30-12-2008, 03:22 PM
Dawn Meredith Wrote:The interesting thing about Baker's claims regarding Kennedy and Nixon is that they would suggest that the CIA actually succeeded at something, that -- in fact -- the CIA or members thereof managed to keep major secrets for decades.
This begs the issue of the legitimacy of the CIA comedies-of-error stories that have been sold/told around our campfires for two generations.
"The Gang that Couldn't Spy Straight" fable serves to discount discoveries of CIA successes.
"How could those bozos pull off a Dallas or a Watergate?" we are prompted to ask.
Recount the Castro "exploding cigar" farce to Arbenz and Allende.
Tell the "bad intel on Iraq" story to the million-plus dead and maimed, to the newly impoverished former middle class.