25-02-2011, 02:05 PM
As we know the War on Terror has always been a fraud. It's just that they're worried that the cognitive dissonance might actually be too great for even the comatose on this one. The big 'Oh' was on TV news tonight droning on about 'diplomatic immunity' as if this has any thing to do with the case. The man did not enter the country on a diplomatic passport or diplomatic visa and was not registered with the embassy or consulate as any one with diplomatic responsibilities. See more here. He came in on a business visa and it seems appropriate in its own way as it appears his business was killing and aiding and abetting a 'terrorist organisation' Tehreek-e-Taliban. Or was it to sell those dresses from that shop in the USA his business was registered at? After all, what is a War of Terror with out terrorists? And since his arrest the drones have gone quiet. And no wonder they can't find that elusive Osama Bin Moriarty no matter how hard they try and try and try......