20-06-2011, 08:08 AM
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Seamus Coogan Wrote:Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Seamus Coogan Wrote:Sure he (PDS) may have some insight into mechanisms of government. But so has Bill Blum, Naomi Klein, Michael Moore and Joel Bakan without the Bullshit!
Seamus - have you read Peter Dale Scott's work on Continuity of Government, or the international drugs trade?
Putting Michael Moore ahead of PDS as a researcher is plain risible. Moore is first and foremost a communicator.
Jan Dale Scott is an English Professor and Poet yet he is somehow better than Moore? Furthermore, I'd rather read Moore regardless. At least he can write and 'communicate' Dale Scott dithers and is needlessly convoluted. I've read some of his articles and they have nuggets but are appallingly contructed. After reading Deep Politics I'm sorry Jan.
I'm sure he may have some good stuff on drugs. But I'll take a punt elsewhere. And I'll take a punt with some as 'unqualified' as MM anyday of the week,
Seamus - you go right ahead with that punt.
Given a choice, I'll turn to Peter Dale Scott first.
Here's a drugs piece, and here's a CoG piece.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992