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Personal Attacks on from a Disturbed Racist and "Boner" Morrow -- or Agents Provocateur
A very disturbed, very cowardly, very vicious attack dog has appeared at here

to bait me by calling me a "JEW."

He/she/they have been supported by Robert "Boner" Morrow.

The posts, which speak powerfully for their authors' characters and intellects -- unless, of course, they are more sinister provocations, are as follows:

Smokestoomuch says:

Sometimes a person really needs to consider the source when evaluating criticism. You see, Charlie Drago(vitche)'s problem is not with the book. The problem is that Charlie is a JEW. Charlie's forum, Deep Politics Forum, is a JEW forum. Not knowing Deep Politics Forum was a JEW forum, I joined it. It took all of 2 hours for Charlie and his JEW buddies to forever ban me from their JEW forum. My crime? I simply asked a question which touched on the subject of this book. That's all it took. This book is essentially JEW high heresy. Drago(vitche), himself, called me an "agent provocateur", simply for suggesting some of the ideas in this book on his Deep Politics JEW Forum.

So what is JEW heresy? Basically, it's anything that tarnishes the image of LBJ. Even to suggest that LBJ was a pseudo-JEW is enough to get a person forever banned from Drago(vitche)'s JEW forum. You see, Charlie and his RI JEW buds are just pitching in, as good JEWS will do, to keep the myth alive. The myth is that it is normal, sensible and customary to devote your life helping a people who have nothing to do with yourself. Given all the known deeds which LBJ had done for the sole benefit of JEWS, it would only make sense if LBJ secretly thought himself as JEWISH. There is much evidence to support this, all of which will get a goyim kicked off Charlie's JEW forum. No, what we are to believe is that it is normal and customary for goyim to greatly support JEWS and for no particular real-world incentive or reason.
And what is it with JEWS like Charlie and name calling? Don't they have any confidence in their ability to argue a point? The childish and often vulgar name calling attacks really does seem to be a universal JEW trait. Aren't JEWS wonderful people?

Charles Drago says:

Oy, such a headache I'm getting!

Robert P. Morrow says:

The thing I have noticed about Charles Drago and Tom Scully over at Ed Forum is that they are both very vocally "leftist" yet they have pronounced intolerant fascist tendencies. Drago had a little unhinged fit when I posted on his little blog that Lyndon Johnson was a key player in the JFK assassination. Of course Johnson was. Drago as a moderator as feels uninhibited to act like a complete jackass - violating DPF rules left and right ... then baiting and then taking sadistic delight in banning other folks for literally little or absolutely no violations of DPF rules. (I was banned at DPF after violating NO rules. Drago simply does not like my opinions.)

Lyndon Johnson was very, very Zionist friendly - so much so that I think LBJ engineered the attack on the USS Liberty, giving the Israelis orders to attack an American ship and try and blame it on the Egyptians.

I really don't think it has anything to do with Drago being a JEW, rather he just likes a hypocritical JERK in over his head when it comes to JFK research.
Robert is not suave nor is he debonaire --but "swave and deboner" certainly fit him.

Don't sweat the small (ill-conceived, childish, idiotic, less than putrid) stuff, Charles.
Life is too short for the likes of him and those of his ilk.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
No sweating in evidence, Greg.

I share this material simply to illustrate the nature of the enemy.

Here's an update:

Smokestoomuch says:

The JEW issue is common thread which holds everything together. There is a reason it is THE taboo subject of every limited-hangout... such as the Alex Jones Show. If you don't understand the JEW problem, it's probably because you don't understand what a JEW really is. Check out the reference volume by Michael A Hoffman II, Judaism Discovered. It's available free as a torrent. Also, read the six books on the subject written by Dr Kevin MacDonald of Cal-State Long Beach. If this sounds like I'm just another JEW-hater, that's Jewish brainwashing talking. We've all been sold the same load of Jewish propaganda for a very long time.

Charles Drago says:

You are a bold, courageous human being, Smokestoomuch.

But here's the thing: You know my name. But you won't tell me yours.

So step up, toughie. Show us you possess the courage of your convictions.

But of course you won't, will you?
If any one can be bothered enough we could probably work out who the idiot we wisely banned after 2 hours is by going through the logs.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
You reckon it was the Cahalan fuck up? Or some anti semitic nutjub?
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
Charles Drago Wrote:No sweating in evidence, Greg.

I share this material simply to illustrate the nature of the enemy.

Here's an update:

Smokestoomuch says:

The JEW issue is common thread which holds everything together. There is a reason it is THE taboo subject of every limited-hangout... such as the Alex Jones Show. If you don't understand the JEW problem, it's probably because you don't understand what a JEW really is. Check out the reference volume by Michael A Hoffman II, Judaism Discovered. It's available free as a torrent. Also, read the six books on the subject written by Dr Kevin MacDonald of Cal-State Long Beach. If this sounds like I'm just another JEW-hater, that's Jewish brainwashing talking. We've all been sold the same load of Jewish propaganda for a very long time.

Charles Drago says:

You are a bold, courageous human being, Smokestoomuch.

But here's the thing: You know my name. But you won't tell me yours.

So step up, toughie. Show us you possess the courage of your convictions.

But of course you won't, will you?

Good on you CD. Step up all you clowns!!!!
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
Magda Hassan Wrote:If any one can be bothered enough we could probably work out who the idiot we wisely banned after 2 hours is by going through the logs.

I can guess easily. What a fucking cowardly asshole. I need to wash the stench off just reading his post.

Seamus Coogan Wrote:You reckon it was the Cahalan fuck up? Or some anti semitic nutjub?
Cahalan was banned for, amongst other things, his anti-Palestinian and pro Greater Israel racism. Guess the mystery Jew hater at Amazon missed that bit.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Seamus Coogan Wrote:You reckon it was the Cahalan fuck up? Or some anti semitic nutjub?
No, he was not anti Jewish, so it was some other nutjob too cowardly to use his name. I thought I had guessed but now I don't know.

Did you see what happened to Nathaniel H? All his freaking Amazon reviews were wiped out. There is something very evil afoot, in terms of the internet.

Oh, really??? And he had his FB account hacked and he was locked out of his email accounts too. Just recently. Looks like a campaign against him to me. He is such a sweet guy so it's not like he pisses people off at all. It is his mission to educate that is upsetting some one I'd have to say.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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