06-11-2010, 05:04 AM
Jack White Wrote:James H. Fetzer Wrote:I think Jack and I have been here before! My take is that, unless he and John had exposed THREE Oswalds--and here I'm not talking about Robert, even though I am convinced that he impersonated his brother on more than one occasion--namely, their "Harvey", their "Lee", and the false history for "Harvey" created by the CIA so he could return to a normal life, the most likely explanation for HARVEY & LEE is that they were turning up records and documents that had been planted on behalf of Lee H. Oswald of New Orleans. That's my take and I'm sticking to it--where I expect to do more with John's voluminous work than I have done before, which is, of course, also archived on this forum on the "Judyth Vary Baker" thread, which is easy to access.
Jack White Wrote:A TRUE film on OSWALD can be based ONLY on HARVEY & LEE.
If Jim is accusing John Armstrong of being CIA, as it appears above,
he is 180 degrees off course. He has the book, but has never bothered
to read it yet, it seems. Of course, even if he reads it, he will have
a prior bias looking for ways to debunk it to fit the Judyth story.
I personally believe Judyth met Lee Harvey Oswald. I have read both volumes of the original book, published before her final authorization with a great deal of documentation. I have read the current TrineDay book.
John Armstrong never met Lee Harvey Oswald and has never claimed to have met him. Why should we accept his research without at least reading what a person who was there has to say? And to continue to do this time and time again? It's absurd!
"History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." --James Madison