29-05-2011, 02:23 AM
Albert Doyle Wrote:Phil Dragoo Wrote:Doug Weldon uses his camera to demonstrate his theory of a South sewer shot through the windshield into Kennedy's throat.
I watched all 16 parts. Weldon makes a good case for a shot from the south knoll.
This makes logical sense because Altgens caught the bullet hole in the windshield before the head shot. Since we know the windshield damage could not have been caused by the magic bullet that proves it was a separate shot. Also it would fit CIA military tactics to shoot from a point 180 degrees opposite the Depository diversion. And then maybe even take the head shot 180 degrees opposite again from the Dal-Tex Building. This all folds together neatly and better explains the entry wound in the neck disappearing downward into the chest, or maybe being retarded by the windshield and lodging in Kennedy's throat where he tried to cough it up.
I'm open to it in some ways but why am I not cool about putting a cardboard role up against a camera imitating a scope to me and using the Altgens photo as evidence (when it was on a totally lower elevation) is just plain stoopid. As for 180 degrees shooting archs and sniper angles where did you get that? Are you also saying the fatal head shot came from the Southside as well Al? What CIA hitman (often free lance or hired ie they're not quite as in-house as people think) would wanna take shot through a wind sheild with a low cal rifle? Nope I'm sticking with more or less to the Elm side of the Plaza.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992