05-08-2011, 02:00 PM
Again, you present valuable insights. I'll respond to your in-red material.
Understand, Vasilios, that often the fatal blow is struck from the closest range.
Ask Julius Caesar.
To the extent of my ability to know and judge, there is not a shard of evidence to support the hypothesis that an effort to change Lansdale's "attitude" on Vietnam was one of the assassination operation's objectives. But there is a chance -- slight, but nonetheless real -- that Lansdale was set up as a false Facilitator for any number of reasons. Such a possibility, I'd submit, is new to my thinking, and I thank you for suggesting it. It's a tough sell, but I'll listen to the pitch.
Harvey's Rome posting was not sufficient to keep him "out of the scene." See Noel Twyman's Bloody Treason, among other sources, for research on Harvey's whereabouts during critical pre-assassination periods. You may be shocked. Besides which, a European address provided cover. And it facilitated access to Continent-based Facilitators and/or Mechanics -- real and/or false. Finally, remember that all roads lead to Rome.
A false lead to Corsicans, by the way, might have been concocted and/or managed by a Harvey knowingly involved in the conspiracy.
As for Harvey being disaffected by the Ivy Leaguers, I'd remind you that, in some instances, the enemy of my enemy becomes my friend.
I must again commend you for challenging some of the JFK research community's most widely held conclusions. Could Harvey, like Lansdale, have been patsyed? Absolutely. Were they? I think not, but you can bet that I'll be challenging my own conclusions regarding their culpability in the assassination.
Your decision to eschew mention of Morales because of your quite on-target suspicion of Waldron's deep agenda would be viewed by those who ghost-wrote, so to speak, Waldron's books as a significant victory.
Remember that truth is the essential ingredient of disinformation. Every claim by the likes of Waldron or Posner must be scrutinized individually; such a process is the key to countering disinformation.
Morales was in it up to is ears.
For more on the Golden Triangle and its deep political implications, see The Great Heroin Coup, by Henrik Kreuger. Tough to find, but worth the effort.
As for Lansky in particular and OC in general: Do you conclude that he/they are Facilitators, Sponsors, and/or patsys?
"Stupid ... easy ... gullible?" Hardly. It all worked.
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:Lansdale was a Kennedy favourite, their personal choice to lead Mongoose and their personal choice to be appointed Ambassador to Vietnam. Initially Lansdale was against the Vietnam war and he was in conflict with Maxwell Taylor and LeMay. I wonder if a false implication in the Dealey Plaza events was a way to force him to change attitude.
Understand, Vasilios, that often the fatal blow is struck from the closest range.
Ask Julius Caesar.
To the extent of my ability to know and judge, there is not a shard of evidence to support the hypothesis that an effort to change Lansdale's "attitude" on Vietnam was one of the assassination operation's objectives. But there is a chance -- slight, but nonetheless real -- that Lansdale was set up as a false Facilitator for any number of reasons. Such a possibility, I'd submit, is new to my thinking, and I thank you for suggesting it. It's a tough sell, but I'll listen to the pitch.
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:William Harvey hated the Kennedys but he was out of the scene in Rome. He definitely met with Rosselli under the QJWIN, ZRRIFLE operation in an effort to assassinate Castro and Helms knew. Angleton learned of his meetings with Rosselli so it would have been easy to blame him since the Mexico charade with Kostikov would have indicated a ZRRIFLE operation to blame it on the Russians and also lead to Corsicans. Harvey was never a member of the elite and he disliked the Yale types.
Harvey's Rome posting was not sufficient to keep him "out of the scene." See Noel Twyman's Bloody Treason, among other sources, for research on Harvey's whereabouts during critical pre-assassination periods. You may be shocked. Besides which, a European address provided cover. And it facilitated access to Continent-based Facilitators and/or Mechanics -- real and/or false. Finally, remember that all roads lead to Rome.
A false lead to Corsicans, by the way, might have been concocted and/or managed by a Harvey knowingly involved in the conspiracy.
As for Harvey being disaffected by the Ivy Leaguers, I'd remind you that, in some instances, the enemy of my enemy becomes my friend.
I must again commend you for challenging some of the JFK research community's most widely held conclusions. Could Harvey, like Lansdale, have been patsyed? Absolutely. Were they? I think not, but you can bet that I'll be challenging my own conclusions regarding their culpability in the assassination.
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:I have not mentioned Morales just because Lamar Waldron names him as his major suspect and this and only this makes me wonder.
Your decision to eschew mention of Morales because of your quite on-target suspicion of Waldron's deep agenda would be viewed by those who ghost-wrote, so to speak, Waldron's books as a significant victory.
Remember that truth is the essential ingredient of disinformation. Every claim by the likes of Waldron or Posner must be scrutinized individually; such a process is the key to countering disinformation.
Morales was in it up to is ears.
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:A lot of researchers accuse Rosselli. If we accept this he will lead us back to the Lansky syndicate. Lansky is also connected to the Far east and Vietnam due to his involvement in the drug triangle, his laundering banks in Miami and the Bahamas and their connections to Paul Helliwell. We also have Ruby's meetings and phone calls with McWillie and Al Gruber.[/FONT]
For more on the Golden Triangle and its deep political implications, see The Great Heroin Coup, by Henrik Kreuger. Tough to find, but worth the effort.
As for Lansky in particular and OC in general: Do you conclude that he/they are Facilitators, Sponsors, and/or patsys?
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:My mistake. Braden, Myers and Ruby have been named as part of the facilitator/mechanics model. It seems stupid for all these people to be involved in the assassination, meet the night before at the Cabana hotel, having Ruby and Braden visit Hunt offices, Braden to be arrested at the crime scene and then implicate H.L.Hunt. It seems too simple too easy too gullible.
"Stupid ... easy ... gullible?" Hardly. It all worked.