21-07-2011, 03:22 AM
Charles Drago Wrote:Talk about an impossible mission!
Yet it may be all too possible ...
Over at the Disinformation Bazaar known as the Education Forum, a certain "Jim Phelps" (what, "Dan Briggs" was taken?) appears as the latest tout to be assigned to the LBJ-as-Prime-Mover operation.
The title of "Phelps'" newest thread there:
"A Zionist Shoots his way into the Cat Bird Seat: Just about everyone knows LBJ was the top Conspirator"
To buttress "his" argument, "Phelps" drags out the wholly discredited Regicide, by the wholly discredited Gregory Douglas.
"Phelps" also is prone to lengthy, multiple part posts -- another tactic used by disinformers to confuse and misdirect.
And it gets better. Currently "he's" engaged in a three-way with Robert Morrow and "Len Colby."
They take each other so seriously and treat each other with such respect ... paradigms of academic discourse, one and all.
And we are left to marvel at the fatal naïveté displayed by those who, ostensibly in deference to a standard of decorum, allow the disinformation and other forms of enemy action to continue unabated and unrecognized for what they truly are.
Sorry Charles, this is what I was responding to.