17-03-2009, 11:04 PM
Dawn Meredith Wrote:[quote=Damien Lloyd][quote=Dawn Meredith]
So Damien, Do you think that the president is actually in charge? That "naughty men" don't pull the strings? If so then why do you think JFK was murdered and by whom? Not trying to be argumentative here, just curious. Also I agree with Myra about JFk and the Fed. She's done the research. I see a lot of people on FB repeating each other that this is THE reason JFK was assassinated. I have responded to several of them and because it was getting too time consuming to do then I began urging people to check us out. Thus far a few have said they will. So I will continue to do this. I need to listen to the vid again too. It's two hours and a lot to digest.
I'd be very interested in other people's take here, especially CD, David, Jan, Magda,Peter...Tosh...
I have also been listening to Alex for a very long time. Years ago when he was talking about the camps, national ids and the like he seemed a bit hysterical, but I knew then he was also right. In this vid he is CALM, you almost don't know it's even him. (I did not watch it but listened on headphones as I was cleaning the house on Sat.) As for him twisting the facts the only instance where I KNEW he has done that is about child protective services. I represent children and parents in these cases and kids do NOT get removed over a dirty house. Just does not happen. Ever. Parents lie. Kids are removed only in serious abuse/neglect cases. I have been doing this work 20+ years.
I liked the film, and agreed with what I saw. What I meant was I don't know how to take Alex Jones in general. I was first exposed to his work when a friend lent me his 911 film "Terrorstorm" following a conversation in which I expressed my doubts about 911. The film was good, and does it's job but many times I've heard him say things which over simplify the issues, and at times are just plain wrong. For instance many times he's said that Marvin Bush was head of security at the WTO and that his contract ended on sept 10th 2001. Why lie like that? EVERYBODY knows John O'Neill was head of security, not Marvin Bush. From what I've been able to find Marvin Bush worked for a security company that worked WITH the WTO until the buildings were destroyed (not because the contract expired the previous day) but thats quite a difference from "Marvin Bush, the Presidents brother was head of security, and his contract ran out the day before 911"
Thats one example, you've probably ignored others that you've heard, and there's the problem. Why ignore an obvious lie, or a slight exageration? These things will be grabbed, embraced and used to discredit all of the facts by people desperate to keep their heads buried in the sand or by others who have an interest in keeping people ignorant.
When talking about the truth of what happened on 911, the JFK assassination or any of the other issues we talk about here. It is imperative that those passing the information on to others are 100% accurate and factual. If you get caught in a lie your credibilty is 100% GONE. No matter how much truth preceeds the lie, or follows the lie, that person is a liar and nothing they say can be trusted.
I am still however a bit of an Alex Jones fan, his work has bought many things to my attention. I loved the Martial law series. He's obviously passionate, and maybe thats the problem. His passion (I believe you likened it to hysteria) may lead him to say things which are a little less than completely honest, and are sometimes plain wrong in order to convince others and force them to do their own digging. But these things are crimes, and when investigating crimes or delivering the results of those investigations one should always stick to the facts, and only the facts. Nothing else is necessary and is usually harmful.
The worm has ate the apples core, beneath the skin lies curled.
Just so many a man lies sore, from the worm within the world.
Just so many a man lies sore, from the worm within the world.