29-12-2011, 07:15 PM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Boy, that ruined my morning....as some at 911 and OWS events, along with other events, are 'persons very likely to be true fakes/actors/agents posing as real citizens. In American, one really has to ask at every turn, "What is reality?" More to the point, have we begun to see a false-flag acting/intel corps?! Those 911 and Virginia Tech likenesses should keep anyone up at night and make the work of researchers that much more difficult and interesting!
Agreed. I think there is a mixture of very disturbing, credible stuff, to bullshit, to the bizarre. Is he trying for some kind of notoriety that can be parlayed into coin? Is he just plain nuts? Is he carrying out a disinformation campaign with some agenda? I think it is the latter.
To your question about the beginning of a false-flag acting/intel corps, is quite possible. Another question, is the machine leading the revolution against itself? Are we witnessing a much more sophisticated strategy of tension?
We are witnessing a generation that will believe anything. Witness Nibiru, Elinen, and on and on. Jon Benet Ramsey = Lady Gaga = Amy Winehouse. All actors who members of extremely wealthy families who run the world who live close to each other who get together to plot who is going to to do which acting job? The next thing will be that Shamir the Marine was playing the part of the left-handed OBL who claimed to take credit for 9/11. Hey, wait a minute.
"We shall know that our disinformation campaign was successful when everything that the American public knows is false." - William Casey, CIA DIRECTOR: 1981 - 1987