18-03-2009, 12:31 PM
I agree with you Damien. For some time now I have been meaning to get in touch with Jones on two issues: The one I mentioned in my post re.CPS cases, invite him to come to court a few days with me if he needs proof, and on the assassination of JFK and the Executive order re the Fed. I am not sure if he has a link to email him at inforwars.com as I have not been at his site in some time. But I iwll check into it becaue I agree once someone lies about something you have to begin to question all else. In the case of CPS I believe Jones does not know that he is lying. That some parents contacted him and lied about their children's removal. On the Fed issue and JFK I was educated here at this site over the weekend by Myra Bronstein who has done her own research on this. But I will try to track him down and set him straight on these two issues. I did not see th other vid you mention. I mainly see him on access tv here or at his site.