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Cahalan and the sorrow of Morrow. Quality Versus Quantity?
Don Jeffries Wrote:The problem with determining who is too "far out" or who might be a "disinfo" agent is that, depending upon who's setting the boundaries, a lot of us who are JFK assassination researchers could easily be placed in either category.

Like most everyone who has read his posts, it's simple for me to conclude that Robert Morrow is too obsessed with sex. It obviously detracts from any information he includes in his posts, and when he refrains from throwing in sexual references, his reputation has become such that many will still place little credence in anything he says.

The most eye-opening thing for me has been, in communicating with so many of you via forums and emails, to recognize how bombastic and difficult personalities seem to naturally gravitate to this subject. I include most of the "name" critics whom I've come to "know" in a cyber sense in this category. I think these personality conflicts, battles between huge egos, is what causes most of the fierce debates on internet forums. I have maintained to anyone who will listen that it is also what fuels interest in these forums. If you want to see what a strictly moderated, no "nonsense" forum is like, go to Lancer. It was very good at one time, but now it's become pretty boring, imho.

It takes a powerful personality to put yourself out there, where untold numbers of people will read your thoughts, and know that others, just as confident as you are, are waiting to tear them apart and tell you how wrong you are. It takes a lot of self-confidence to post regularly on these subjects. I'm confident, and I think it's obvious that most of you are, too. That makes for sometimes nasty arguments, but again, it's stimulating debate and even good theater.

I have found virtually no other JFK assassination researcher on the internet that I agree with all the time (but Jack White comes close). That being said, I believe in everyone's right to be heard, and will defend that right even when I disagree with them. That's hardly original, but I think Voltaire and Patrick Henry had it right.

As for JFK, Jr., I've been doing my own research for a potential non-fiction book I'm putting together (on a variety of subjects). I have become completely convinced that his plane was sabotaged, and he was killed. Maybe that's why I defend Hankey, because I think on that subject, he gets it right.

I will look very forward to your book.

As for Seamus' post all I can say is wow. You do not have a true opinion yet you felt strongly enough to write a very critical reivew of Hankey.
You're definately an odd one. As for me writing a book on JFK Jr. I have all I can do to keep up with my busy law practice, and reading tons of news, forums, etc.


Messages In This Thread
Cahalan and the sorrow of Morrow. Quality Versus Quantity? - by Dawn Meredith - 28-03-2012, 11:05 PM

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