05-09-2011, 04:19 PM
Gary Severson Wrote:Paranoia Greg, it is more complex than that. A major indictment of American public education is that it doesn't teach students to deal with ambiguity. Students are always taught to think in linear terms which leads to assuming there is a facile black & white answer to be arrived at. As a result we have an adult population that doesn't have the patience to deal with questions that they think have cut & dried answers. They then think others that are honestly searching to exhaust all possibilities about an issue are disinfo. agents. Yes, I'm sure there are purposeful disruptors but there aren't boogeymen under every bed.
And when "all possibilities aboutt an issue" are exhausted, then what?
The "possibility" that the Greer-did-it hypothesis is valid has been exhausted.
Next case.
The JFK coverup is NOT designed to convince anyone of anything other than this: We can NEVER be convinced of anything.
The killers of JFK and their heirs count upon uncertainty for their very survival.
Please study these concepts as you begin your deep politics education.