09-08-2011, 09:31 PM
I pondered a variation of this shortly after the attacks, and proposed it back when I first started discussing 9/11 on the net and foolishly let my Google search for discussions on the matter lead me to [url=;http://forums.randi.org/showpost.php?p=5...t=679]JREF:
As for WTC 7, it seems a likely candidate for being rigged to destroy all the sensitive information within it in the case of a major security breach, as does the Murrah building. If those hypotheses are correct, then there are a lot of people who do know the buildings were rigged with incendiaries and explosives, but don't suspect any nefarious intent in doing so, and don't see any reason to let the public in on such information.
kylebisme Wrote:put simply, the buildings could have been rigged to blow for the sake of public safety. Imagine how much much death and destruction would have resulted had the top of the building slid off the side. Then imagine how even more horrific the results would have been had the towers been toppled over after being bombed at their bases.Beyond providing one possible explanation for how the towers came to be covertly rigged in the first place; such a rigged-for-safety situation would also explain why NIST didn't even attempt a detailed description of how the towers came down beyond where they claim the buildings were "poised for collapse". Taken at face value, that vindicates activation of the safety systems, while any attempt to provide an explanation of the demolitions as gravity driven collapses beyond NIST's half-a-page of hand waving at it would be a transparent display of the authors' aptitude at dry-labing to those aware of the rigging, conceivably prompting some of those insiders to scrutinize the bogus science behind NIST's claims that "global collapse was inevitable".
Those were undeniable possibilities, particularly after the 1993 bombing. In the worst case scenario of such an attack, being able to demolish the towers into their footprint, or at least as they fell, would prevent a far worse situation than what otherwise would have resulted. Granted, telling the public at large that such high value targets are rigged to blow would result in many being irrationally wary of ever going near them. So those involved would have to be sworn to secrecy, and at least most with little or nothing to compel them to come forward with such information today.
As for WTC 7, it seems a likely candidate for being rigged to destroy all the sensitive information within it in the case of a major security breach, as does the Murrah building. If those hypotheses are correct, then there are a lot of people who do know the buildings were rigged with incendiaries and explosives, but don't suspect any nefarious intent in doing so, and don't see any reason to let the public in on such information.