07-01-2009, 03:51 PM
Charles Drago Wrote:My educated guess -- and it's just that: a supposition predicated as much upon instinct as upon accumulated knowledge and hard-won experience -- is that Waldron's books stand as E. Howard Hunt's magnum opus of disinformation.
Elsewhere I've posed the question to Waldron: How did EHH figure -- directly and indirectly -- in your research?
No answer to date.
There are so many fatal and glaring flaws in Waldron's thesis. One that readily comes to mind: The brilliant and all-powerful Dons who masterminded the JFK hit are supposed to have selected as their patsy an unstable little fool who could be tracked back to LCN by a dunce-capped student in the Detective Academy's ungraded glass.
Another: The Dons are supposed to have given orders to the likes of David Atlee Philips -- princes of the ruling class's praetorian guard.
And, of course, the mother of them all: The murderers of John Fitzgerald supposedly were allowed to go free in order to protect AM/WORLD's main Cuban asset.
The prime directive for Hunt and his ilk was/is to protect the Sponsors of JFK's murder. This is accomplished most effectively by falsely depicting Facilitators as Sponsors.
Well said, Charles.
I don't know Lamar Waldron but I don't need to read his book if he says Marcello killed JFK.
Marcello got his ass deported to Guatemala by RFK. That's all one needs to know. This is a man with very little influence within the power elite.
Wasting time on fantasies is an insult to Jack Kennedy's memory, imo.