald and then miraculously re-defected two weeks before. There was no attempt to generate records to make it seem that Webster had never gone to the USSR. It was common knowledge, reported in the newspapers, according to him he knew Marina Prusakova, he worked for the RAND Corporation, and there seems no special dispensation afforded upon his return to the U.S.A. like the one you believe was going to be afforded Lee if it wasn’t for his “meddling” mother. It doesn’t add up. Why run an agent and then try to eradicate or alter records to show they didn’t go? I would assume that the USSR would keep their records? Newspaper articles can’t go down the Nineteen –Eighty Four memory hole? People like Guy Banister would still have records.

b. Whether Lee worked at Pfisterer is not the issue. I think we can all take it as read that Lee worked there. It is the year that he worked there that is of significance. McBride claims he knew Lee at Pfisterer between December 1957 and May 1958. If this is correct then we have a second Oswald in the Marines during this time period. The Warren Commission dealt with this by pushing back the date of Oswald’s employment to 1956.On the subject of Lee’s interest in astrology, McBride claims that Oswald knew very little about the subject. When he was introduced to William Wulf (President of the New Orleans Astronomy Club), Wulf claims that Oswald knew so little about it that he wondered why he wanted to join. Oswald seemed to use the meeting he attended at Wulf’s house to look through the political books and argue with the other members about communism. The exchanges becoming so heated that Wulf’s father threw him out the house. Wulf also claimed to know Oswald in 1958, not 1956 as per the Warren Commission.

c) Is the suggestion here that LHO never went to Mexico City within the currently accepted timeframes? I fully appreciate that he was impersonated by person/persons but when did he go?

d) It is the Sport Drome event (Sunday, November 17th) that grabs my attention. Oswald was identified by Garland Slack after Oswald shot up Garland targets whilst “burning up ammunition.” The element of this story that gives it a greater meaning is that Slack was insistent that a guy by the name of Frazier from Irving had brought Lee to the range. Earleen Roberts claimed that Lee didn’t go anywhere that day and its greater importance is that Oswald was supposed to be in Irving over the weekend visiting his kids.

e) If it's Lee at Sylvia Odio's house then he can't be going south. So, again, LHO didn’t go to Mexico City?

f) The thing that gets me about the Red Bird Air Field situation is this. Wayne January stated that on the morning of 20th November 1963 someone who claims to be Oswald was trying to charter a plane. Yes, you are right, he was supposed to be in the TSBD but if this job was a cover then it’s feasible that he could leave whenever he wanted. The problem I have with this is who was running the cover for him in the TSBD? I am familiar with the work of Richard Gilbride regarding his theory that certain employees in the TSBD were involved in the assassination and I am open to this idea. The spanner in the works is this. On Wednesday 20th of November at 10:30am Ralph Yates picked up a man who he claims was Oswald and took him to the TSBD carrying a package that the “Oswald” stated were “…curtain rods.” So, do we again have two Oswald’s to account for? Assuming there isn’t a third in the TSBD.

g) He must have worked there at some point. Even if it’s to maintain a cover you have to be there so people see you actually working. It would appear that this guy spent less time at work than Homer Simpson.
Here is John Armstrong’s breakdown of who saw LHO at the TSBD at the described times on November 22nd:
8:00 am --- Wesley Frazier, Bonnie Ray Williams, Danny Arce, Roy Truly, Jack Dougherty
8:00 am until noon --- William Shelley --- "I saw him periodically all morning"
8:30 am --- Wesley Frazier
9:00 am --- James Jarman
10:00 am --- Roy Lewis, Eddie Piper
11:00 am --- Jack Dougherty, Wesley Frazier
11:30 am --- James Jarman, Bonnie Ray Williams
11:50 am --- William Shelley, Danny Arce
12:00 noon --- Jack Dougherty, Eddie Piper
12:15 pm --- Mrs. R.E. Arnold
Oswald’s presence in the Jiffy store was at 8:30am. He bought beer resulting in showing his driver license. The store clerk, Fred Moore, claims that he returned at 9:00am to buy some peco brittle. Now,either Fred Moore is mistaken, the TSBD employees are lying or there are two Oswald’s. Multiple people also saw LHO at the Top Ten Records store on Jefferson at 7:30am, this was whilst he was supposedly on his way to the TSBD with BW Frazier.

h) Agreed on the points concerning impersonation at the Texas Theater. Although we also have Roger Craig’s sighting of the “double” leaving the TSBD in the Nash Rambler and the other LHO leaving the area by bus and cab.

i) There were more than two wallets.

j) I would say that’s it’s more than possible that he could drive. But that doesn’t explain the guy driving the Red Ford Falcon. You see, T.F. White saw him sitting in it in a car park a block away from Davis Street. At this point in time Lee Harvey Oswald was already under arrest and on his way to the city jail.

k) I would again reiterate that I think it possible he could drive but obviously someone was using his driving license (you suggest Lee didn't carry it) if we are to believe the observations of Fred Moore from the Jiffy Store.

I appreciate your replies to my questions Judyth and I will continue to wade through all this information. Oh, and thanks to you Jim for posting it...


Messages In This Thread
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 01-03-2010, 01:30 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 12:18 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 06:19 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 22-03-2010, 08:53 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Dixie Dea - 24-03-2010, 11:09 PM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by James H. Fetzer - 14-04-2010, 12:49 AM

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