13-12-2010, 10:24 AM
Hi, been trying to find the source (I think it originated with Penn Jones) That Marina had claimed Lee once worked for the Rand corporation in Russia, which, of course, was not Lee's job but Rob Webster's. Can anyone confirm were this conversation originated?
Also, just looking through some old info on Webster, and Charles Drago once posted that a friend told him that Robert had said he was once married to Marina? Is there anymore information on this, it Stems back to a 2007 post...
There relationship interests me.
Also, any thought's on Marian being involved in a "honeytrap" operation in The Soviet?
Just why did she marry Lee and come to the States?
Also, just looking through some old info on Webster, and Charles Drago once posted that a friend told him that Robert had said he was once married to Marina? Is there anymore information on this, it Stems back to a 2007 post...
There relationship interests me.
Also, any thought's on Marian being involved in a "honeytrap" operation in The Soviet?
Just why did she marry Lee and come to the States?