16-10-2010, 04:33 AM
Last night I read Jim DiEugenio's Part 10
Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman, and Bugliosi's Bungle
A Comprehensive Review of Reclaiming History Pt. 10: How the DA Acquitted Everybody but Oswald
by James DiEugenio
Seamus Coogan posted the link on Lancer and my reply appears below:
#89812, "He's dead, Jim"
In response to In response to 0
Fri Oct-15-10 09:08 AMby Phil Dragoo
Jim DiEugenio Part 10 clearly fleshes out Bungliosi's Strawman on Steroids.
By ignoring the record and the evidence, Vincent is free to simply scoop up large armfuls of straw and say, “Hah, no conspiracy here!”
In a Facebook outline, Vince likes Priscilla Johnson, Ruth Paine, James Angleton, Edward Epstein, Joseph Trento; does NOT like Philip Melanson, John Newman, John Armstrong, Ed Lopez, Dan Hardway, Vince Palamara and a host of others.
Jim DiEugenio presents Vince's Audacity of Solipsism, virtually ignoring Allen Dulles as the agent of change bringing on the violent CIA of the Eisenhower administration, and Dulle's ouster in a hostile takeover of covert operations by John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, NSAM 55, and the institution of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Vince conveniently ignores the established character of Oswald as Melanson's undercover intelligence operative.
Ignores the conflict over the Bay of Pigs between JFK and CIA—thus conceals the meaning of LBJ appointing Dulles to investigate the assassination, namely that the latter is placed in a position to protect Angleton, Phillips, Hunt, Morales et al.
Vince ignores the CIA trappings of Ruth Paine and Priscilla Johnson, the very real prospect of JFK dropping LBJ from the ticket, the “security stripping” and other suspicious activities of Moore, Boring, Roberts and others in the Secret Service.
Ignores the Ruby connection to Joseph Civello, the Joseph Civello connection to Patrick Dean, the Patrick Dean connection to Ruby—rubadub-dub.
And so it goes, if Vince says “beyond all doubt Oswald killed Kennedy” hey, why then waste 2700 pages per copy.
If Vince says “Oswald is a Marxist” yes well every hunter this season going out in a stupid suit covered with imprints of leaves must be a tree.
Jim DiEugenio says in sum that CIA and Cubans were the active elements of the deed, that the CIA called upon the Mob and Ruby to silence Oswald, and that LBJ was intimidated by the Mexico City line and used the WW III scenario to scare Warren into lending his credibility to the Commission so controlled by Hoover.
As Jim DiEugenio says, the agencies do not each exist and operate in statutory vacuums but in concert as occasion warrants.
It has seemed to me that Kennedy achieved a critical mass of enemies who had no difficulty cooperating in his removal and have been satisfied with their result for a half century.
And they continue to use hacks like Bungliosi—who no doubt will have his pedestrian droppings exploded in computer-generated pixels by a Tom Hanks Toy Deposit Story cartoon, Strawswald's Tale.
Phil's footnote:
I have found the ten parts to be a thorough deconstruction of the facile faker Bugliosi whose main device combines ignoring the inconvenient and slandering the critic.
I have found a school of Bush ex Machina to exhibit a mania, just as some insist on Johnson behind every bush, and Jews behind them—some place Marcello behind the Jew behind the bush behind the Johnson.
I look forward to the newly-released Evica for the larger picture, contenting myself that the unscrupulous who rubbed their hands together cackling are still watching over us with machines of infinite concern.
And if one stops short while cruising past the avacadoes, surely Todd Levanthal and Cass Sunstein will bump into him, without apology or shame.
Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman, and Bugliosi's Bungle
A Comprehensive Review of Reclaiming History Pt. 10: How the DA Acquitted Everybody but Oswald
by James DiEugenio
Seamus Coogan posted the link on Lancer and my reply appears below:
#89812, "He's dead, Jim"
In response to In response to 0
Fri Oct-15-10 09:08 AMby Phil Dragoo
Jim DiEugenio Part 10 clearly fleshes out Bungliosi's Strawman on Steroids.
By ignoring the record and the evidence, Vincent is free to simply scoop up large armfuls of straw and say, “Hah, no conspiracy here!”
In a Facebook outline, Vince likes Priscilla Johnson, Ruth Paine, James Angleton, Edward Epstein, Joseph Trento; does NOT like Philip Melanson, John Newman, John Armstrong, Ed Lopez, Dan Hardway, Vince Palamara and a host of others.
Jim DiEugenio presents Vince's Audacity of Solipsism, virtually ignoring Allen Dulles as the agent of change bringing on the violent CIA of the Eisenhower administration, and Dulle's ouster in a hostile takeover of covert operations by John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, NSAM 55, and the institution of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Vince conveniently ignores the established character of Oswald as Melanson's undercover intelligence operative.
Ignores the conflict over the Bay of Pigs between JFK and CIA—thus conceals the meaning of LBJ appointing Dulles to investigate the assassination, namely that the latter is placed in a position to protect Angleton, Phillips, Hunt, Morales et al.
Vince ignores the CIA trappings of Ruth Paine and Priscilla Johnson, the very real prospect of JFK dropping LBJ from the ticket, the “security stripping” and other suspicious activities of Moore, Boring, Roberts and others in the Secret Service.
Ignores the Ruby connection to Joseph Civello, the Joseph Civello connection to Patrick Dean, the Patrick Dean connection to Ruby—rubadub-dub.
And so it goes, if Vince says “beyond all doubt Oswald killed Kennedy” hey, why then waste 2700 pages per copy.
If Vince says “Oswald is a Marxist” yes well every hunter this season going out in a stupid suit covered with imprints of leaves must be a tree.
Jim DiEugenio says in sum that CIA and Cubans were the active elements of the deed, that the CIA called upon the Mob and Ruby to silence Oswald, and that LBJ was intimidated by the Mexico City line and used the WW III scenario to scare Warren into lending his credibility to the Commission so controlled by Hoover.
As Jim DiEugenio says, the agencies do not each exist and operate in statutory vacuums but in concert as occasion warrants.
It has seemed to me that Kennedy achieved a critical mass of enemies who had no difficulty cooperating in his removal and have been satisfied with their result for a half century.
And they continue to use hacks like Bungliosi—who no doubt will have his pedestrian droppings exploded in computer-generated pixels by a Tom Hanks Toy Deposit Story cartoon, Strawswald's Tale.
Phil's footnote:
I have found the ten parts to be a thorough deconstruction of the facile faker Bugliosi whose main device combines ignoring the inconvenient and slandering the critic.
I have found a school of Bush ex Machina to exhibit a mania, just as some insist on Johnson behind every bush, and Jews behind them—some place Marcello behind the Jew behind the bush behind the Johnson.
I look forward to the newly-released Evica for the larger picture, contenting myself that the unscrupulous who rubbed their hands together cackling are still watching over us with machines of infinite concern.
And if one stops short while cruising past the avacadoes, surely Todd Levanthal and Cass Sunstein will bump into him, without apology or shame.