21-01-2009, 04:04 PM
Valeriano, about whom the Seagraves write in some detail, was Ed Lansdale's hitman of preference. I've attached two perspectives of a single photo of an otherwise elusive subject.
He worked closely with Lansdale in putting down the Huk rebellion and later in Southeast Asia and on Guatemalan and Cuban matters.
The success against the Huks became a prime template for Lansdale's subsequent counterinsurgency strategies. Valeriano was a School of the Americas instructor.
Among the photographs of LHO passing out FPCC leaflets in New Orleans are views that include unidentified individuals most often described as "Asian" males (including the [in]famous "Hands Behind His Head Man" -- two views below). A Philippines connection to Oswald has yet to be fully developed.
Field Operations Intelligence (FOI) was brought to our attention by Dick Russell in his seminal The Man Who Knew Too Much. It remains one of the most well-protected and little-understood of US intel entities. The best I can say is that it is connected to Far East affairs. My suspicion -- and it's only that -- is that there is a Philippine gold relationship to FOI.
He worked closely with Lansdale in putting down the Huk rebellion and later in Southeast Asia and on Guatemalan and Cuban matters.
The success against the Huks became a prime template for Lansdale's subsequent counterinsurgency strategies. Valeriano was a School of the Americas instructor.
Among the photographs of LHO passing out FPCC leaflets in New Orleans are views that include unidentified individuals most often described as "Asian" males (including the [in]famous "Hands Behind His Head Man" -- two views below). A Philippines connection to Oswald has yet to be fully developed.
Field Operations Intelligence (FOI) was brought to our attention by Dick Russell in his seminal The Man Who Knew Too Much. It remains one of the most well-protected and little-understood of US intel entities. The best I can say is that it is connected to Far East affairs. My suspicion -- and it's only that -- is that there is a Philippine gold relationship to FOI.