29-05-2011, 08:31 PM
Paul Rigby masked his 'Greer shot JFK' and alteration of all the evidence insanity with some useful posts earlier on in his forum wall flower career (where's the book on Starnes by the way Paul-maybe you've become delayed by this fascinating new angle). But Betty, I seem to have 'masked' or given you yourself a bit much credit.
"I never meant the grassy knoll was a diversion shot. I simply meant the grassy knoll was a diversion from what really happened."
What really happened was in the back seat of a car wasn't it? Not someone shooting further down the fence line but someone 'doing it' in the back seat of a fully covered vehicle! Im sorry for the sexual inference but well this whole thing Betty is well and truly.....................I'll leave the last word up to your already impressive imagination.
Yes Sorrell's told some big porkies. These are verifiable. This is just, well, I really don't know what this is.
That's it for me on this topic. On a bright note you could have a buddy in Paul. Look him up I'm sure he'd appreiciate the company as would Doug Horne! Oh and give Kangas and Morningstar a call and tell them I sent you! Like I've said your a good person maybe you'll at least teach them some better manners.
"I never meant the grassy knoll was a diversion shot. I simply meant the grassy knoll was a diversion from what really happened."
What really happened was in the back seat of a car wasn't it? Not someone shooting further down the fence line but someone 'doing it' in the back seat of a fully covered vehicle! Im sorry for the sexual inference but well this whole thing Betty is well and truly.....................I'll leave the last word up to your already impressive imagination.
Yes Sorrell's told some big porkies. These are verifiable. This is just, well, I really don't know what this is.
That's it for me on this topic. On a bright note you could have a buddy in Paul. Look him up I'm sure he'd appreiciate the company as would Doug Horne! Oh and give Kangas and Morningstar a call and tell them I sent you! Like I've said your a good person maybe you'll at least teach them some better manners.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992