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The plane crashes of 9/11 were fabrications . . .
The holographic explanation has so many problems with it, that it is almost laughable. There was damage created to the face of the towers, there was debris flying off and landing on the streets and there were witnesses inside the tower who reported that they swayed after the *impact* implying that there was an impulse applied laterally as in a plane impact.

Too many people who call themselves researchers come up with some theory and then hunt around and cherry pick what they claim is supporting evidence of their theory, the facts be damned. Most of their *research* involves the use of *logic* applied to a set of questionable arguments which leads these researchers precisely where they want to go... the facts be damned.

Fetzer, I believe, has asserted that aluminum planes could not penetrate a steel facade such as in the twin towers. Yet every day cars at must lower velocities penetrate each other in what insurance companies pay for in damage claims.

Virtually all researches make the claim that the columns were too strong to be crushed and so had to be *destroyed* for the buildings to collapse. Of course this is not how they collapsed at all if one bothers to observe the event. The floors collapsed... then the core columns without lateral bracing were unstable and collapsed in the collapse event. The facade columns only show buckling at the initiating event and the rest of them fell off or were pushed outward by the massive debris of the floor collapse which they could not cage or contain. Observations show the facade panels or assemblies of panels clearly falling / tipping outward... not being explosively ejected from the towers... with the lightweight aluminum cladding popping off and being blown about in the turbulent air created by the collapse.

Virtually all *researchers* have no conception of what such a massive building collapse would look like because no one has seen one and no buildings have collapsed except when intentionally demolished. They have little to no understanding of how fast they would collapse or what the debris distribution would be, because they have no experience with this. All the claims are driven by rather naive understanding of and misapplication of physics. The towers did not have top blocks collapse down, but top sections which came apart when they lost axial support and crashed down on the the structure below coming apart into tens of thousands of tons of destructive material which crushed the floors below and upon which they fell. There was no longer axial column alignment post initiation and no way for the structure below to resist the tens of thousands of tons fall in the floors. The floors were overwhelmed and all collapsed in about .1 seconds each.

One can either accept the physics which is confirmed by the observations or make up some theory about holograms to explain a massive deception created by the government for the purpose of initiating some pretty nasty policy agendas.

Or those who were interested in initiating those nasty policy agendas could have used the events regardless of who or how they were caused to achieve their goals... the sort shock doctrine / disaster capitalism that Naomi Klein writes about.

There is historical basis for false flag operations as well as shock doctrine exploitation such as Katrina. And there is good reason to suspect that the CIA etc were inside of AQ, as double agents and so forth and could have participated in plots such as the Christmas bombing on the flight to Detroit. It may be hard to determine how extensive insider involvement in the event was, but it strains credulity to accept that the entire event was a massive deception and Hollywood show with created with holograms and a cast of thousands of actors (who had no dress rehearsal either). This is not research, but mental masturbation and distraction.

Messages In This Thread
The plane crashes of 9/11 were fabrications . . . - by Jeffrey Orling - 19-03-2012, 12:07 PM

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