25-02-2009, 12:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 25-02-2009, 12:26 AM by Charles Drago.)
To Walt Brown:
We the undersigned ask that you release in its entirety and with all due dispatch the collection of JFK assassination- and deep politics-related materials formerly owned by the late Jay Harrison that was bequeathed to you and is currently in your custody and/or control, and that you take all necessary measures to safeguard the material from deterioration and sanitization.
This collection is of inestimable importance to the struggles to learn the truth of the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and to utilize that truth to bring about justice in the wake of the world-historic tragedy in Dallas.
To deny free access to the collection and to fail to keep it secure from deterioration and sanitization is in essence to aid and abet the assassins -- to become an accessory-after-the-fact.
Charles R. Drago
[NOTE TO POSTERS ON THIS THREAD: Be advised that your posts will be construed as support of the call for Mr. Brown to release the Harrison collection in its entirety and with all due dispatch, and to take all necessary measures to safeguard the material from deterioration and sanitization.]
We the undersigned ask that you release in its entirety and with all due dispatch the collection of JFK assassination- and deep politics-related materials formerly owned by the late Jay Harrison that was bequeathed to you and is currently in your custody and/or control, and that you take all necessary measures to safeguard the material from deterioration and sanitization.
This collection is of inestimable importance to the struggles to learn the truth of the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and to utilize that truth to bring about justice in the wake of the world-historic tragedy in Dallas.
To deny free access to the collection and to fail to keep it secure from deterioration and sanitization is in essence to aid and abet the assassins -- to become an accessory-after-the-fact.
Charles R. Drago
[NOTE TO POSTERS ON THIS THREAD: Be advised that your posts will be construed as support of the call for Mr. Brown to release the Harrison collection in its entirety and with all due dispatch, and to take all necessary measures to safeguard the material from deterioration and sanitization.]