31-12-2010, 10:47 AM
I have followed with fascination the development of the Robert Webster defection, or, "defection," but the brief interlude in the Ambassador Pantry cannot pass unnoticed.
Michael Calder would like anyone able to identify the circle man below to contact him, as he is certain the man was a part of insuring the candidate went through the pantry:
I have read the Christian-Turner, the Melanson-Klaber, the Lisa Pease Rubik Cube, the Shane O'Sullivan, and am familiar with Noguchi's analysis of the four RFK shots, and the accoustic analysis which finds the four to match Cesar's gun, and the others to match Sirhan's.
And, I know that Michael Calder indicates a third person, as does Charles.
When Dan Moldea says Thane Eugene Cesar is good people because of a flutter, it's good enough for his friend Laurence Leamer, but I am not ducky with that--Cesar lied that he sold the gun, lied that he didn't pull his weapon, and is hanging out in the Phillipines.
Michael Wayne with the rolled up poster. Hemming citing a sleeve gun. Or, Cesar after all. It wasn't Sirhan.
Webster and Rand and NASA; RFK and Hank Hernandez and NASA:
Hank Hernandez was the polygraph technician who did most of the testing for Special Unit Senator (SUS), the investigative team set up inside the LAPD to solve the RFK case. His work on people like Serrano, DiPierro, John Fahey, Jerry Owen, and Michael Wayne is quite dubious, to say the least. It turns out that, also in 1973, the late LAPD detective began to build an empire in the security guard field. The company he developed was called Inter-Com. Its first contracts were with NASA.
Delighted DPF is back.
Michael Calder would like anyone able to identify the circle man below to contact him, as he is certain the man was a part of insuring the candidate went through the pantry:
I have read the Christian-Turner, the Melanson-Klaber, the Lisa Pease Rubik Cube, the Shane O'Sullivan, and am familiar with Noguchi's analysis of the four RFK shots, and the accoustic analysis which finds the four to match Cesar's gun, and the others to match Sirhan's.
And, I know that Michael Calder indicates a third person, as does Charles.
When Dan Moldea says Thane Eugene Cesar is good people because of a flutter, it's good enough for his friend Laurence Leamer, but I am not ducky with that--Cesar lied that he sold the gun, lied that he didn't pull his weapon, and is hanging out in the Phillipines.
Michael Wayne with the rolled up poster. Hemming citing a sleeve gun. Or, Cesar after all. It wasn't Sirhan.
Webster and Rand and NASA; RFK and Hank Hernandez and NASA:
Hank Hernandez was the polygraph technician who did most of the testing for Special Unit Senator (SUS), the investigative team set up inside the LAPD to solve the RFK case. His work on people like Serrano, DiPierro, John Fahey, Jerry Owen, and Michael Wayne is quite dubious, to say the least. It turns out that, also in 1973, the late LAPD detective began to build an empire in the security guard field. The company he developed was called Inter-Com. Its first contracts were with NASA.
Delighted DPF is back.