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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile

1. It has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt (PBARD) by a preponderance of evidence that the US Federal Government covered up the JFK Assassination. Thus the US Govt was an Accessory After the Crime:

A. FBI and WC suppressed evidence

B. FBI destroyed evidence

C. FBI threatened numerous witnesses

2. It has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt (PBARD) by a preponderance of evidence that the US Federal Government changed normal Secret Service protection procedures thereby withdrawing the protection JFK was entitled to by SS regulations and standard procedures. Thus the US Govt was an Accessory to the crime and this required some type of pre-planned change in procedure.

A. SS departed from normal protection procedures regarding stationing agents along parade
and making sure all windows were closed and buildings were secure.

B. SS driver knowingly slowed the Presidential car allowing an easier target which was clearly
against regulations.

C. SS supervisor ordered SS men to step back from the Presidential car, out of their required

D. The SS illegally took custody of JFK's body and transported it out of jurisdiction back to DC,
thereby obstructing the Dallas Police authorities investigation.

E. The SS transported JFK's body to Bethesda for the autopsy and then clearly faked the X-rays
and autopsy report at the direction of a high ranking Govt official.

F. Gerald Ford later on admitted to changing the description of the wound to the back to obscure
its true position and gave his reason as "doing what was best for the country".

G. Several officials deeply involved in the HSCA investigation have commented that Intel interfered
with their investigation at various levels.

H. There is substantial evidence that the CIA interfered with the release of numerous documents
during the ARRB's work.

It stands to reason that if #1 and #2 above have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, then it is a very small jump to make the assumption that the US Government itself instituted the Assassination via the SS and used the FBI to cover it up. It also seems obvious that any JFK Assassination and cover-up would have to have been instituted as an illegal, sophisticated, deep cover covert operations using one or more powerful intel agencies working on behalf of the US Govt. This should seem very clear to anyone who has basic knowledge of the science of Logic and has evaluated the basic facts of the matter.

Now this sort of analysis can be used to evaluate the Judyth Vary story.

1. It has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt (PBARD)that Judyth Vary was a very gifted
science student and was recognized for her work with cancer induction in mice.

2. It has been PBARD that Judyth Vary went to New Orleans in pursuit of establishing a career track
in cancer research.

3. It has been PBARD that Judyth worked at Reily Coffee which was well know at the time for assisting
intel by providing job cover for some of its operatives.

4. It has been PBARD that Lee Harvey Oswald also worked at Reily Coffee during the same time that
Judyth Vary was employed there.

#1-#4 above are the basic established background for any claims of Judyth Vary.

5. Any reasonable person considering #1-#4 above can easily conclude that Judyth Vary's claims about
being brought to New Orleans by Dr. Alton Ochnser to be his underling to work on a cancer program does
seem reasonable since this fits with the background of #1.

6. Any reasonable person considering #3-#4 above could reasonably conclude that it is possible and plausible
that Judyth Vary worked with and knew Lee Harvey Oswald as she claims.

7. Now if both #6 and #7 are plausible, then it also seems plausible that Judyth Vary's claims about Oswald
serving as her associate in some arrangement seems plausible.

8. If #7 seems plausible and it does, then it is not too big a jump to assume that Judyth and Lee Harvey Oswald
got involved sexually since LHO was trained as an intel operative at Atsugi and there is a document (health report)
supporting the contention that while at Atsugi he got involved sexually, picked up an STD as a part of an intel operation
and was therefore not disciplined. It is well known in the intelligence community that many operatives are trained to
use sex as a means of entrapment (i.e. "honey pot operations"). For this "medical visit for treatment of an STD" to be
documented in LHO's military medical file is an extraordinary proof that he was being trained as a deep cover intel
operative for clandestine service. Ops trained like this use their skills to seduce and control individuals they are told
to as a necessary part of their job (many consider it one of the perks of their job--having their govt order them to
have sex usually does not create any protesting in well trained ops that are committed to completing assigned missions
to preserve "national security" of their country).

9. If #8 seems plausible and it does, then it is not too big a jump to assume that Judyth was being brought into a major
US Intel deep cover covert operation by a trained intel operative (LHO).

10. If #5 and #9 seem plausible and they do, then it is not too big a jump to assume that Judyth Vary was brought into
a deep cover intel op involving Oswald and Dr. Alton Ochsner.

11. If #10 seems plausible and it does, then it is not too big a jump to assume that the operation involved a need to bring
someone like Judyth Vary to work on cancer induction research since that was her already proven skill. Of course, importing
such a young, naive lady into such an intel op could help make it deniable (who would ever believe this unless they knew how
intel works, and using such a young inexperienced individual maximizes the probability of that person being quite subservient).

12. If #11 seems plausible and it does, then it is not too much a jump to believe Judyth Vary's claims that she carried out her
cancer induction in mice work at David Ferrie's lab located in a residential area of New Orleans.

13. Judyth Vary has claimed that she was told to stay away from any program in medicine and cancer research by her professor.
There is no evidence to substantiate this available but it certainly seems reasonable if she was brought into a deep cover illegal
domestic covert ops.

Now, #5 - #12 seem plausible in view of the background established and PBARD in #1-#4. And actually any other alternative does not make any sense in view of the PBARD #1- #4.

Now, it is easy for folks to respond to a story that on face value seems incredulous by claiming Judyth Vary is a confabulator, a fantacist, etc. It is much harder for individuals who are privy to how intel functions in the real world to respond this way.

For example, how absurd is the claim that LHO was a highly trained intel op, trained to use sex as a means of seduction and control? But this is what really occurred and is standard operating procedure for certain deep cover ops.

Who would ever believe that LHO was a highly trained career intel op who was sent to the Soviet Union in a dangerous deep cover role, using a political defector doofus image as his cover? But that is exactly what happened and it is reasonable to assume that some entity very high up in the US Govt greased the skids for his re-entry back into the USA with his soviet wife.

A reasonably well informed individual who understands how intel ops are trained and how deep cover domestic covert operations are conducted (and yes, they are illegal), will not so quickly dismiss Judyth Vary's story as fantasy, confabulated, wishful thinking, etc.

If one understands that it is highly likely that Judyth Vary was brought into an ongoing deep cover, multi-faceted intel op run through and Inca and by Oshner, with involvement by LHO and David Ferrie who was also a known intel operative, then it is not too big a jump to conclude that Judyth Vary herself has been surveilled, harassed and "controlled" to a certain degree in a desired fashion for many years in sophisticated complex ways by intel, especially considering all the trouble she has had after her experiences in New Orleans.

Could Judyth Vary have been manipulated long term by intel and could the release of her story have been managed in a manner to make it appear incredulous? It is certainly possible and probably likely. Does this in and of itself prove her story is generally false or fabricated by her? Not at all. In fact if true it adds great importance to her as a witness, especially in regard to PBARD #1 -#4 and greatly adds to the probability that #5 -#10 are likely to be true also. Each specific claim of her story would have to be evaluated by existing evidence in and of itself. And with the PBARD of #1 - #4, a very good base pretext is set which call out for some explanation which would make sense overall. And total confabulation of all of Judyth Vary's claims beyond #1 - #4 does not seem to be a reasonable assumption at this point in time.

Could she have been manipulated using certain sophisticated and complex mindkonrol technologies (MK)? Note: the MK in MKUltra represented Mind Kontrol in Mengele's Nazi MK Ultra program which was imported into US intel after WW2). That is certainly possible for part of her story but would not in and of itself negate the remaining part of her story which could be true. There are over 200 unclassified US patents on MindKontrol technology which can be viewed at the USPTO on line and many of these involved pulsed beam microwave thought induction and stimulation intra-cranially. And there are more than a few mindkontrol patents which have been classified and which can't be viewed on line at the USPTO.

My conclusion at this point is that it is reasonable to accept #1 - #10 and certainly possible for any or all of the rest of her claims to be true, includiny #11 - #13 and any or all of the rest not listed here. It is safe to assume that bringing Judyth Vary to New Orleans to continue her research on inducing cancer in mice without her having completed a medical degree is quite incredulous, unless one understands how illegal domestic deep covert covert ops run by intel actually occur in the real world. Then it seems quite reasonable.

And there is one more aspect to this. It is standard operating procedure in any such illegal domestic deep cover intel op to weave selected misinformation and disinformation into any op to create later deniability. Here is how it works. It can include including falsities and misdirected false references in any related documents to lead away from the essence of the op or to make the document look forged. This is almost always done. Specific and/or hidden spelling and grammar errors and obvious untruths are often included to make sure the documents will appear forged and will lead in the wrong direction to any investigators. Then typically different errors and falsities are included on different copies of the document so that any leak of the document is easily traceable. And when an agent, cutout or asset is brought into any such operation, they are often assigned certain tasks which have nothing to do with the most important part of the op, but are just included to create a situation that when examined later by investigators or researchers lead away from the truth.

It is always possible that intel set up and used the Ferrie's cancer induction research as a program which could be later used as a cover story to take the JFK Assassination responsibility to Cuba, by allowing the "discovery" of attempts by Ferrie and Oswald to Murder Castro with cancer by Castro which then caused Castro and the USSR to take JFK out in retaliation as "blowback". Often illegal domestic deep cover covert ops run parallel tracks with different programs overlaid, one as the cover for the other, designed for one to become disposable in order to protect the other.

When the a person not well trained in intel or privy to its methods attempts to research a deep cover covert op, then it is very difficult for that individual to ever make valid headway, since each op is typically designed with misinformation and disinformation aspects and dual parallel ops built into it. That is why the most effective researchers consult with retired intel ops or those well versed in intel methodology. Otherwise they often end up going down a rabbit hole by design, a rabbit hole that has been predesigned by intel planners as a trap to protect the op from ever being discovered. Most researchers are just out of their league or in over their heads when attempting to figure these ops out without outside assistance from those who understand how they work.

Messages In This Thread
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 01-03-2010, 01:30 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 12:18 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 04-03-2010, 06:19 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Myra Bronstein - 22-03-2010, 08:53 AM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by Dixie Dea - 24-03-2010, 11:09 PM
Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile - by James H. Fetzer - 04-05-2010, 09:08 PM

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