19-06-2011, 02:57 PM
Charles Drago Wrote:I refer you to
Vince Palamara's wandering stance regarding conspiracy in the JFK case has led to well-deserved mistrust among us. I know Vince fairly well, and without violating our friendship I can share my sense that his wanderings, if you will, are not the work of an enemy agent.
When Vince was preparing the first draft of his Secret Service study, he sought George Michael Evica's counsel. The latter kindly -- such was his nature -- walked the young author through the process of rejecting the false choices of certain either/or scenarios and instead looking for "third alternatives" to explain events under scrutiny.
Vince did just that. It is my understanding that George Michael talked to him in some detail (I was not present at any of those sessions) about the likelihood of penetration by conspirators of a scheduled security stripping exercise in Dallas.
Security stripping is the common denominator in almost all attacks on well-guarded targets: in the 20th century see JFK, MLK, Diana, and the WTC and Pentagon on 9-11 for cases in point.
Kennedy's motorcade was stripped of regulation SS configurations.
I'll let Vince speak for himself. He's far more knowledgeable than I on this matter.
It seems unlikely that Vince will speak for himself regarding the security stripping.