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Religion and child molestation
This is one subject that not only makes me sick but it makes me furious. I worked in an elementary school for several years and then in a family medical practice and I have seen more abused children than I ever knew existed. It is a heartbreaking and infuriating subject. I have found that most people prefer not to know about these things simply because they don't want to admit there is a problem in this nation. It is ugly and shocking and people shy away from the facts. It doesn't fit with the illusion they have created to live in. When I first began to investigate the widespread epidemic of child abuse and the unexcusable cover-ups I was totally unprepared for what I found. When I ran across the book 'Betrayal of Trust' concerning hundreds of convicted christian clergy/decons/Sunday school teachers etc. that was the last straw for me. That book tells how many times the congregations of churches would turn against the child and the family and accuse them of 'destroying' the church. They would stand by the convicted 'man of god' and declare it was just the devil trying to tear apart their church! Many parents teach their children to respect and obey these men and never warn them about such things as pedophilia. The tactics described in this book used by these wolves and parasites should scare the hell out of any right thinking person. Children have become the targets of monsters and how many people really care? These are children for god sake and not disposable sex toys for demented inhuman animals and I don't care what they call themselves. Any grown person who could molest a child should be executed immediately. They say that execution is not a deterrent and maybe not for all but for the ones they catch and execute, it is the perfect deterrent. Thousands of children are taken each year and sold into prostitution rings and are never seen by families again. The FBI once stated that the 'shelf life' for these children was about two years. Shelf life is the term the abductors use as if they are talking about a sack of flour. When the churches don't care and will still stand behind these evil creatures, there is not much hope of anything changing. Perhaps people will begin to take the law into their own hands. The laws are on the side of the perpetrators and the children are sitting ducks with little left to protect them. It is said that all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing but I don't agree with that. A good person will not sit back and give in to evil such as this. A lazy, greedy, cowardly, unconcerned and self-serving person will ignore anything that is not personally affecting them. The good will always do SOMETHING. Here is the link to the book and you can access it free.

"He's a respected member of our community. . ." ". . .one drop of ink in crystal clear water. . ."
"Hey, Father, we've got a little problem. . ."
"It's not our job to judge . . . it's the Lord's job."
"He's a wonderful person. He's got our support 100 percent."
"When he preached, his face was just shining like an angel."
"It's not for you to judge. That's for God to do."
"He's a good man. If he did this, he will have to answer to God when he dies."
"I thought he was doing the right thing, because he was a priest."--Eleven year old boy victim
"I feel like my church has betrayed me."--His mother
"We have the right to know if an abuser is living among us."--Letter to editor
"Something like this can destroy a person."--Parent
"Being a preacher, we thought he was a good man."--Father of girl victim
"This is the worst case of sexual abuse I've seen during my 30 years in law enforcement."--Sheriff
"He wrapped himself in religious piety, used his position in the church and the community to shield himself and . . . to find children . . . to seduce them."--U.S. Attorney
"The defendant used his position of trust to get these girls."--Prosecutor
"Dressed up in sheep's clothing, he is a wolf that preys on our children."--Prosecutor
"This family turned to the church for help, and all the doors slammed shut."--Victims' Attorney
"I think the Catholic Church has its atonement to make as well. They helped create you."--Judge
"Priests now have a license to sexually betray their parishioners and the church will turn its back on innocent victims."--Attorney

Messages In This Thread
Religion and child molestation - by Kate Story - 30-01-2009, 12:12 AM
Religion and child molestation - by Magda Hassan - 30-01-2009, 07:55 AM

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