05-04-2011, 05:07 AM
hi Phil; in reading the crappy book, and the clips advertisements, i noticed so often that blaine stressed the b/s fact that hill nor others had spoken of that day, hill certainly had and been recorded on telly twice before,on programs that i know of, anyway that they had decided now was the time, or some such, led me to figure, what he really meant, was, time to make a buck, and apparently they have, no stats but it has done very well in sales...it is simply too late for them to try to toot their own horns now,how brave they were. who did what to try to help in the situation and on crap.. too many years have past and then a man name Vincent came along,:rofl: and imo they have been nervous ever since...and by their comments about him and his research, they have shown it openly..in otherwards they have been full of it for nigh on 48 years..and it's in the open now, but what a shame really, that it took such a tremendous effort for so many many years by vince to dig the truth out, which the voting citizens of the U.S adult population especially deserved from the beginning, they are not,now nor have they ever been little children to be protected from such in all these years.....the end...