09-06-2011, 02:32 PM
James Lewis Wrote:Well, Seamus, one thing I've learned over the years. People will believe what they want to believe sometimes - facts be damned. Trust me, I'm learning this in the 9/11 forum. Oh yeah...I was also denounced as a nut job, completely unpatriotic, and was told that if I hated the US so much, that I should just leave. This when I brought up 9/11 in the middle of a discussion me and some people were having on JFK. Liars figure, and figures lie...
Seamus Coogan Wrote:James Lewis Wrote:I see that we've been having, shall we say, spirited discussions on this subject since I've last posted. Let's get back on point, shall we?
1. LBJ did not under any circumstances plan the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He didn't have the know-how to pull it off, and he certainly didn't have the pull within the Eastern Establishment to cover it up. As has been pointed out in the book The Assassinations, ARRB documents clearly show that Johnson was against the idea of the Warren Commission, and had to be prodded into it by Eugene Rostow, Joe Alsop, and possibly Nick Katzenbach to do it. And why, if he had actually planned the assassination, would he put himself directly in the line of fire? Suffice to say, Johnson didn't have the pull necessary to do this. Let's stay on topic, guys.
Its amazing how many times you tell this information to the LBJ lynch mob and they just refuse to acknowledge it. Its all documented and verified. P.S Cheers this topic had gone well off of the boil.
What forum are you on for 9/11? I propose a sledgehammer
Jim and I were discussing doing a piece so as we would never have to do another dang 'Johnson did it' book review listing the myths. But we've been busy doing other stuff. Of course everybody is welcome and it would be fun to put up a myth a week there's some truly bad LBJ ones. But it would also be a good way for people to channel some energy and it would make for a relatively quick piece I could compile. Each subject and it's counter will need to have an accusation. An Author and a direct quote. I'll make sure theres no topic double up's. The counter of course needs to be sourced and looking at about a 150-200 word limit per item. Overtime we'd compile quite a list.
Of course you'll be given credit and hell if you do enough you could claim it as your piece sheesh. In fact if anybody would like to do the piece I'll help out lol.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992