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Where did the bodies go? 3,000 "deaths" from 9/11 not in Social Security death index
Charles Drago Wrote:If I were a 9-11 Facilitator, I would do what's necessary to get one big-name, well-intentioned investigator to state specifically that "alleged" victim John Doe is not listed on the DMF and thus was not killed in the attack -- only to have the distraught, enraged widow Doe appear publicly to chastise the cruel, borderline insane "conspiracist" and all of that ilk who would dare torture victims' families with this sort of wild claim.

Some years ago a variation on this theme was played for the dupe (benefit of the doubt) William Pepper. It seems -- at first glance -- that he was set up to believe that a former Green Beret had been a Facilitator/Mechanic on the MLK hit, and that this individual later had died under what might have been suspicious circumstances.

Pepper went public with the claim and all but staked his reputation on its veracity.

Only problem was, the fully committed Pepper was ambushed by a U.S. television network. The "dead" man was brought out from the wings on camera to deny the charge and confront his accuser, who meekly offered his hand in apology -- only to have it slapped away.

The set-up and staging were masterfully directed. Among the unanswered questions about this affair are those relating to the deep nature of Pepper's role.

(Now Pepper would champion the RFK investigation. Mark my words: At best, he will accomplish nothing positive for any cause but that most dear to RFK's killers.)

I might add that the Living Hijackers Phenomenon very well may be attributable to an operation similar in design and objectives to the missing names op.

Messages In This Thread
Where did the bodies go? 3,000 "deaths" from 9/11 not in Social Security death index - by Charles Drago - 17-07-2011, 01:36 PM

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